Hell Damn Crap

Stuff like this pisses off gun owners, and one of the main rules of gun safety is DON’T PISS OFF PEOPLE WITH GUNS!!!
It’s time for the Association of Angry Gun Owners to lobby the president to veto this. He said he’d only sign a clean bill, and he’d better stick to his word. Ain’t no one safe when people like me are angry.
UPDATE: The story now says the bill has been killed. While it would be nice to get the legal protection for gun companies, at least the “assault weapon” ban should die quietly now.

When You Thought He Couldn’t Get Any Limier…

The Limey has already responded once more, and who wants to bet whether he got more or less crazy this time?
You’ll find out tomorrow in the continuing adventures of:

Bite-Sized Wisdom: Boring Tuesday, Stalin’s Revenge, Fan Mail, Interviews, and Best Picture

  • It’s Super Tuesday! Isn’t that super!
    Ah… who am I kidding; politics is boring right now. When is Bush going to release the attack dogs? I want to see Kerry’s blue blood splattered over the pavement.
    Oh, and they should attack him verbally too.
  • So the evil Commie Stalin still seeks revenge against us with his monster crabs. What I don’t get is why they just don’t infest the water with some giant, mutant sharks. It would take care of the crabs, and there is no known down side I can think of.
  • I was asked why don’t also print fan mail instead of just hate mail. It’s because no one has ever expressed even the vaguest notion of liking my site whatsoever. Sad but true.
  • So what did everyone think of my interview? I have a few ideas of people to rope in next. Maybe I’ll be known as “Frank J. – Asking the Questions Others Are Too Smart to Ask”. To help me get good guests to interview, if anyone asks, tell him or her I’m very respectable.
  • In celebration of Lord of the Rings finally winning the Oscar (plus my finally finishing reading the trilogy), there will be a very special In My World™ tomorrow.
    I personally think Lord of the Rings was the most deserving film to win best picture in Oscar history. The award always goes to some talky picture, and that’s crap. You can have great acting and a great story in a play, but these are movies. The best picture should use all of the medium available to it, and thus story and acting are only parts of a best picture. It needs cool action, special effects, and sound effects. Lord of the Rings not only had the story and acting, it had the action and cool stuff too… the stuff you go to movies to see.
    It’s my firm conviction that, whatever year it happened to come out in, Die Hard should have won best picture. Anyone who says otherwise just doesn’t understand movies.
  • BTW, what do you think the Blogfather’s comment means? I think I’ll have to get an interview with him eventually to find out.
  • One last thing: where’s a good place on the internet to buy DVD’s cheap? I want to start collecting the Zatoichi series (more of which are being released on DVD soon, plus the new movie will be hitting theaters this year). Them little throwing disks can be expensive.

Blimey Times Three!

Maybe I should start having a pool about how many e-mails (here is one and two for those joining us late) it takes until Tony Pentin gets a clue. I’m hoping a lot, because this stuff writes itself.
Anyhoo, once again vulgar nouns are replaced with “ronin”, f’ing with “hippy-dippy”, the s-word with “linguini”, piss-off with “have a nice day”, and the f-word with “I challenge”. All for The Children™. Enjoy:

I’d already sent this email when I thought I’d better send it again with the red background to symbolise socialism. I bet you hate this! [Ed. Note: Sorry I couldn’t do the red background of his e-mail for you. Just use your imagination.]
Well, I see you haven’t changed in the last three days since you wrote your latest drivel! And neither has your countries stupid interventionalist foreign policy as you storm into Haiti like a bunch of macho bastards. What most surprises me is that Bush hasn’t supported that fascist Aristide! And you self-gratifying bastards are only going there to protect your precious embassy!
You’re a sick ronin! I was hoping the poor would invade Hollywood at the awards last night and make a speech!
Everything’s bombing with you! If you’re not on about bombing then you’re on about bombing! Change the hippy-dippy tune! You sound like the backwoodsman rural hick that you are!
So it took you two emails to work out who Rage Against the Machine were? They were only one of the biggest bands in the world in the 90’s you dumb ronin!
And what’s this drivel about France should not be allowed their own foreign policy no matter what China says? I’m not from China so you’ve just lost your own argument you silly little boy! I’m not a communist – who was that who condemned North Korea in the last email? That was me! And your attitude is the reason why everybody hates your country – you’re a bunch of self-important lying ronins that contradict yourselves!
Have a nice day redneck!
Remember what I was saying about American greed? Have a look at the lyrics to the brilliant parody by Rage Against the Machine for “Sleep Now in the Fire” which was done in 1999 as a warning that the linguini was gonna hit the fan if that ronin Bush was elected. It’s a parody of that redneck murdering ronin known as Bush. Do you know what a parody is? It’s when somebody imitates somebody else. Just thought I’d point that out.
Look at when Rage condemn the lack of democracy in your country with the brilliant lines “there is no other pill to take, so swallow the one that makes you ill”. Very true. I mean there’s many parties in America – the socialist parties and the environmental parties with people running for president but it’s either the democrats or the republicans for everybody – as if nobody else exists.
Outstanding lines from THE LEFT.

What can I possibly say to that…

Hey! It’s Limey! Nice to hear from you. How are the folks? How is London? I thought I heard that it’s being bombed by Germany again, but I might have just accidentally turned on the History Channel instead of Fox News.
The red background is pretty neat, but you need to use a lighter text color against it for better readability. Some reason I’m thinking yellow; I don’t know why.
No, I haven’t changed in past three days. The doctor said the meds will take at least two weeks before my body gets used to them, and then the voices should be more quiet. Thanks for caring, though, limey.
You’re right about us liking to protect our embassies, limey. That’s where we keep our gold and diamonds we still from the indigenous people. As soon as that is secured, we’ll get out of there and leave the people to fester in their misery just as you want, so don’t worry, limey. No more being all macho for us.
No, the poor didn’t invade Hollywood; we keep them too starving to have energy for riots. That’s called strategery. Lord of the Rings won best picture though, and it was a great film about killing evil people… just like America does! And it was filmed in New Zealand (what happened to the old Zealand?) which I think is near where you live, limey. I don’t look at maps much, though, because they’re just full of other countries which don’t serve much purpose to us.
I didn’t mean to imply that an upstanding, red socialist like you might have anything to do with Communsim, limey. I was just saying I don’t care about China’s opinion the same as I don’t care about the evil, genocidal French. I think we’ll have war with them next; won’t that be fun! I wonder if we can make the Eiffel Tower fall on something. They just better film it, or the war will be for nothing. Does France have much oil, BTW?
And you don’t like rednecks? I thought you liked red, limey?
Thanks for telling what a parody is, limey my friend. I’ve heard all about those and they sound fun. Maybe I’ll try one of these days. Will you tell what you think about it? I always wanted the opinion of a limey.
Wow! Those lyrics are cool and symbolic. They’re almost as good as the lyrics from Toby Keith’s (was he in Angry at the Machine before they broke up?) “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue”. Look at this line:
“And you’ll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
‘Cause we’ll put a boot in your ass
It’s the American way”
It’s symbolic, because we’re not actually putting any boots up any one’s ass, but instead are going to bomb the crap out of them and shoot them with bullets (though some of our enemies may get pegged with tracer rounds; won’t that be funny). Here’s the rest of it with more symbolism just like the Machine Ragers.
I hope you enjoy.
Stupiud Bastrad
P.S. Another thing with great symbolism is the poem the Jabberwocky.
“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.”
I think if you look at it carefully, it’s a commentary about how unfair our social class system is and that the oppression of the poor can’t go on forever. Or, maybe I’m just reading it all wrong and it’s actually about how small your penis is.

I bet every blogger wants their own pet limey now.