That Wacky Microsoft

I now have Micrsoft Office 2003 at home (legally, thank you) and found out today that they have now added Condoleezza (two e’s, two z’s) and Condi to their spellchecker but still lack Rumsfeld. Go figure.
Oh, and that damn talking paper clip is finally gone.

In My World: The Way of the Defense Consultants

President Bush suddenly looked up from his desk to Condoleezza Rice. “Okay, I’ve decided to give the Israelis the go ahead to kill Yassin.”
“Uh, they already did that,” Condi answered, “and some people are pointing fingers at you saying you gave them permission.”
“But that’s a dirty lie!” Bush shouted, “Find whoever is saying that and have them killed; you have my permission.”
“We need to be more worried about Iraq right now,” Condi told him.
“That’s in secure hands,” Bush assured her.

“You’re trying to blow us up!” Buck the Marine accused the man.
“No I’m not.”
“That’s a bomb right there in your hands!”
“No it isn’t.”
“But it has lots of wires and stuff and a big part labeled ‘C4’,” Buck answered.
“Lot’s of things could be labeled C4.”
“And you’re wearing an al Qaeda t-shirt,” Buck yelled.
“It was on sale.”
Buck stared suspiciously at the man for a while. “I’m pretty sure you’re foreign, and I’m going to keep my eye on you!”

“And have you heard about Richard Clarke and all the things he has been saying about our administration?” Condi asked.
“Richard Clarke?” Bush said with confusion.
“He used to work for you,” Condi reminded him.
“Had some advice on terrorism… Tried to get a talk with you on cyber terrorism…” Condi prompted.
“Oh!” Bush exclaimed, “Douche Bag! I remember him. How’s ‘ole Douche Bag doing?”
“He’s quit and he’s saying lies about us!” Condi exclaimed in frustration.
Bush thought about that for a moment. “If he quit, that means the nickname ‘Douche Bag’ is freed up.” He saw White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan walk buy. “Hey, Scott!” Bush called out, “You’re new nickname is ‘Douche Bag’!”
“Why?” Scott complained.
“Quit whining Douche Bag!” Bush answered as Scott stormed off.
“Shouldn’t we be focusing on what Clarke is saying about us?” Condi said impatiently.
Bush leaned back in his chair and sipped at some lemonade. “You need to relax Condi,” Bush told her, “This will all blow over.”
“So you aren’t worried about it affecting you’re reelection in November?” Condi asked.
Bush sprung out of his chair, dropping his lemonade. “That’s this year!” he shouted, “Holy st! I’m fked!” He scrambled to turn on the T.V. On screen was Richard Clarke giving another interview to Lesley Stahl.
“Remember, the best BS is CBS,” Stahl said, “and now we’re back with Richard Clarke. So, Clarke, the Bush administration completely bungled the War on Terror, right?”
“Yes they did,” Clarke answered, “by not following absolutely all the advice I gave them.”
“And you said their staff was incompetent?” Stahl asked.
“Correct. When I first mentioned al Qaeda to Condoleezza Rice, she appeared to not to even have heard of it.”
“How so?”
“Well,” Clarke said, thinking for a moment, “she just stared at me blankly for a few moments, a little drool came out her mouth, and then she tilted her head to the side while asking in a valley girl like voice, ‘Is al Qaeda like some sort of hair product?'”
Bush started laughing. “That sounded just like you.” He then looked at Condi who appeared ready to explode. “Uh oh.”

“Thank you for belittling the Bush administration,” Kerry said to Clarke, “You shall be rewarded in the future. For now, you will be in charge of the Heinz flying fortress which will bombard America with leaflets from above and shout my slogans through loudspeakers.”
“I am proud to serve you, my master,” Clarke answered. “To evil!” he then shouted.
“To evil!” Kerry answered. He then turned to his butler. “Jeeves, my face is sagging.”
“I’ll take care of it sir,” the Butler answered, injecting Botox into Kerry’s face.
“There, that will preserve my French-lookingness,” Kerry said with satisfaction, “Now I shall leave via helicopter.”
When Kerry turned around, he bumped into one of his Secret Service agents. “You stupid, f**king son of a bitch!” Kerry shouted.
“Geez,” the agent answered, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you take that tone of voice with me!” Kerry yelled, “Don’t you know who I am? My wife is rich! I served in Vietnam! My initials are the same as John Kennedy! You will show me respect!”
Kerry then stormed out of the room while the Secret Service gradually followed.
Clarke admired his flying fortress of evil and ketchup until he heard some explosions and the place began to become unstable. “What’s happening?” Clarke exclaimed.
In the room walked a ninja.
“Where are my guards?” Clarke asked.
An object skidded across the floor to Clarke’s feet. It was a Desert Eagle, the slide locked on an empty magazine.
“Who are you?” Clarke demanded.
The ninja pulled off her mask. It was Condoleezza Rice. “So this is what you have traded your soul for!” she said angrily, “Well I shall destroy it, as I shall destroy you for your calumny against me and the administration.”
Clarke laughed evilly. “You think you can take me on, little woman? There is but one jetpack to escape from here, so I guess we must settle this as all disputes between defense consultants are – by way of the samurai!” Clarke drew his katana.
“So be it,” Condi answered, drawing her sword.
They quickly clashed blades as the fortress exploded about them. Clarke was strong and had the greater reach and soon had Condi on the defensive. She kept blocking, but the sword was struck from her hand. Clarke reeled back for the killing blow, but, when he swung, Condi rolled out of the way. Clarke lost balance and tumbled towards a hole that had been blown open in the floor, he barely grabbed on to the edge keeping him from falling to the flames below.
Clarke looked up to see Condi standing above him. “Mercy!” he cried.
Condi tilted her head to the side. “Duh! What’s that?” she said before kicking him in the face.

“Is it true that the Bush administration has sunk Kerry’s flying fortress into the sea?” a reporter asked.
“It’s a presidential campaign,” Scott answered, “and sometime flying fortresses get sunk into the sea. If Kerry wasn’t prepared for that, he shouldn’t have sought the nomination.”
“Was the attack in vengeance over Richard Clarke’s remarks?” another reporter inquired.
“Clarke had said a number of things that weren’t quite true,” Scott said, “and it could only be expected that we respond with overwhelming violence.”
Melinda Hawkish of Fox News then stood up. “Now, Douche Bag…”
“You don’t have to use Bush’s nickname for me,” Scott interrupted with annoyance.
Melinda looked confused. “Bush calls you that?”