I Do Not Find You Funny, Eh

From a Canadian (who helpfully censored himself):

Fu*k You!!!! Canada is by far the better country. You must be jealous you are not from God’s country. LOSER!

My response:

Please stop using America’s internet. We have lots of important business to do here, and Canadians simply are using up this important resource. Please spend more attention to the meese that are rampaging through your town.
Thank you,
Frank J.

Anyway, The Limey will be on tomorrow afternoon with an In My World™ in the morning. See ya then.

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  1. No that’s funny Frank. You piss half the world off with your armies everywhere and you dare to ask your neighbors to stay out of your bandwidth. That’s the funniest thing ever… with the Limey.
    Really, you don’t need to write, you are funny on your own.
    BTW, good by… It smell poops here.

  2. God’s Country, eh? Well, I guess God must be a pretty boring guy, because NOTHING EVER HAPPENS IN CANADA. Seriously, other than having some of the coldest bilzzards in the Western Hemisphere, what kind of events worthy of note have ever happened there.

  3. Fox News…I know I keep mentioning FN, but I can’t help it – Loren Green is the most beautiful woman on TV, and she plays classical piano, for crying out loud.
    But, to the point at hand, John Gibson just kicked some Canadian ass on his show about 30 minutes ago. He was trying to interview a very French-looking Canadian senator from Toronto or Quebec or some such place(who knew they had senators?) about a published report on how the Canadian government hasn’t done squat for homeland security (ours or theirs) since 9/11. Anyway, Senator LeWhistleBritches ignored the question and went off on some rant about how America was failing in our anti-terrorist measures. John took it for a little bit, but then got pissed and unloaded on the guy. I thought he was going to start throwing furniture. I like it when they through furniture.
    But he’s absolutely right. The last thing anybody wants to hear is criticism of America from ignorant and stupid Canadian socialist political wankers.
    I don’t dislike Canadians categorically, and I’m a live-and-let-live kind of guy on the whole. But for a country whose only serious contribution to the world is hockey (which is indeed very good!) and Dudley Dooright (sp?), they need to just play quietly among themselves and try not bother the grown-ups.

  4. Frank: In order for your fans to fawn over you appropriately, we need some sort of hearthrob picture of you. Maybe a picture of you blowing a kiss to the camera…I hope this comment doesn’t offend you coming from an old woman.

  5. As much as I harbor disdain for Canada (it’s right up there with most of California and Taxachussets), I think the whole “Invade Canada” thing is old. We’ve tried it during the Revolution, War of 1812, Caroline Affair, Aroostook War (which had lumberjacks, yay), and the Fenian Invasion. So we should learn one thing, regular invasions of Canada don’t work, so I propose we do the opposite: instead of sending all of our ready-to-kick-some-ass soldiers up there, put all of our whiny hippies in busses and ship them there with dog shock collars (so they can’t get into America again). Then, eventualy, the Russians will get tired of hearing all of the campfire songs and smelling the patchouli oil and beg us to invade Canada, we then give them the vast snow covered area, take the southern part, and deforest it as much as possible.

  6. I’m just gonna say one thing about Canada.
    I’ve got a liberal friend and she rails on about how good it would be if we had a socialized medical system like Canada.I found an article last night and it appears as many as 40,000 people in and around Vancouver because of the socialized medical system Cant Get There Mental disorders treated.I wish I had a camera to record the smoke in her ears.

  7. Texas. Plucky country. I hear they have their own currency and system of government. No, wait, that was BEFORE the US took their ass over… watch out Canada – you could end up like Texas!

  8. Sorry Dio, it’s an import/export economy. We import fine beer and cat food from Canada, so we must export something back to you. You guys should of been more spcific in what you wanted. My suggestion is to round them up, and enslave them to work in your plant makeing cat food and fine beer.
    ok maybe not the cat food, wouldn’t want an idiot falling in and spoling my cats food, he is sensitive you know.

  9. Don’t take this asshelmet as a representative of all Canadians, just the Liberal ones (and most of them are in Ontario & Quebec anyways).
    I happen to like Algore’s internet just fine!

  10. Carl is right. The email should be propaganda free. It was Rage Against the Machine who spent about eight or nine years fighting things such as propaganda before Rage split up at the end of 2000. The song “Bullet In The Head” is about propaganda. No wonder left-wing heroes like Rage did songs like that when there’s arseholes like Frank Jackass in this world!

  11. Pentin sent me a copy of the email he sent to Jackass. It’s superb. Frank will never be able to match it. The only way he thinks of matching Pentin’s brilliance is to use propaganda. How pathetic.

  12. We will take this site down or maybe we should infiltrate it and change it to a pro-left website. Round up all the email addresses of the right-wingers on here and block them from contacting us!!!

  13. [ignoring above nonsense]
    TEXAS is God’s Country, stupid Canuck.
    rockynoggin—the US didn’t take us over, we joined by treaty as a sovereign nation. That’s why the Texas flag flies at the same height as the US one down here. Also, we can leave whenever we want.

  14. [fade to 18somethingorother – a conference room in the Texas capital building or a Ramada Inn]
    PRESIDENT OF COUNTRY OF TEXAS: Go to hell, Mr. USA President – Texas is a sovergn nation! You need another state? Go annex those Canucks, they ain’t got much fight in ’em.
    PRESIDENT OF COUNTRY OF USA: Yes, and they “ain’t got much” oil in ’em either. Let’s not do this the hard way, just sign the treaty and become one of my… errr.. OUR states! (sound of round being chambered in a flint-lock pistol gun) Or, if you’d prefer, you can sign with your left hand?
    PRESIDENT OF COUNTRY OF TEXAS: Sheet, gimme that quill and ink. I was just funnin ya!
    PRESIDENT OF COUNTRY OF USA: Good man! Now, you can fly your flag at the same height as the USA Flag since you’ve been so cooperative.
    [fade back to present times] Of course I took some artistic liberties, but I think this is pretty much how it went down. At least, that’s the way I learned it in Louisiana public school history class.

  15. Rockynoggin–We can handle our liquor just fine! We drink, we get drunk, and then pass out in some odd location. No problem!
    Actually, Texas lasted about 10 yrs sovereign, everything fine with the US. The problem was actually cash. Whenever the Texas gov’t needed more money, they just printed more of it!
    So we got a stable currency and some other odd benefits, and the US wanted us as a nice buffer against the Mexicans/Spaniards who were causing both of us problems…and because we’d kicked their ass a few times before on our own.

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