When You Thought He Couldn’t Get Any Limier…

The Limey has already responded once more, and who wants to bet whether he got more or less crazy this time?
You’ll find out tomorrow in the continuing adventures of:

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  1. I can’t help but think that no one is stupid enough to take your responses seriously. Perhaps he has his own blog where he posts your letters and his responses to “that stupid yank”?

  2. Nah … everyone knows stoopid people can’t work a computer.
    The limey is Frank – Frank is the limey
    – and he’s been playing us all for suckers this whole time!
    I bet nuclear missiles couldn’t even REACH the moon!
    I bet Frank doesn’t even own a gun!
    I bet Frank owns pet monkeys!
    It’s all so clear.

  3. You’re right, I do want a limey of my own.
    He has to know you’re teasing him. I mean, he found you by reading your site, right? How could he be missing the post where you write “I am teasing the limey?”

  4. Oh, Frank J, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TEASE the limey about this post:
    Tony Pentin, England
    Garth, do you think that’s it’s unwise to have the African Nations Cup so close to the World Cup?
    That’s right – he’s such a racist limey that he doesn’t even want African drinking ware on the same shelf as International drinking ware!
    (It’s possible that these “Cups” refer to some limey sport, but I doubt it. If there were sports in other countries, I’m sure we would have heard of them).

  5. My eyes are watering from laughin so hard at that limey ba$@%^&!
    You could not buy better material..
    and why does he keep raging against his machine?? he must have a mac!!;-)
    or, is he talking about the band that only knows three cords and only knows one song, but keeps changing the lyrics to make you think it’s a different song???
    I guess I’ll never understand those Limeys..

  6. What happened to the British? They legalize a little drugs in the 60’s and the whole country turns all nines and sixes (Brit Phrase). If only there were some magical device that goes “boom” to help solve this…

  7. And get shot.
    Sounds like a plan, Rob. Side note… could nuclear missiles reach the moon? I’ve always wondered about those asteroid-disaster movies. I’m thinking no, but then again…

  8. “I’m almost starting to think the limey is a hoax. Eiether someone is baiting Frank or Frank himself (duh duh DUH!!!) is writing the limey letters!”
    Bill, it would be really scary if everyone was in on it but us.

  9. This Brit is giving limes a bad name! Limes taste really good with beers, margaritas, and guacamole. How about we give him another name like: Brussel Sprout. It’s small, green, seasonal, and it smells really bad when heated!!

  10. Nuclear missiles can, and in fact have, reached the moon. They were just carrying spacecraft rather than nuclear weapons. The Atlas ballistic missile was used to send all the Ranger, Surveyor, and Lunar Orbiter missions in the 60s. The Titan ballistic missile has been used to throw spacecraft at 8 of the 9 planets.
    Nuke the moon? We can nuke the SUN if we want.

  11. There are a couple of songs about the last time the limeys bothered us:
    And they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
    They ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go
    They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ’em
    On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
    (But this one’s my favorite…)
    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has washed out their foul footstep’s pollution
    That means no more linguini from you, limey. Be nice or we’ll let the french invade again.

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  13. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell has resigned, the White House said Monday. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice is the “likely” successor, a senior U.S. official told CNN. In addition to Powell, from left, Education Secretary Rod Paige, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, and Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman have resigned.

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