Sunday Announcements

Guess which limey wrote me back? That’s right: The Limey. I’ll put up his letter (it’s a long one) and a response soon.
Also, another fan club seems to have emerged. So, what do I do now as someone with fan clubs? How many bones do I have to throw you guys? You need to tell me what to do, but it shouldn’t be too much because I’m lazy.
Finally, it was brought to my attention that I give too much attention to the Marines at the expense of other military branches. The reason for that is that my brother is a Marine (giving me someone to ask questions to), and I don’t know much about military culture as a whole. Still, if people have ideas for other characters in the other branches of the military, put them in the comments section. Maybe I can do an In My World™ about all the branches and then people will read it and be like, “Awwww… look at all those people working together to kill for’ners.”