Memorial Day

I wanted to write a long a speech today, but I always feel a bit pompous when I try to be serious for too long. All I really want to say is that I have been blessed with a great life, and though some of it is from my own hard work, most of what I have now comes from the efforts of those before me, both my loved one and those I’ve never known. The sacrifice of our troops throughout American history has ensured and continues to ensure we have a free country where what one dreams, one can achieve. I have a debt to them I can never pay back, but I vow to do my best to try.
Today, make sure to send your prayers to those who stand between their loved homes and the war’s desolation. There’s much more at stake then many would want to admit, and, in the least, there are our troops own lives and the lives of their family at risk.
Blackfive has much more to say about a friend of his who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and for others and caused Blackfive to start blogging in the first place. Please go read it.
God bless.