Hell Damn Crap

Stuff like this pisses off gun owners, and one of the main rules of gun safety is DON’T PISS OFF PEOPLE WITH GUNS!!!
It’s time for the Association of Angry Gun Owners to lobby the president to veto this. He said he’d only sign a clean bill, and he’d better stick to his word. Ain’t no one safe when people like me are angry.
UPDATE: The story now says the bill has been killed. While it would be nice to get the legal protection for gun companies, at least the “assault weapon” ban should die quietly now.

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  1. MSNBC just had a 15 second soundbyte of the Haughty french looking ketchup gigolo puttin nails in his own coffin by speaking on the senate floor advocating this f’ing bill.
    tom………senate.gov should have the results.
    i am friggin pissed…………fukin liberal hippy, spoon in mouth dummocrats…

  2. aarrrgggg…elected representatives my butt…there were eight or nine so called republicans voting for it. what sickens me even more is all the smiling faces in that picture, “yes! one more step closer to sticking you with nothing but low velocity bolt action .22’s!”

  3. The good thing about .22s: You can shoot a looooot of hippies for not very much money. Knowing hippies, it’d probably only take two or three shots to kill them, so, even though less enjoyable, .22s are a lot more economical.

  4. We need to make sure that this bill dies now. If the AWB is reauthorized, the bill is useless in my eyes. What started out as protection for gun manufacturers has digressed into a soggy, liberal gun grab.

  5. take action now, but don’t give up. this bill is not the same as the House bill that passed to protect gun makers from liability suits. now it has to go to the House-Senate joint committee to resolve the differences. It is possible the House will kill the amendments and send a clean immunity bill to the President. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN NOW to oppose this.

  6. AHHH!! Why does my frickin’ loser senator think I don’t have a right to go into my backyard with military style weapons and kill small animals! (in hunting season, of course).
    Banning assault weapons, which account for less than a fraction of a percent of crime, is idiotic. With that logic, maybe they should ban Semi tractor trailers too while they’re at it, since we all know that Semi’s cause massive injuries and deaths every year becasue people drive them to kill others.

  7. Joe’s right, the main objective, getting the doggone lawsuit nonsense fixed, was the big one. They can fix a lot of the other crap in committee. Just make sure your rep knows how you want them to handle it in committee.
    And of course how to stick our opponents with the negatives on the vote!

  8. They can have my magnetic projectile launching weapon when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. (Are there laws against rail guns?)
    Love beads should always be made of steel and electromagnets should always be hidden in trees.

  9. I just spent an entire day with very dedicated earnest people from community service organizations dedicated to doing good. I will spend an entire day tomorrow with same. (No, it isn’t because I was sentenced to community service, but my job required me to attend this seminar…) I think they are all Dean supporters. I am so relieved that I cannot take an eeeeevil assault weapon with me tomorrow. Guess I will have to make do with some shotguns instead.
    But bless you, Frank J. Waiting for your next Limey post gives me reason to live beyond tomorrow.

  10. Tom: Both Specter and Santorum voted AGAINST the Assault Weapons Ban extension.
    From what I’m reading, the bill is dead. It looks like the “Poison Pill” strategy worked. After the Democrats (and traitor Republicans) voted to add the “Assault Weapons” Ban to the Lawsuit-Protection bill, Senate Republicans let it die instead of taking the chance that the AWB would be extended 10 more years.
    The Senate voted 90-8 on Tuesday to kill a bill that would have protected gunmakers from lawsuits after an amendment was attached that would have extended the 1994 ban on assault rifles.
    The move comes a few hours after the Senate voted 52-47 to extend the 1994 assault weapons ban amendment to the liability bill, which is to expire in September.

  11. The List of Treachery:
    Ten Republicans broke party ranks: Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Olympia Snowe of Maine, George Voinovich of Ohio and John Warner of Virginia
    The List of Courage:
    Six Democrats voted against extending the ban: Max Baucus of Montana, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Zell Miller of Georgia, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Harry Reid of Nevada.

  12. Am I missing something here?
    The CNN site says:

    The Senate voted 90-8 on Tuesday to kill a bill that would have protected gunmakers from lawsuits after an amendment was attached that would have extended the 1994 ban on assault rifles.

    Considering the idiotic amendments, I would think this is more to the good than not.

  13. This just goes to show that the Liberals are the obedient lapdogs of the Trial Lawyers. Ugh.
    Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who sponsored the assault weapons amendment, said, “The legislation has the support of 77 percent of the American people and 66 percent of gun owners.
    Apparently, Dianne must have been diagnosed with Glaucoma, because she must be on some serious drugs to actually believe that.

    Unfortunately, a great bill, the liability issue, is dead, but we do NOT want the parasite that is the AW ban. this day in the senate is was a Draw, but we will WIN in the end.

  15. BTW, my new .45ACP H&K USP TACTICAL IS F’ING SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! I PERFORATED DIANNE’S PICTURE (note to liberals: That is NOT a threat) from 25 yds. I used my KIMBER CUSTOM TLE II for Kerry (once again: Not a threat). God Bless John Browning, May he Rest in Peace.

  16. Grrrr…. Feinstein and Boxer….
    I vote for other people than those two.. but they’re hard to kick out…
    One of these days we might actually get a Conservative-like-person in office (dreaming) sigh at least I’ve got a good Rep in there, fighting the good fight… Ed Royce, he’s a proper Republican, even for a Californian!

  17. When the AWB ends, I’m gonna buy a 200 round clip for my MAK-90 Sporter. Then, I’m going to hipshot the entire damn thing into a cardboard stand-up of Clinton. Then again, that might be a bad idea. I could become so happy I’d wet myself in glee.

  18. Amen on John Browning, Cav…
    And Frank, don’t be dissin the good ole .22: It’s quiet, cheap, and those hippies are so loaded on weed that the little 40 grain bullets hit ’em like a brick through plate glass…
    I am so happy that the extension failed… I hope we can make it to the end… I have some thumbholers I would like to put REAL stocks on.

  19. “It would be have been outrageous to grant them immunity when firearms kill 7,000 people in this country every year,” Bloomberg said in a written statement.
    i’d like to know how many people are killed by cars in traffic accidents. my friend was hit by a guy who ran a red light a couple weeks ago, no one was hurt, but the car was totaled; maybe i should tell her to sue Chevrolet for making the vehicle that the other guy was driving.

  20. This afternoon the NRA handed the gun-grabbing Democrats their asses back to them! Woohoo!!! Sarah Brady, John Warner and Chuck Schumer must be puking bloody bile right now, because the gun-grabbing Dems and a few DumBass RINOs did it to themselves! By trying to tack on a 10 year extension to the ridiculous Brady Law. And by trying to ‘tweak’ the ludicrous ‘Gun Show Loopholes’ with assinine ‘Background Check’ riders… The NRA warned the Senate that ANY attempt to make their streamlined Manufacturer’s Liability Bill any less clean would result in Calamity!!!… Well, it HAPPENED! The NRA and we gun owners won BIG! TWICE!.. No matter how CNN and the media want to paint and spin it!..The entire Bill, along with the Brady Law and Loophole riders bit the Big Enchilada!!!… Vote for ‘W’ and the Second Amendment on November 2nd. Then wait, people. When the Republicans have a solid lock on the House and the Senate and the same Bill is sailed through again!… Red.

  21. Ok, for anyone who does not understand why gun control is BAD and the average citizen should have a gun:
    They’re conservative, but they’re dedicated to being as accurate as possible. They’ve been giving me statistical bullets since I found the site.
    And ovrlord, about 43,900 a year. Comparatively there are 1,400 fatal accidents with firearms. (1995 stats). I’m not sure where deliberate murders fall into play.

  22. I believe a reporter was asking F-face a question when the photo was taken.
    Q: Hey! Mutant Botox Man! What do you sit on all day? And what do you use on rich widows since your dick is limp?

  23. CommieB….go Idaho, Craig is my Senator too!! Crapo was on board, also, of course. Got a letter from him last week about this issue.
    Here is my Take on the Assault weapons Bill:
    they propose to outlaw (and have for the last ten years) many COSMETIC features of Semi-automatic firearms. Thats like outlawing the brushguard of a Toyota 4runner….just because you might be able to run through a schoolyard killing kids with the bumper. It is all about personal responsibility of gun owners and enforcement of current laws.
    “Congressman Steve Schiff recently asked the Justice Department how many criminals were prosecuted under the various provisions I have just cited. He was told that in the last three years the law was used in only 530 cases.” THAT WAS FRIGGIN NATIONWIDE!!!!! THats just for gun possession during a felony or drug offense!!NATIONWIDE!!!!! JEEEEZUZZZ!!!!!
    that was Tanya K Metaska, then director of the NRA-ILA, testifiying before congress in 1994

  24. help me my state is being invaded by politicaly correct aliens who sing of diversity and love of there fellow man, that is of course unless you are a white ,christian, conservative male who loves his country is married to a female christian, works for a living. Then you are deemed mean and unreasonable and un worthy of life.What do these aliens come from? a strange place called CALIFORNIA

  25. help me my state is being invaded by politicaly correct aliens who sing of diversity and love of there fellow man, that is of course unless you are a white ,christian, conservative male who loves his country is married to a female christian, works for a living. Then you are deemed mean and unreasonable and un worthy of life.What do these aliens come from? a strange place called CALIFORNIA

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