Salute to John Kerry

I just realized I never congratulated Kerry for sealing up the Democrat nomination for president, so here it goes:
Welcome to the jungle, baby… NOW YOU’RE GONNA DIE!!!
I’ll have to make a list of possible running mates for him. Maybe next week because I have an In My World™ idea about current events for tomorrow (don’t expect it early in the morning, ’cause I’m sleeping in).
Later foo’s.

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  1. Careful Frank, John F-ing Kerry has a history of lobbing things over fences…and gathering with large groups of hippies. If he turns his wrath on you, we would fear for your safety. Well, not really, but be careful…you know one of those hippies may try to use a I guess THAT couldnt happen either, could it?
    I heard that guns won’t function for hippies. Is that true Frank? If so is it because of the way hippies smell?

  2. BAD TARON!!!! BAD!!!!

    In this episode, The Limey has failed now three times to enrage the ignorant backwoodsman, American Frank. Brimming with rage himself, The Limey now ups his ante even further in an attempt to anger his nemesis and prove him a fool. Bile in his throat…

  3. STUPID TRACKBACK!!!!!!!!!
    Well, I managed to figure the trackback system out. The problem is that I pinged the wrong post. X_X So, there should be a trackback for this post about the limey one…. So you might want to delete it.

  4. “lobbing things over fences…and gathering with large groups of hippies”
    Well that seems convienient…we’ll just wait untill he lobs something over a fence and then just lob something back at him…hopefully the hippies will be close…

  5. Hes FRENCH!!! Kerry is FRENCH!! with that information out, it is now inevitable for him to live up to his weasely-ness and surrender before November, like all his bast-aired frensh surrender monkey countrymen!!!
    But not before he steals something to throw at Frank.

  6. “PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: Conservative columnist Tom Barrett announced today that he has joined the long list of people who have endorsed Multi-Billionaire Senator John Forbes Kerry to become the Democratic nominee for president. The majority of those who have endorsed Kerry are Democrats seeking to gain Kerry’s favor with a man they hope will grant them political favors if he is elected. Barrett, a staunch Conservative, was asked why he had made his endorsement of Kerry, the ultimate left-wing Liberal. ‘I believe he is the easiest candidate for George Bush to beat,’ answered Barrett.”
    That quote kind of sums up my opnion too. I think Ill endorse Kerry for the dimocrap candidate also. Bushll mop the floor up with him.

  7. Triggerman, you should tell the people who want to throw out the 22nd ammendment that it would give rise to a political ruling class, much like that in Congress. In Egypt, and Syria, they have “elections,” but Sadat in Egypt has ruled for 20 yrs under emergancy law, and Bashher(?) in Syria was “elected” president after his father who also just happened to be president also. Personally, I am of the opinion that there should be term limits on congress too.

  8. Setting up Movable Type

    Well, it seems that everyone is doing it. It started with Matt’s announcement that they were going to have a baby. I noticed that he started using Movable Type. Deven has been using it as well. He has several posts…

  9. 9-11 never happened is the new Democratic slogan. That’s the reason Bin Laden wants the Democrats to win. This is the reason Bush is going to be reelected. Democrats do not have an answer to the fact that America’s enemies want Bush to lose. Bin Laden, Saddam, Taliban, Iran, Arafat, Hamas, Hezbolla, Jihadis and Arab dictators all want Kerry to win. Bush has utterly devastated them. They know they’ll get more of the same if he’s reelected. That’s the simple truth. Look at the oil price. The OPEC and its band of assorted tyrants and enemies of America is keeping it artificially high to make sure the economy and the labor market do not recover. Just to anger the voters not to vote for Georgie the Tyrant Killer. To my surprise some democratic voters are falling in their trap. Who elects the president of the US, Americans or America’s enemies? A vote for Kerry is a vote for the enemy.

  10. I have it on good authority that J Kerry likes monkeys. Also, when they set up those photo ops for him to kiss babies, both he and the babies need to be sedated for their mutual protection.

  11. Allah liked my Bush ad:
    On September 11th, 2001, 2900 of our countrymen perished in a vicious attack on our nation. In response we have liberated 29 million humans from tyranny. That’s ten thousand men, women and children freed in honor of each lost American. This is my policy and I’m sticking to it.

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