The Frank J. Fan Club

Now I got some livejournal Goldberg fans against me. Stupid flying monkeys, but this has made me realize that, to compete against Jonah, I’ll need my own fan club. It’s a great idea. Everyone can go there and talk about how great I am, distribute a newsletter about my genius writing, and groupies can chat about how sexy I am. And, every so often, I can stop by and post something and everyone will be like, “Wow! The Frank J. has talked to us! We are blessed!”
Also, when I have my column ready, I can have my fans do a letter writing campaign to Rich Lowry about how Jonah should be fired and me put in his place. And it needs to happen soon; look how admittedly senile Jonah is getting.
So, one of you reading this, start a fan site for me.
Anyway, I’ll post something tomorrow about the 9/11 hearing so I can claim to still be topical. See you then.
UPDATE: There are now two fan clubs. Here is a more straightforward one, and here is one by Amphi that is, well, what you’d expect from her 🙂
If you need pictures of me, don’t forget this one. Now I need a button for linking to fan sites. It should probably use this picture because I think it captures the best side of me.

IMAO’s Roadmap to Peace

Everyone has been talking about how blowing up Yassin and other things is screwing up the roadmap to peace, and that sounds bad. I then started figuring that maybe the roadmap that is currently too complicated if it gets messed up every time some terrorists catches a missile. Thus, I, Frank J., the super-smart, have made a much simpler roadmap to lead to peace in the Middle East.
IMAO’s Roadmap to Peace