Fishy Fridays

I was going through the drive-thru at McDonalds and about to order a double-quarter pounder with cheese meal for lunch, when I noticed the big ad for the filet of fish meal as was like, “Oh yeah. It’s Friday, and I’m Catholic.” So I ordered the filet of fish, but I really wanted a double quarter pounder with cheese. Still, Jesus died for my sins so the least I can do is choke down a fish sadwich.
Man, and what am I going to have for dinner? Guess it’s Mac & Cheese. I better get some recompensation for this in the afterlife.

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  1. I definitely think you should go with sandor’s suggestion. But anyway, I’m Catholic and I eat meat on Fridays because it is ridiculous. The reason this rule was instituted was to help the fishermen’s business. It has no theological significance… Just thought I’d throw that one out there.

  2. It could be argued that, of all the contents in the patty of a McDonald’s double-quarter-pounder with cheese, the amount of substance coming from a cow in any shape, form, or fashion is so small as to be negligible.
    Remember, McDonald’s is the fast-food chain that thought it newsworthy that they were switching their primary chicken product to white meat.

  3. OK, Chris — not like Christ was killed on a Friday or anything “theologically significant” like that. Eating meat on Fridays during Lent is a mortal sin. Don’t go to Communion now until you’ve hit the box. No more whining.

  4. I never hit the Fillet O’ Fish unless I really have some heinous sins polluting my soul. Well there’s always next Friday. (BK fish is edible).
    I did give up light beer for Lent eight years ago, and I thought I should continue that sacrifice perpetually.
    Happy Lenting

  5. I feel your pain. I’ve held off dinner til midnight so I can finish off the chilli I made Thursday. Poor planning on my part to make the chilli late in the week, but soon it will be time again for red meat.

  6. Beef, Pork and Taters. I hate fish. I live in Key West and you can`t swing a dead hippy without hitting a fish joint, or another hippy.
    When I first moved here everybody kept asking
    ” Do you drink?” “No.”, ” Do you get high?” “No.”, “Do you like to fish?”, “No.”, ” Are you gay?”, “No.”, ” Then why are you here?”

  7. My wife is Catholic (but I don’t hold it againts her), she gave up chocolete for lent. I am most likely be going to hell now, because I have been wandering around the house eating nothing but coco puffs, and candy bars in front of her.
    Well I did have to get back at her, she made me give up smokeing for Lent. Now if you excuse me I have to get another patch. BTW they are great if you stuff them in your mouth and chew on them.

  8. Lent, fish on Friday. Talk about taking me back. I conscientiously objected to faith a ways back and have been hangin’ out with kufrs for so long I don’t even remember half the things I’ve forgotten from my Catholic upbringing.
    Still, you gotta hand it to the world’s major religions. Some folks say pork’s sposed to be bad for you and, hey, couple o’ major religions don’t like pork. Eating fish once a week is supposed to be great for your “good” cholesterol levels, and hey, Catholicism says eat fish on Friday. This is either conclusive proof of the existence of God, or evidence that dieticians have a disproportionate influence on organized religion.
    ‘Course if there was a “drink bourbon on Friday” religion I’d really take an interest.

  9. “In your bigoted mind, If they’re not Stars and Stripes waving protestant whiteboy lunatics then they all need shooting don’t they!”
    “Oh yeah. It’s Friday, and I’m Catholic.”
    I’m confused. The Limey says you want to shoot anyone who’s not protestant. Then you say you’re Catholic. I don’t get it. Could the Limey be……..wrong? How could that be?

  10. As a proper ol’ heathen, I enjoy all kinds of meats. Beef, pork, goat, prairie dog, whatever’s handy. I like veal the best because of all the suffering.
    I guess there’s another Friday next week so I should prepare for a nice boar hunt. That jabs not only at the pope-folk, but it’ll piss off the Jews and Muslims at the same time.

  11. Chris LaPee:
    the reason this rule was instituted was because people like you are pussies. it used to be that Catholics had to fast on Fridays, not just abstain from meat. so when it became clear that people like you were getting soft, someone had the brilliant idea to make it easier for you, and so they said, “no more fasting, just no meat.”
    but if you think abstention from meat is ridiculous, you probably wouldn’t think much of fasting. you CINO. (think RINO)

  12. What’s wrong with filet o’ fish? It’s the ultimate comfort food and it’s real yummy if it’s dipped in just a little bit of ketchup. I was feeling down the other day and that was the perfect meal. Although I probably did develop my taste for them while growing up Catholic… Got rid of the guilt, kept the sandwich!

  13. I lucked out–I’m (quite literally) Judeo-Christian. I only have to fast once a year, I get a huge feast for Passover, and I get twice as much chocolate in December because I celebrate both Hanukka and Christmas. The only one I don’t do is Easter because a) it’s full of pagan fertility symbols (bunnies and chicks and eggs and all that), b) there’s enough ressurection symbolism in the Passover seder to choke a horse, and c) it’s so close to Passover that if my mom had to cook for both holidays she’d go insane.

  14. We love lent down here in south Louisiana. It gives us Catholics an excuse to eat boiled crawfish or other good seafood dinners every Friday. Kind of wierd though. We’re supposed to sacarfice on Fridays during lent by not eating meet. But down here, it’s actually a pleasure. I tend to think that eating a turkey sandwich or a McDonald hamburger would actually be more of a sacrafice than boiled or fried fresh seafood. But hey, who am I to argue with the Catholic Church? I conceeded and had catfish gravy last nite.

  15. When I was Catholic growing up, my parents would take me to Long John Silver’s. I hated fish of all kind, and still do. I’d have been happy to eat cheese pizza, but my parents usually nixed that because I wasn’t supposed to be happy on Lent Fridays.
    Funny how I didn’t manage to stick with the whole Catholicism thing when I grew up, huh?

  16. Are you feeding the fishes Frank ?
    Trying to fish on the river’s bank, Frank J. has been eaten by a gator in a last attempt to convert to the GOOOOOOOD Catholicism. God wanted a pray. God got it.
    My dear believers, please leave your prays for Frank’s long stay in the purgatory.
    Have you read this story about The Fish of Chicago ? It is scaring.
    Hey Monster Kabasue, I am here !

  17. No Meat Fridays

    Frank and Tom are eating fish. Why does this matter? I don’t know, it’s something about fridays. Maybe meat tastes better on tuesdays? Maybe where they live friday is the no-meat day. Maybe they’re on some crazy diet that calls…

  18. Frank, Frank, Frank – have you no good Creole/Cajun restaurants down there? We have Gumbo’s, Pappadeux, and Bayou Bob’s here in Denver. If you can find some good N’Orleans food, you’ll be fixed for all of the next four Fridays. Just remember, Good Friday is also A FAST DAY.

  19. Fish for Breakfast

    Frank J. discussed, as did I about eating fish on Fridays during lent. One thing which is quite peculiar, and I took part this Sunday, is eating fish for breakfast. Specifically eating Mackerel for breakfast. To many people, especially catholics,…

  20. To add a totally unpleasent fact to the mix George Carlin not withstanding the ban on meat on Friday was NOT repealed in Vatican II
    It was replaced by the requirement that some other sacrifice (to be determined by the person in question) or extra devotion be made on the Friday in order to eat meat.
    During Lent that 2nd option is not allowed.
    I suggest the Friendly’s Fish & Chips awesome

  21. Google takes you to the strangest places…
    oh well, while I’m here, I don’t think anything at McDonalds counts as meat, but hey, there’s plenty of good non-meat stuff out there like pizza, pasta, noodles, baked potatoes, salads, sushi, and so on. I hate fish, but shrimp and crab is great.

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