A Few Bits for the Weekend

Heard about the new Saudi tourism policy? No drunks and no Jews. I think we should sneak in a drunken Jew just to piss the Sauds off. I wonder if Laurence Simon is busy.
Under things you find from people linking to you, I found this neat poster for the Canadian army:

I’m just glad they’re on our side.
Also, here’s a neat list of quotes about guns. My favorite is number 12.
I have something quite different for next week. Not sure how well it turned out, but you have to take risks every so often. Anyway, you can tell me what you think Monday morning. Have a great weekend.


  1. Date stamp 1942. Yep, it’s been aboot that long since them Canadians had a lick a sense between the lot of em. Why haven’t we annexed those moral midgets yet? They’re misusing valuable resources that could be used in our eternal fight for human rights around the world.

  2. Instead of trying to prevent their army from going bankrupt, they install free healthcare, which prompts them to go to the emergency room every time they get a papercut. Cause why the hell not? It’s free!

  3. They are growing marijuana on an unprecedented scale. Some of that mary jane will most likely find its way into America. If a murderer faces the death penalty in the United States, and flees to Canada, Canada will not extradite him. Which reminds me. If you don’t think you should eat the Mexican food in Mexico, you definately shouldn’t eat the Mexican food in Canada. I was shooting out stuff in colors I haven’t even seen before.

  4. Dagnabbit! Am I the only one in the world who isn’t crazy? I met this anarchist last night at a bar, how can someone be so stupid? So, I punched him in the face and kicked him in the gut till he puked. I told him he couldn’t call the police because, hey, that’s government and you’re an anarchist who just got their ass kicked. Does anyone else hate anarchists?
    Oh yeah, thanks for Alanis Morissette, Canada! Stupid angst ridden whiny Kanuck.

  5. The thought of a heavily armed Marine coming at me out of the blue with a wild, fearless look in his eyes can be classified as scary (another reason I’m glad to be a US citizen….). Canada, on the other hand cannot afford to even paint their soldiers, let alone arm tbem to the teeth. But they at least still recognize the need to be scary. Their methods are ingenuitive and unusual, but as history has shown, ineffective. However they still get invited to various skirmishes and mini-wars, as they have proven themselves to be valuable on the battlefield; there is nothing like a good, hearty laugh at a bunch of complete dorks to keep the mood light while mowing down crowds of foreigners with your .50 cal.

  6. Jews go back!

    Ah, Saudi Arabia. What a great country… no, really. Beaches, sand, rich people and anti-semitic pricks: Saudi Arabia will begin issuing tourist visas for the first time, bringing more attention to its restrictive policies, which include banning Jews….

  7. I liked number ten.
    Though I’m not a gun owner myself (I used to be really good at sneaking up on people without being seen or heard and steel just goes better with that) but I don’t really mind if other people have guns.
    If people have guns, they can defend themselves. If they do something stupid, however, I reserve the right to club them into not doing stupid things. That particular right predates the Constitution.

  8. Heh. My favorite was the comment about the guns to the effect that citizens armed with handguns would have no chance of standing up against even a modern police force, let alone the military. WTF? We are SOOOO much better armed than our local police force that it is kind of sad. I don’t think that person is aware of our enthusiasm for weaponry. I’m ready in case them bears start ridin’ in APCs and try to sneak up on me in the dark.

  9. SwampWoman:
    Yes, I keep encountering these people who think rebels with pistols will engage in frontal assaults on tanks so rebellion is impossible against a modern military/police force.
    Um… right. O_O;;

  10. Thank you Frank for reminding me that our country once had one of the greatest armies in the world.
    O Canada!
    Our home and native land!
    True patriot love in all thy sons command.
    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
    The True North strong and free!
    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  11. As Canada was settled by quite a few people of Scots decent it’s pretty obvuis that a lot of our military units would use a lot of the traditions from there e.g. the bagpipes,that pom pommmed beret and in some units,kilts. Most military uniforms do look a little uh dated many decades later but I assure you,you’d not want to have met these guys over the business end of a Lee-Enfield with bayonet. As a side note, my Dad had a picture of him and four friends sitting in the back of a small fishing troller just before they all shipped out. He’s the only one to return.

  12. “What suprises me the most about that poster is that Canada would use Steve Buscemi as their poster boy for a proud military.”
    Uh, hey Cpt. Dysentery, I gotta disagree with you on that one, I think I know where Yahoo Serious up and disappeared to now….

  13. I do have one retort you can use to the people who use the neo-historical argument that “it’s just a historical fallacy that citizens had guns”:
    If the Founding Fathers didn’t have guns, who shot all the British?

  14. Frank:
    You have…. other… projets???? Unbelievable! I simply refuse to believe that you have no life other than IMAO!
    Ok…. so I realize I shouldn’t have made a joke on your turf. I’m sorry. Please forgive me, and more importantly, don’t sue me.

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