Endorsed by One Out of One Frank J.’s

I already decalred that SmartCarry is the official conceal carry holster of IMAO, and I decided to endorse more things:
Official Beer of IMAO: Guinness
Mmm… Guinness.
Official Gun of IMAO: The 1911
Good for killing what ails you.
Official Caliber of IMAO: .45 ACP
That follows logically.
Official Political Party of IMAO: The Republicans
Elephants are big.
Official Jelly Beans of IMAO: Jelly Belly
My favorite is the pear flavor.
Official Cudgel of IMAO: ASP Telescoping Baton
I call it the “Snap and Whomp”
Official Cudgel with Flashlight Capabilities of IMAO: The 3 D-Cell Maglite
I call it the “Blind and Whomp”
Official Stance on Terrorism of IMAO: Kill the Bastards
No explanation needed.
Official Cola of IMAO: Coke
Pepsi is too sweet.
Official Movie of IMAO: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
“If you’re going to shoot – shoot; don’t talk.”
Official Way to Drink Coffee of IMAO: Black
Coffee shall not be defiled with impurties such as cream or sugar.
Official Fast Food Resturant of IMAO: Taco Bell
I like chalupas.
Official Hated Animal of IMAO: Monkeys
Me no like monkeys
Official Physics of IMAO: Classical
Quantum is just weird.
Official Quark of IMAO: The Top Quark
The top quark kicks ass!
Official Actual Word of IMAO: Ronin
I am ronin!
Official Made Up Word of IMAO: Muckadoo
Monkey see; monkey do.
Official Name for Glenn Reynolds of IMAO: The Puppy Blender
It’s true! He does it!
Official Archnemesis of IMAO: Scrappleface
Damn you, Scrappleface!
Official Exclamation of Surprise of IMAO: “What the deuce!”
Name two places where that is from.
Official Denial of Any Involvement with the Alien Conspiracy of IMAO: “I am not involved with any alien conspiracy.”
It is silly to believe otherwise.
Official Way to End This Post of IMAO: I can’t think of a good way.
I really can’t. Sorry.

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  1. Well I have to say I prefer Pepsi, and I like cream and sugar in my coffe. But I’m a girl and if I’m going to be sweet to everyone, I need my sugar. But in all other ways, I’m the perfect Ronin. 🙂 (it’s sweet to put the little smiley face after a sentence, see?)

  2. Never roll your car with a Maglite in the passenger compartment. I rolled a county cruiser with my stick and four cell on the front passenger seat and got whopped more than Rodney King did. My civil rights suit was unsuccessful, though. I blame the Democrats. They should all jump in the deep part of the ocean to fight Aquaman.

  3. I love my Blind and Whomp. It’s the greatest flashlight/Woopin’ stick that I own… unless you count those Tonfa that I taped the LED light to. It’s funny, I actually wrote about the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly on my blog today. It’s ’cause I’m goin’ to Texas to become a cowboy! Yeeeeeehawww! Cowboy Viking’s rule!

  4. Well, if you’re from New York, Texas is like Cowboy Land. I’m actually going for my brothers basic training graduation. I’m not the QB type, I’m more the actual football type. Well, I’m actually pretty tall, but I’m no sorta football player heh.

  5. “What the deuce!” The history behind it:
    It was originially thought of by some random British guy when the Irish scored their second goal in their annual England-Ireland rivalry matchup to take a 2-1 lead. It soon became a war cry, and whenever Ireland has scored two goals against England in a game, the English shout, “WHAT THE DEUCE!” and kill the goalie. Afterwards, they go to the nearest pub, drink themselves silly, fight, and play cricket.
    Oh yeah, I think “What the deuce!” was used by Dr. Watson whenever Holmes solves the case, which of course, Holmes knew all along who had done it because of the speck of dirt that he found was blah blah blah.

  6. My favorite Jelly Bean flavor comes from the Jelly Belly/Harry Potter Bertie Bott’s Beans…grass. The spinach flavor isn’t too bad either. I do not recommend the vomit or earwax flavors…shivers…

  7. Dunno about “what the deuce” but the phrase “The deuce you say!” appears in Buckaroo Banzai, which deserves to be at least the alternate Official Movie. But if you want a Clint Eastwood film to be official, it ought to be Fistful of Dollars, which is an uncredited remake of Yojimbo, which actually is about a ronin.
    And I agree with el Jefe about Bourbon, and I would further propose Maker’s Mark as the Official Bourbon.
    And while the .45 ACP is the ultimate caliber, in fact the Platonic ideal, lately I have been spending an awful lot of time plinking with a – don’t laugh – bb gun. It’s the Drozd, sold by European American Armory, and it is select fire (yeah that’s right, a full auto bb gun). And I got a heads up point sight (red dot) for daytime shooting and a laser sight for night time, and the coolness factor is off the scale. Full auto bb gun – imagine the number of eyes you could put out with it!

  8. Official Exclamation of Surprise of IMAO: “What the deuce!”
    Name two places where that is from
    Stewy, from Family Guy, and just about any Heinlein book.

  9. It is a good think you did not mention any Alien Conspiracy, Frank.
    The less people know about their cats controlling their human’s lives. When not reporing back to their Mother Ship late at night. The better!

  10. I believe the 3 D-cell Maglite is official called the “Malice Green” model. (After the crackhead the Detroit Cops beat to death a few years ago.) Maybe it’s just a local thing.

  11. Quantum physics is king. Classical physics sucks. If quantum and classical physics hgad a fight, quantum physics would put classical physics in a headlock in two seconds flat and noogie it until it got bored, then it would break classical physics’ neck and watch the Simpsons. Mmmm, Simpsons. Where was I? Oh yeah, so to conclude my highly scientific presentation: quantum physics is great classical physics is crap.

  12. Maggie, your baaaaad!!!
    I think that classical physics would start playing Bethoven or Bach and put quantum physics to sleep; thereby rendering it helpless and then ol’ classy would break quantum’s neck.
    But since I try to avoid anything that starts with a psy, I could be wrong.

  13. My personal “blind and whomp” is a Surefire e2d. Brighter than a 4-D Maglite, and smaller than the 2-AA Maglite. Also the front bezel and the back bezel have scallopped edges.
    My favorite (non-firearm) combo, though, is more of a “blind and bleed”. It’s a Surefire C3, which puts out 200 lumens of light (but is still remarkably small), and a Cold Steel Gunsite Folder, which has a 5″ tanto-style, half-serrated blade.

  14. What’s the official IMAO cigar?
    Frank lives in America’s Wang, doesn’t he? Which contains many Good Cubans who roll wonderful cigars, plus it looks like it’s peeing on the Bad Cubans.
    My buddy’s a cabbie and can attest to the fine whomping qualities of the mag lites. Very good on runners and robbers.
    Takes some extra whomping on drunks.
    MMMMmmmmmmm….. Coffee….
    “I like my coffee like I like my women- ground up in the freezer.”

  15. Hey Frank –
    I noticed that you put down Taco Bell as the official Fast Food Resturant of IMAO. Now, I love Taco Bell. But I was grieved to learn that they were requesting a slogan in a New Slogan Contest to be “Left of center.” I hope that my dad was wrong about this, but I fear it may true.

  16. Suggest that:
    1) the Official Rifle of the IMAO be the H&K-91 or the M-14;
    2) the Official Rifle Caliber of the IMAO be declared 7.62mm NATO.
    3) the Official Sniper Rifle of the IMAO be any of them chambered for the cal .50 round.

  17. Come on, everybody knows that the most recent use of “What the deuce” is in Buckaroo Banzai!
    Now, what is Frank doing with that pickup truck, jet engine, and electric guitar…….?????

  18. Official Pancake: Rachel Corrie (how did you folks miss this one? Or do I spend too much time on LGF?)
    Official Sword Maker: Last Legend
    MarginMI: Malice Green did not die from Detroit Cops beating him to death. He died from cocaine-induced cardiac arrest, from struggling with the cops trying to arrest him. Flashlights were certainly involved, during the struggle to subdue the goblin.

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