Maybe Qaddafi Can Count the Chads

Whoever is a part of this should be hung for treason… or stupidity. Hell, hang ’em twice.

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  1. Yeah sure. Have the fox come guard the hen house. Let me guess? This is part of the democratic party’s new deal to uhm get other nations to like us again?
    On a related topic I also heard the democrats have already hired over 3000 lawyers to fight for them should the republicans again question the fact that more people voted in some of the democratic strongholds than are alive and registered to vote. Why are illegal aliens, dead people, convicted fellons, and double voters not allowed to vote damn it!?

  2. Let’s be careful to keep those pesky UN bureaucrats away from any soup kitchens: they might steal donations intended to buy food and use the money to prop up murderous dictators! Hey, it has happened before.

  3. Oh, I get it! The UN will come and monitor us while we vote, thus taking them away from asisting in the Afganistan elections.
    Said Afganistan elecections currently being scheduled for September, which they will postpone to take place at the same time as our elections.
    Thus giving the UN pansy asses an excuse not to go to a combat zone where they might catch a bullet, RPG, beheading, or hangnail.
    It’s GREAT to know that the international community consists of so many STUDS that are willing to stand up for the little people…. NUTS!!
    Shhhhh…. conspiracies are everywhere!!

  4. Who says that UN observers wouldn’t catch ammunition if they stick their noses in our elections?
    Besides, what are they going to do? Stand over our citizens as they vote, and instruct them how to vote for Kerry?

  5. every one of those people who signed the stupid petition should be dismissed immediately from their seats as well as their lives. we don’t need krooked kofi and his friends making sure our election is legit. this is the dirty dirty UN we’re talking about.

  6. If this is going to happen we are going to have to turn into (gasp) protesters and march on the U.N. And I mean march on it’s members. I think I still have my ol’ stompin’ boots.

  7. Jesus H. Christ on a god-damned Pogo stick!
    The UN!?! Shit… we might end up with someone who didn’t serve in Vitenam! Like Saddam (didn’t the UN make sure he held elections, or at least make a piss poor attempt to maybe ask him nicely to hold elections where OTHER people could run)
    What’s next? The only choices on the ballot in Democrat heavy areas will be Kerry or Kerry? (will this give rise to the Kerry beat Kerry saying?)

  8. Didn’t the UN oversee the elections in Iraq a year or two ago when Saddam won 100% of the vote? Is that what’s going to happen here? Kerry somehow miraculously winning 100% of the popular and electoral vote?

  9. I would say that a congressman that honestly believes the UN would improve the operation of the American Democracy is unfit for the position.
    The density of that sort of mind puts black holes to shame

  10. Why is everyone so upset?
    I’ve always wanted to beat up a member of the UN, but didn’t have the time or resources to procure one for myself.
    Now they might be coming to my neighborhood, you think I’ll miss out on the opportunity?
    Bring ’em!

  11. You want a UN Peacekeeper, potentially a FRENCHMAN, to be anywhere NEAR your neighborhood?! Think of the stench, and the environmental impact! Won’t somebody please think of the children!

  12. Excuse me?!?! We’re the only country on the planet that knows how to conduct an election!! The U.N.?? Now I’m beginning to channel Chomps.
    They better not show up in Arizona either. People carry out in the open here.

  13. The French wouldn’t come here, when they can save the travel fair and fax in their surrender in the comfort of their own homes.
    Germans on the other hand are into the rough stuff, and the Belgians deserve a beating for inflicting Jean-Claude VanDamme on us.
    That aside, Eddie Bernice Johnson, who seems responsible for this stupid idea in the first place, just goes to prove Bill Cosby right.

  14. I cant believe Bush is standing for this, the UN hates him. In the last election the democrates and Jessie Jackson tried to produce “lost” ballets and tried to bar the boys (and girls) in uniform overseas from voting. They didn’t get away with it because there are un-biased rules and regulations above either of the political parties that help watch-dog this kind of thing, but who is going to watch-dog the UN? The UN is obviously biased towards anyone but Bush. And another thing… I don’t know how anyone could have seen Gore loose his sanity at his little anti-Bush rally and still think that he would have been a better (or even mentally stable) president. It’s a good thing we have the elctoral system, otherwise we would have Captain Fruitcake Gore as our comander in cheif.
    Matt C

  15. Is there any country that the U.N. has actually helped “rise above”? Or are all countries they are helping still suffering from oppression, terror, hunger, disease, etc. Is there one city? And I’m not talking about U.S. involvement; I just would like to know if our $7,000,000,000 that we give them every year has done anybody any good.

  16. Well the first problem with having the UN observe to ‘ensure free and fair elections’ is they do not know what that is.
    Second problem is that the voting process may be too hard for them to understand. If a regular American person cannot figure out a voters ballot, how do we exspect a UN observer to know how to punch/mark/select/ink/WhatEverTheHellItIsThisTime a ballot.
    Third, sence the majority of the people that vote are older (were around to remeber WWII) how is it these countrys can help them out of a voteing mess, when they could not even bail themselfs out of a war?
    Forth, are they admiting that John F’n Kerry is planing to be as big a losser as Gore?

  17. Eddie Bernice is from Tx. Downtown Dallas Tx if memory serves correctly. She’s got a safe seat gerrymandered for her. Like ol Kerosine Maxine out in Cali she stays in office by promoting the ideology of victimhood on behalf of her constituency. Most of the victims are apparently victims of their own lifestyle choices, but that’s not on the table for discussion. Daring to make observations concering the consequenses of their choices is considered racism.

  18. I realize these “”honorable”” members of the House (extra quotes make things better) are simply exercising their right to peaceably voice their asinine, FOAD’ing opinions, and they don’t really expect the Blue Bobbies to show up. However, can you imagine the scene where a newly-minted US citizen arrives at a polling station only to find the same jackasses that were stationed at his war-torn homeland. Imagine the Dafur immigrant’s surprise when a Blue Bobby is standing between him and the climax of full citizenship in the Land of the Free. The same Bobby that stood around watching the immigrant’s village literally sacked and burned. Who wouldn’t understand if that immigrant responded with violence against UN personnel?
    I, for one, would feel really sorry for that immigrant as I shoved him aside on my way to find out how many one-inch punches and irimi-nage’s I can perform on the EUNuchs before they call the cops.

  19. Shoot them the moment they touch American soil… And maybe those ‘observers’ can go observe something useful, like the nations all over the world that HAVE NO ELECTIONS!!!

  20. Tomorrow, the fourth, our great nations birthday, I would love to go on up there to NYC to where the UN building sits and in my very best Al Pachino (which kind of sucks since I’m not male), I would like to yell, “Somebody should take a flame thrower to this place!”, light a molatov cocktail, and do just that.
    I would love to do that. It’s just the pesky prison sentence that I would have to serve that keeps stopping me.

  21. Sticky B
    Thanks for the insight on Bitch Johnson. I figured her seat was secured by the dregs of society and welfare whores. I want to know the names of the other f-wads who signed it. I have plenty of guesses but I don’t want to send faxes to the wrong f-wads.

  22. Here’s the complete list:
    Raul Grijalva of Arizona; Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas; Jerrold Nadler, Edolphus Towns, Joseph Crowley and Carolyn B. Maloney, all of New York; Corrine Brown of Florida; Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland; Danny K. Davis of Illinois; Michael M. Honda of California; and Julia Carson of Indiana.

  23. Thanks, KB! It figures someone from my friggin state is on there. Anybody else who has a rep from their state should send letter’s to newspapers in your area. Expose the muckadoo’s to as many right-thinking people as possible. I’m also writing a letter to the house leader asking him to request their resignations.
    Stand up and recognize this, Bitch!

  24. Wait, y’all. This could be a good thing. Since we all know that the true election shenanigans are perpetrated by the Dems (dead people voting, homeless people bused around, blatant electioneering, etc), it could ruin their whole plan if there are UN observers (who actually have a pretty good track record observing elections — it’s one of the few things they do well). Notice that only 7 Dems signed this thing. The others are all probably going, “Ixnay, ixnay!” They don’t know how to win an election without cheating.

  25. Um.. what confuses me is that there are still people in the world who pretend the UN has a shred of credability left… I don’t get it. Hey!! Lefties!!! The UN is evil, Michael Moore is a liar, and ONCE AND FOR ALL, Shrek is NOT a real ogre! How many times do I have to tell you that’s CG?!?!?!

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