Weekend Brush Off

It’s the weekend, and I have shiznit to do (including answering a backlog of reader e-mail). I have a great interview that will be posted Monday morning, though (with who, you ask? You’ll have to wait and find out).
While you’re waiting, buy my t-shirts. Yay!

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  1. Hey Tim E. (is that as in, “Timothy Eaton”, the failed Canadian retailer, of centuries),
    I’m guessing that the Dear Leader, Frank J., would want to be known as a “gangsta” (as in the great American, Sniff Doggy Dogg), but not as a gangster (as in John Dillinger, the failed Canadian bank robber caught in Cansas, or somewhere).
    Yours in larceny, etc., …

  2. Actually, Dillinger was shot down in the street in Chacago as he was leaving a movie. The Biograph Theater, if I recall. It was a big deal at the time.
    Say, Frnak! Are you up to date on the big monkey story of the week? The Gorilla (I know, actually a big ape, not a pure monkey)that escaped at the Dallas Zoo and bit a bunch of people before he was shot down like Dillinger? Seems like you could do something with that, Know Your Enemy, Big Effin’ Monkeys. Odd that a three hundred pound Gorilla had to resort to biting, though. Seems like he could’ve just thrown them WAy up in the air and let’m smoosh when they hit the ground.

  3. respectfully for those who were injured by the gorilla, listening to the news flashes that afternoon is Dallas was the funniest thing I had heard on television in years – I felt like I was watching cartoons. “Gorilla Escapes Dallas Zoo – Thousands Flee”!

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