Speaking of National Review…

Rich Lowry never got back to me about writing a column to prove I should replace Jonah Goldberg (though, if Jonah asks you, tell him that Lowry and I are in heated discussions about what my salary should be when I replace him). I was thinking maybe I should go ahead and write the column to prove how great I am and submit it; the only problem is I don’t know what to write about. I need a topic that’s topical… but not too topical (because I don’t want to have to write it right away since I’m lazy and tired). I’ll submit it to NRO, and then everyone can e-mail Lowry asking, “Where are columns by Frank J.? We want columns by Frank J.!”
And he’ll be like, “Oh no! We need a column by Frank J. to remain ‘hip’ and ‘with it’.”
And then he’ll see that in the submissions box is a column by Frank J., and he will rejoice.
It’s an idea fiendish in its intricacies. Any idea what I should write about? Heaven forbid that NRO doesn’t use it, I’ll just post it here.

Frank Discussions: John Derbyshire

When deciding who should be my second interview, the choice was obvious. John Derbyshire is a columnist, author, mathematician, uncredited thug, general curmudgeon, and one writer at National Review I wouldn’t try and replace. He’s decidedly as non-PC as they get, and often sports controversy because of it (he once put up a math problem about monkeys and it scared me). If you haven’t been reading him, then catch up. Until then, read this interview Mr. Derbyshire graciously did over e-mail.

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