IMAO Is Super Great Winner

Thanks to all those who entered to be a judge in the IMAO T-Shirt Babe Contest by saying exactly how super great IMAO is. There could only be one winner, but here are a few notables:

Why IMAO is the best thing ever!
by Chris D
The I in IMAO stands for “Incredibly awesome”
The M stands for “Most funniest thing ever.”
The A stands for “A sandwich.”
And the O stands for “team”.
Frank J is the supreme overlord of IMAO. Frank J should be elected president of the United States, and elected God of some of the lesser countries. His anti-monkey policies are in the best interest of human kind. He would also keep Americans safe from random ninja attacks. Plus, I bet he would arrange some kind of missle defense system, where bad guys shoot missles at us, then some big machine underneath the surface of the Earth would lift up Canada, and use them to block the missles from hitting the United States. If you don’t think that’s reason alone to elect Frank J president, then you’re downright unpatriotic and stupid. Frank is also the world’s foremost expert on hypothetical fights involving Aquaman. Frank has a comprehensive plan for national security moon-nuking. A Frank J presidency would lead to global stability, improved foreing relations, domestic job growth, and magic. Frank J is the reason why IMAO is super great and a sandwich. Frank J for president — Is there any other option?*
“I’m Frank J, and I aproved this message.”
-Frank J, possibly in the future, I hope.
*The answer is “no”.
This e-mail is sponsored by Chris D.

Dear Frank,
I like Guns, and chicks.
now make me a judge.

1. Frank J. is a mammal
2. IMAO fights ALL the time.
3. The purpose of IMAO is to flip out and kill people.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

IMAO is Super-Great!
IMAO causes the French to quake in their boots! IMAO is so powerful and Super-Great, it drives the stains from French underwear! IMAO cures herpes!
And cancer (I read IMAO every day, and I don’t have cancer or herpes)! It’s a floor wax! It’s a dessert topping! IMAO does it all!

IMAO, in combination with the US military, are the only things preventing the commies from burning our houses, raping our wives, and kicking our dogs (or permutations thereof). Only a red under the bed would buy a T-shirt from anywhere else!
BFN. Paul.

The path of the righteous blogger is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil liberals. Blessed is he, who in the name of humor and guns, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the destroyer of lost monkeys. And He will strike down upon thee with great blogging and furious gunfire those (Limeys) who attempt to wussify and liberalize His brother. And you will know His name is Frank when He lays His vengeance upon thee. -Frank 25:17
IMAO – In Frank We Trust.
-Daniel Dunbar

On the first day, I went to and looked upon it, and said unto the heavens:
Yay, verily, this is good.
On the second day, I went to, and looked upon it, and screwed up mine eyes, and eventually said unto the heavens:
Yay, verily this is verily good.
And on the third I went to, and screwed up mine eyes, and scratched mine head, and finally read an “In My World”, and said unto the heavens:
Oh thank you Lord, for this is the most kick-ass thing ever!
Thus I spent my long-weekend. That and beer.

IMAO provides the opportunity for the blogosphere to experience wonder (What the heck does IMAO stand for?), awe (Frank’s humor is amazing!) and joy (I just sprayed Coke all over my monitor I was laughing so hard!). Everyone should read IMAO (and click on all the ads, and buy the t-shirts) daily, no, hourly! Paper copies of IMAO should be provided to those poor souls without the internet. It should be required reading in schools. No day is complete without IMAO in it. Indeed, a life without IMAO would not be a life worth living. IMAO is indeed “Super Great”.

Twenty-nine years I had searched for an Answer. That answer that man has reached for since the beginning of time. Galileo searched the stars for it. Leif Ericsson was searching for it when he discovered North America. Dr. Jonas Salk was searching for it when he discovered the vaccine for Polio. When Dr. Naismith invented basketball he was searching. Einstein came of with his theory of General Relativity in his search. Man has conquered nations in search for it. All attempts were futile, for in the year nine-hundred and seventy-nine a man was born and his name was Frank J. Frank J. gave us the answer.
The answer was IMAO.

And the winner is…

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And He did despair, for in His omniscience, He did know that His creations had but three-fifths of the splendor of that which would be IMAO.”
-No One of Consequence
Congratuations to No One of Consequence. I guess I should have set the word limit lower because I really wanted something pithy. As for you babes, times a wasting, so get to entering!

No Comments

  1. Dang nabbit, mine was too long, wasn’t it? I didn’t count the words. So close… yet so far.
    Anyway, will I at least get to see all of the Babe Contest entries, even if I don’t get to judge them?

  2. Sheesh. I didn’t even rank honorable mention? Some of those ‘notables’ were hardly that (a few were pretty funny, though).
    I tried to be brief and pithy, and amusing. Oh well.
    I’m bitter, but at least I can look forward to seeing the winning babe, if not the entries….

  3. “IMAO provides the opportunity for the blogosphere to experience wonder (What the heck does IMAO stand for?)”
    I’ll sell anyone the answer to that for $200, or a state to call my own.
    And the entries were great, but I liked the first one the best. All should keep in mind I don’t know what “pithy” means.

  4. Speaking of judges, I need everyone’s help. I have found one picture of the attack when Thomas Hamill was taken hostage. The name of the photographer who took the pictures of the attack is the same as an other picture showing the car of an attacker.
    I need your help to call the FBI in Macon, Mississippi, from where is Thomas Hamill for them to investigate those pictures with the name of the photographer and the agency.
    The life of one man depends of you guys !!!
    He is the only survivor of the attack.

  5. “IMAO provides the opportunity for the blogosphere to experience wonder (What the heck does IMAO stand for?), awe (Frank’s humor is amazing!) and joy (I just sprayed Coke all over my monitor I was laughing so hard!).”
    I’m still convinced that IMAO stands for “In My Amazing Opinion.”

  6. “And the entries were great, but I liked the first one the best.”
    Hooray! Recognition!
    Seriously though, am I gonna get to see all the non-winning babe entries, as a lowly honorable mention? Because I really, really want to see them.

  7. IMAO = In My Arrogant Opinion
    this is in place of
    IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
    I say this with certainty because i have no other way to talk.
    “for in the year nine-hundred and seventy-nine a man was born and his name was Frank J. ”
    so is Frank J. 1025 years old?

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