Bite-Sized Wisdom: Boring Tuesday, Stalin’s Revenge, Fan Mail, Interviews, and Best Picture

  • It’s Super Tuesday! Isn’t that super!
    Ah… who am I kidding; politics is boring right now. When is Bush going to release the attack dogs? I want to see Kerry’s blue blood splattered over the pavement.
    Oh, and they should attack him verbally too.
  • So the evil Commie Stalin still seeks revenge against us with his monster crabs. What I don’t get is why they just don’t infest the water with some giant, mutant sharks. It would take care of the crabs, and there is no known down side I can think of.
  • I was asked why don’t also print fan mail instead of just hate mail. It’s because no one has ever expressed even the vaguest notion of liking my site whatsoever. Sad but true.
  • So what did everyone think of my interview? I have a few ideas of people to rope in next. Maybe I’ll be known as “Frank J. – Asking the Questions Others Are Too Smart to Ask”. To help me get good guests to interview, if anyone asks, tell him or her I’m very respectable.
  • In celebration of Lord of the Rings finally winning the Oscar (plus my finally finishing reading the trilogy), there will be a very special In My World™ tomorrow.
    I personally think Lord of the Rings was the most deserving film to win best picture in Oscar history. The award always goes to some talky picture, and that’s crap. You can have great acting and a great story in a play, but these are movies. The best picture should use all of the medium available to it, and thus story and acting are only parts of a best picture. It needs cool action, special effects, and sound effects. Lord of the Rings not only had the story and acting, it had the action and cool stuff too… the stuff you go to movies to see.
    It’s my firm conviction that, whatever year it happened to come out in, Die Hard should have won best picture. Anyone who says otherwise just doesn’t understand movies.
  • BTW, what do you think the Blogfather’s comment means? I think I’ll have to get an interview with him eventually to find out.
  • One last thing: where’s a good place on the internet to buy DVD’s cheap? I want to start collecting the Zatoichi series (more of which are being released on DVD soon, plus the new movie will be hitting theaters this year). Them little throwing disks can be expensive.

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  1. LOTR? How about Lord of the Boring. I rented the first one, and had to leave because there was a wall of mine which I just painted that had to be watched.
    bornig boring boring.
    And that Sean Astin guy? I never liked him since he played that Rudy Ruddiger guy.

  2. “I was asked why don’t also print fan mail instead of just hate mail. It’s because no one has ever expressed even the vaguest notion of liking my site whatsoever. Sad but true.”
    No, it’s because you are an infidel. Because when you have friends, you always got the bad idea to follow those who don’t like your friends. Finally, your friends don’t like you and they are no more your friends, which is the reason why they send you bad letters. They could have ignore you, but if you had be a friend they don’t ignore you because they hate you.

  3. Watching the Academy Awards last night I was disappointed that there was no “Most Annoying Has-Been Comedian Who Used To Be Inconsistent But Sometimes Very Funny On A Good Night But Has Since Become A Self-Important Wanker” award for Crystal and Williams to fight over.
    And watching Sean Connery last night reminded me…they showed “The Rock” on cable a couple of weeks ago. What complete bastard gave Sean a line like “Late of Her Majestysh Esh Ay Esh.” to deliver?

  4. “…whatever year it happened to come out in, Die Hard should have won best picture.”
    I’d agree, and the same goes for The Hunt for Red October. Instead, they just get awards for best sound editing or some crap like that.

  5. I couldn’t agree more about the Lord of the Rings! It was the best portrayal of good vs evil ever portrayed on screen (that may change after the Bush vs Kerry debates this year)! It almost makes up for the very lame Titanic beating out the wonderful L.A. Confidential. Almost.

  6. I think the Liddy comment was a compliment. As far as politics being boring, the Demorats are trying to add an ammendment to the gun lawsuit bill that would extend the so called “assault weapons” ban. Freaking liberals will use any underhanded tactic there is to stick it to us.

  7. May those who try to take our rights burn in hell… but about those CommieCrabs… I discovered not long ago that living tissue can be made to lase under certain conditions. This means that not only can we make mutant sharks to control this mennace, but they can be laser sharks! A big improvment over the head-mounted lasers of yesterday!

  8. Frank, you are a brain washed making advertisements for the European Nazis. This article about the crabs is sponsored by France. The Orange ad on the left corner is a logo of France Telecom cell phones company. I guess that the person who sent you the link is a monarchist of the bad branch of the baronies, and the crab, referring to the horoscope, would be someone who is a cancer, born June-July.
    The Communist have spread because of Karl Marx who was a Jew. Monarchists are against the commies and against the Jews, but would like to use the anti-Jewish propaganda against the democracies, such America that are an enemy to the European monarchies that are trying to get the control over the European politic, such Chirac and his political monarchs. The problem is that a country can be a democracy without being communist, and a country can like the Jews without being communist. So they are capitalists you’d say, which is precisely the reason why the French and the Russian monarchies are selling weapons to the Middle East. To fight against the capitalists of Israel and of America for the European power to be unbreakable. In fact, they want to be their own capitalists by restoring the aristocrats powers. Their money ? Nothing else than the people, the all world made of knowledges, crafts, , goods, materials, values that make the World Trade money.
    So you say… when planning of making sharks, be sure that the crabs are really those that are a threat to you. There are wolves that are worst a world around you.
    Well, just to say that you are a brain washed.

  9. This latest “Red Menace” from under the sea will be defeated by young volunteers armed with bibs and mallets, willing to put in long hours destroying these tasty critters until Communism lies in the pressure cooker of history, a discarded shell. I just hope those big red bastards are as tasty as they sound!

  10. Remember that:
    The only person who got full benefices from September 11th is Chirac.
    Rabin was killed when Chirac took the power in 1995.
    The monarchy of Russia, that had exiled to France, was restored with the end of the URSS.
    The Russian economy is standing with weapons that Tchéchen conflicts only hid with the Russian weaponry propaganda.
    Russia is selling weapons to the Middle East.
    Arabs have developed Al-Qaeda under European financial control.
    The CIA has fought the communism with the European monarchies.
    But Europe is a process that is going now its own way.
    The Middle East conflicts are playing against the American control over the European territorial ex-colonies.
    The war over Israel is the European breaking tool on the American economy.
    Who wins ?
    Chirac has won more 80% of the electorate during the last votes of the Presidency. The French monarchy is going well. Its communist friends of China have a fear against England and the United-States against which the United-States have nothing else than the European monarchies. But those are not democrats, and those have declared the war against America on the Middle-East territories.
    Sharks you said ?

  11. Eric, the problem is that the democracies are not as communist as kingdoms are, and that if we compare, you could be more suitable to fit the sauce pan.
    The world have changed man, and if you think that the world will go back to the monarchist model of power, I tell you that you are wrong. Freedom, equality, democracy are real values, that have nothing to do with the communism. I mean, China is communist and still France have partnership with it… while democracies Eric…
    Democracies will kick your ass as the ass of most the criminals of your playground.

  12. Do you remember the time when the Human Rights were created ? It was just after the Dreyfus affair, when a Jew officer was accused of leak, because he was Jew, because the aristocrats consider the Jews as enemies, foreigners, and are not able to give any intelligent explanation about that. Anyway, would there have be any logic to that ? I believe not.
    After Dreyfus was accused, Zola was accused of supporting Dreyfus and this have oppened the way to the Intellectuals who have defined the Human Rights and the equity among all the people… which was strongly condemned by the Church, but as the Church has always condemned most of the Christian people who have worked abroad to spread the real Christian values, I mean the missions.
    Anyway, the modernity, among which the modernity of America, is standing because of its Human Rights, the way how the concept was developped around the need to give a chance to everyone. This, nowadays, is strongly fought by the European countries, and against the United-States, Israel and every kind of nations that want freedom, democracy and the equity among the people, which means also a real place for the Jews into the society.
    Al-Qaeda has been created to developped a concept that could fight the democracies, that could have enough roots to impose itself on the economical ground (oil). The American economical ground.
    But… but… the war is on its way…
    People now will start to know…
    People now will start to think, and on the balance of the number of the people, America is free of not having the European shortage.

  13. is a great resource for finding cheap DVDs. Most of the time you find the best deals at, which is the case with the Zatoichi disks. I’ve bought tons of stuff from DDD (currently waiting for Mail Call, vols. 1 and 2 to arrive) and I can recommend them without hesitation. Free shipping, good prices, good customer service.
    Maybe Frank is the love child of G.Gordon Liddy and R. Lee Ermey (host of Mail Call and former Marine drill instructor)?

  14. Amphitryon: I thought Zola did support Dreyfus. Wasn’t that the whole point of his famous “J’Accuse” article?
    Wacky Hermit: Red Lobster harvests those puppies already. Those are the “King” crab legs you can find at RL. Some of the crusher claws are literally the size of your fist. Yikes!

  15. One think I would add.
    The Church always pretends that it would like to convert the people to the Christian belief, but here is the real question.
    What is the Christian, belief ? It depends of who is the Pope ? It should not.
    When Christians work abroad, they are working on the conversion of the people, but accordingly to a belief of the human that God and the knowledge of the Church is supposed to transform for the man to be good. The problem is that other countries with other populations have all sorts of other believes. Spirits, ancestors, polygamy, women roots, etc… The church has always deny those values considering that it was an offence not to the Church, but to the monarchies that were governing the Church.
    I mean, the Church has become what we made it to. Exactly as this story of Magdalena, she was created only because it was easier to convert on the behalf that Mary was virgin and that the other women could be pardonned. It is all a question of acceptance… as long as it keeps under the control of the Church, which has nothing to do with God WHEN it pretends that everything must be done for its European monarchies.
    What is made of the love of God ? When do we ear that God is giving love ?
    Well, we ear that in some kind of churches, not all while other kind of churches are only made of hate. I know it you know. I know it well. When I was in Indonesia, I was kept 2 hours on a chair by the Indonesian prime minister envoy because there had a clash that killed 56 people. Christians had kill Christians, and no one in the world should have know that, because the European monarchies are only made of power.
    Power and hate that are working to kill the democracy of America with undergrounds on which the American people have no control.
    There is nothing to do with the Zionist conspiracy. The real “Zionist” conspiracy is this European monarchy that would like the control to keep European.
    But still, the Church has too much hate to be a full model. They would not even convert a Jew.

  16. Casey Tompkins, yes, that is what I meant. Zola has supported Dreyfus, wrote j’accuse to the President Felix Faure, then was condemned which has raised the Dreyfusards against the anti-Dreyfusards. The Dreyfusards have become the Intellectuals who have created the Human Rights on which the after WWII world is standing with America (UN, UNESCO, International laws, etc…). But after WWII, the European countries have lost their colonies while the American Dream has become more and more a real source of power (UN, UNESCO, International laws, etc…). The intellectuals from around the world have come and still go to America. It is a supremacy. Against this, the monarchies of France of Russia under the leadership of Chirac and with the money of Saddam have created an anti-American movement: Al-Qaeda.
    At the end of the war in Iraq, France was involved in most the attacks that have killed American troops. They used the journalists to pay the guerillas, give the orders and bring the proves (films, pictures… )that could satisfy the undergrounds of the French powership.
    Split, split, split on it.
    Those French have killed our allies using the Jews, communists and ideological Christian values to restore their power.

  17. The problem of the UN and the UNESCO is that it has never progressed, which means that the old ideas have become more and more a sort of communist propaganda. The US have left the UNESCO I don’t remember when, but it was a mistake because still now we have to fight both the ideologies of communism and of the anti-democratic sentiments. If the Europe get to corrupt the undergrounds of America such seen with Clinton, this means that Democracy will be assimilated to Capitalism and that other ideologies might take their roots more easily in America, such the idea of a European monarchy… with its neo-socialist facist structure.
    Well, think of it…

  18. And, I would add, when someone wants to avoid a problem, he storms it.
    Sometimes, I feel that the Church avoids the problem of the Humanity, of the democracy, of the equity among the people, of the family’s problems, of the society’s problem. As the Church is not ready to solve most those problems, the Old Good values seem to be the Good Old Model. But the problem is that nobody, nowadays, does believe that the Good Old Model is the good representation of what the Church should be… except the aristocrats and precisely to restore their Old powers.
    But it does not solve the problems of the society, of the questions that the people could have accordingly to their believes of God. As they cannot solve the problem, it seems that the solution to storm it has been the option that was taken, with the pression of the European monarchies, and against both the democracy, it’s unsolved problems and the Jews.
    Who best than the Muslim to fight ?
    European keep “clean” while they restore their power. Never they had any intension in working on the conversion of the people in the contrary of what the American are doing now with working with the Iraqi. At least, the American convert the Iraqi to the belief into the Human Rights, into the freedom, into the equity and the chance that is given to them. This a kind of monotheism that the Church is not ready to work with, because the European monarchy have avoid most those values of their own believes into the Church.

  19. We are all brothers and sisters. We all love each other and each other love us. This is an hippy theory, but this is theology too. And as long as it is hippy and theology, there is some politic behind.
    And some Rumsfeld too.
    Don’t you think ?

  20. Liddy’s replies were rather matter-o-fact–logical and humorless. He must’ve been drained of energy when he gave that interview. Try Ann Coulter next. She is younger, just as conservative, loves guns, and doesn’t have a mustache.

  21. Frank, I will try to describe the Michael Moore part of the Oscar’s opener: In the opening sequence where Billy Crystal inserts himself into all the big scenes of the hit movies, there’s the scene from Return of the King during the battle where the oliphants are mowing everyone down. Well, there in the scene is Michael Moore (in all his disheveled skankiness) yelling “You are a fake Mr Frodo! and I resent this fake war fought for fake reasons…etc, etc (you know, like his acceptance speach last year.)! At this point an oliphant marching toward him lifts his front leg and utterly squashes Michael Moore beneath it!!! Oh Joy! Anyway, the audience clapped at that part although I could barely hear it under the sound of my own cackling. It was a beautiful moment. I know my description doesn’t do it justice but I hope that helps!

  22. I 100% agree that Die Hard should win all categorys every year. Crap, every Bruce Willis movie should win something every year. I didn’t watch the oscars, I was too busy watching another awesome movie, Patton. Lethal Weapon is awesome too. Oh comeon Frank, dont be so modest, your everyones hero!

  23. Amphitryon, if you really want “the Blogfather” to read all this stuff, why don’t you just e-mail him your damn political science Master’s thesis directly, instead of posting it in three-paragraph bits in the comments section of someone else’s blog? This is a humor blog. When I want humor I go here. When I want news or political discussion I go somewhere else. If you want to spout off about whatever you think is “really important”, get your own damn blog, don’t try to hijack someone else’s.

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