Trials of My Patience

The Israeli wall, which has stopped 90% of suicide bombings, has been declared illegal by the Hague. This raises the important question: What’s “F**k you!” in Hebrew?
There are also people trying to get the holding of Saddam Hussein decalred unconstitutional. It would be nice if President Bush came out to clarify things by saying, “The guy is guilty, retards!” The whole trial is just to quiet the whiny bitches out there, and it doesn’t seem to be working. Trials are in case the person charged might be guilty, but there is no imaginable circumstance in which Saddam ain’t deserving a swift slow execution. If he doesn’t get called guilty and terminated, in will be a travesty of justice.
Maybe the people involved in the “Oil for Kickbacks” U.N. program will get persumed innocence before being tried and executed by the Iraqis.


  1. The entire Knesset should simultaneously moon the World Court.
    Since some sects of Judism have a fairly high body-modesty taboo, those members should do so wearing boxer shorts with lots of little red hearts. Everyone else, full moon arisin’.

  2. I don’t know…
    I’m all for setting up a big wall to make it easier to shoot Planestinian bombers, but you have to think of their rights too…
    Wait, they shouldn’t have any.

  3. The primary problem with the reasoning about Saddam is the belief that he is a criminal. No, he’s a Deposed Dictator. That’s a whole different set of circumstances. The court isn’t there to determine his guilt or innocence. The court is there to explain very clearly why we’re killing him and then warn other dictators that it can happen to them.

  4. Oh goody, something I can answer; “f*** you” in Hebrew is best translated as “Lechu Lehizdieyen”, which literally means “Go f*** yourselves”. Take note, John Kerry & Dick Cheney, when courting the Jewish vote.

  5. Sorry, but killing Saddam quick is the best way to do it. Nothing we as humans can do will come near the eternal punishment of hell. Extending his life (and delaying his punishment) would be mercy on our part. We need have no mercy for tyrants.

  6. If you want to see another travesty of justice, check out what is currently happening with the international court and Slobberman Milosevic’s trial. The whole trial could collapse because, apparently, Milosevic’s health is deteriorating. In-f***ing-credible.

  7. Oooo! The wall is illegal!
    What are they going to do about it?
    Are the french going to invade Israel?
    Or better yet: THE GERMANS? That would look good- no nazi comparisons there.

  8. I was just reading the story from,
    What utter frickin’ BS! How do you say “BITE ME!” in Hebrew?
    “The wall … cannot be justified by military exigencies or by the requirements of national security or public order”
    Uh, ‘scuze me? The Israeli’s are trying to cut back on the access of SUICIDE BOMBERS!! In their country, ya see, they ain’t much fond of dying and stuff, can you blame them? I think the UN needs to put on their pointy dunce caps and go sit in a corner now…. Grrr!

  9. I especially loved this quote:
    “The court’s head judge, Shi Jiuyong of China, said in the ruling: ‘The wall … cannot be justified by military exigencies or by the requirements of national security or public order.”
    I guess he forgot about the Great Wall.

  10. Since when did anyone with half a brain care what the World Court says? The proper response of Israel is not “F*** you.” The proper response of is to nod and smile while finishing the wall. Saying “f*** you” would imply that Israel was actually threatened by the Hague.
    The World Court has no way to enforce it’s decisions outside the Security Council, and the US has a pretty good track record of vetoing Jew-extermination resolutions.

  11. While reading that article I was forced to laugh histerically by the sheer stupidity of it all. What are they going to do to Isreal, send Palastinians to bomb them? Some people are so stupid.

  12. Israel Guilty Of Restraint of Trade ?

    According to a recent international court decision Israel is impeding the ability of Palestinian Terrorists to practice their trade.
    According to court documents, Israel should tear down the wall, which has decreased the suicide bombing by over 90%….

  13. Anyone know how to contact U.S. judge Thomas Buerghenthal? I’d like to send him a message: Thanks for voting in favor of common sense, even if the other guys don’t. And in the words of Master Reagan, “What is Right isn’t always popular.”

  14. A movie that I saw had “Bachootz!” translated as “Take a hike!”
    (The “ch” in this word is the classic hebrew clearing-of-throat sound.)
    The ICJ ruling is such bullshit. Again, we see the tyranny of the majority.

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