Preview for the Next Episode of… The Limey!

The Limey has responded back with full limey rage in his longest letter yet, and now threatens to block all future e-mails from American Frank. Is this the end for The Limey? Tune in tomorrow to find out.
UPDATE: Here’s a preview of his e-mail:

Fascist McFascist – he doesn’t exist. The sooner you come to terms with that the better!

Salute to John Kerry

I just realized I never congratulated Kerry for sealing up the Democrat nomination for president, so here it goes:
Welcome to the jungle, baby… NOW YOU’RE GONNA DIE!!!
I’ll have to make a list of possible running mates for him. Maybe next week because I have an In My World™ idea about current events for tomorrow (don’t expect it early in the morning, ’cause I’m sleeping in).
Later foo’s.

Frank Answers: Free Oil for Troops, Killing The Limey, the Letters ‘I’, ‘M’, ‘A’, and ‘O’, Big Shirts, and the Morality of Downloading Music

Martin writes:
I am a National Guardsman currently serving in the Middle East with Operation Iraqi Freedom. Once I get back to the US, don’t you think I should be entitled to pump as much free gas into my huge SUV as I want? After all, I helped steal Iraqi oil, am I not entitled to my cut?
A National Guardsman serving overseas? I thought only rich people joined the National Guard to avoid service?
I think all our troops deserve as much free gas as you want for helping steal that oil, but I don’t set public policy; I only gripe about it. So everyone call your congressman or woman and say Martin should get free gas or threaten not to vote for him or her. Congress people hate not getting voted for.
Poosh from England writes:
Dear Frank, I am quite frankly disturbed by Tony Pentin’s tone. His hate mail directed at you has aggravated me greatly. You see, I too am an Englishman and I can’t stand the thought of a retarded jelly-moose like Tony living on my Island. So, I ask you, Frank – how do you want me to destroy him? Be warned though, guns are illegal in England so I can’t shoot him. Well, I could with a cross-bow I suppose.
Hey Poosh! How are the ninjas?
Anyway, as long as I find The Limey entertaining, let’s not kill him. Inevitably, I’ll tire of him or he’ll stop responding, and thus he’ll need to be eliminated. If you don’t have a gun (poor Poosh), you could always do things the Rumsfeld way and strangle him. Or you could poison his tea just before teatime. Or you could stage him to be the victim as a soccer riot. There are lots of way to kill people in England; you just have to be creative.
Dan from Auburn, AL writes:
What does the ‘A’ in ‘IMAO’ stand for?
Let’s make a deal; I’ll tell you what the ‘A’ stands for, but you have to tell me what the ‘I’, ‘M’, and ‘O’ stand for because I’m really curious.
Wacky Hermit from Undisclosed Mountain State,
Now that you’re sold out of 2XL IMAO t-shirts, will there be a size large enough for Michael Moore to wear when he comes crawling back to you repenting of his evil ways?
Actually, since Doug the t-shirt guy forgot to list them for a month or so, there should be a decent number of 3XL left. So, if you got a lot of t-shirt to fill, or you’re really small and want your own IMAO tent, buy a 3XL.
George S. at 16 floors above street level, Central Texas writes:
I understand downloading copyrighted music from the Internet is illegal, but is it immoral? If immoral, is it a venial sin or a mortal sin? Isn’t downloadable music really a public good, as my enjoyment of it does not lessen another person’s enjoyment of it and it is cost prohibitive to prevent folks from downloading music? I’ve got to go to confession soon, so I need to know whether this is a sin or not.
I find the best way to deal with moral issues is to not think about them; then you don’t have to worry about guilt or nothing.
Now quiet; Metallica has just started up on my playlist.

Please keep the questions coming (I would especially like more science and math questions), <a href=”mailto:THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMace you’re from, I’ll randomly select one.