Batten Down the Hatches

Don’t care if I spelled it right. Just need to tell you how fun it is to bolt large metal sheets to windows in hot humid weather. Half the fun will be taking it down. Many people in my neighborhood didn’t get storm protection free with their houses, though, so I should feel lucky. Many prayers needed.
Original plan of standing in field and shouting at storm have been scratched for fleeing to Orlando tonight and getting flight from the land of wind and rain tomorrow afternoon. Will post again soon when I reach stability.

From Pen to Rottweiler: The Design of Chomps – Part 3

Previous Episode

Brian took my face choice and criticism and made this.
Chomps, Take 8
“Wow! Great!” I said, “Except still not angry enough. I want his eyes bugging out as he’s so angry at whatever it is he is looking at.”
“Aww, @$%&!” Brian said, and then tried again.
Chomps, Take 9
“Uhh, now his eyes are bugging out too much now,” I said.
“Do you even know what you @$%& want?” Brian exclaimed, yet persevered.
Chomps, Take 10
“There it is!” I yelled, “Absolutely perfect! Perfect… accept for the pupils. He looks cross-eyed.”
So Brian fixed that.
Chomps, Take 11
“Here you go,” he said, “Now BURN IN HELL!”
And thus all that was left was to ink it, color it, and come up with the wording and font for the t-shirt – simple stuff barely worth going over.

Lighten the Mood with a Cartoon

I’m waiting for my workplace’s verdict on the Hurricane Framces which will be at 1pm. Whatever it is, I booked a room at the Orlando Airport so I can drive up there tonight after I secure my house (who knows when an evacuation order will come out, and then the roads will be packed).
A lot on my mind, so, to lighten the mood, here is a drawing I did of SarahK and I at the canyon.

IMAO Hurricane Plans

I’m going to be securing my house up tonight and flying out of here tomorrow afternoon. I may touch base during Thursday, but I will be back up and blogging on Friday from an undisclosed location (just in time for revealing the new IMAO t-shirt design).
Consider how my company is, I may need to take No Work No Pay for leaving like this, but I don’t think that will happen. If needed, I may rattle my tin cup, but right now just pray that hurricane doesn’t do too much damage wherever it lands.

Jonah Goldberg is Ripping Me Off!

I read Jonah Goldberg’s G-File yesterday, and had to do a double take. Tony of Oriental Redneck then e-mailed me the obvious point that Goldberg is ripping me off.
Yes, I always make references to Aquaman, so now Jonah is making references to the poor man’s Aquaman, the Sub Mariner. Pretty pathetic. I heard there once was a D.C./Marvel Comics match up between the two and Aquaman actually won. Yeah, Aquaman actually won a fight. I think this shows how desperate Goldberg is getting about me taking his job. Or maybe he figures I’ll be killed by Frances and he can plagiarize me at will.
We may have to do a letter writing campaign to NRO. Nothing mean that would make them hate me and not hire me, but something. Let’s think about it and do it later. Right now I’m worried about my house getting blown away.
UPDATE: Just got this from Jonah Goldberg right after posting:

Dude, aquaman is a pussy!

True, but what does that make Prince Namor?
UPDATE2: When I informed Jonah of Sub-Mariner being beaten by Aquaman, he responded:

I won’t listen to your lies and dirty mind tricks!

Don’t have any response to that. He’s just too fargone.

Blogging Cancled Due to Rain

Because Frances is headed right for me and getting bigger, I think I’ll be spending the night putting up my storm windows and then getting the hell out of Dodge the next day. Hopefully, I’ll have internet access where I end up and will report back. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

Primary Results

Yay! I voted for the winner in the Republican Senate Primary. That makes me smirt.
If I get stopped by the police, I want the Sheriff to know I voted for him after I voted against him… well I will in the general election, at least.
But Babb won! Yay Babb… whoever you are!

We Shouldn’t Rest Until All Palestinians Have Been Pushed into the Sea
An Editorial by Frank J.

 I probably should be talking about the Republican National Convention right now, but anyone who isn’t a ‘tard already knows to vote Republican (actually there’s a great slogan: “Only ‘tards vote for Democrats!”). Instead, what’s concerning me is hearing about more murder of Israelis and Palestinians celebrating it.

 The Palestinian terrorists say they won’t stop until all Jews have been pushed into the sea. Of course, that will never happen. That means they’ll be murderous dumbasses forever.

 Or does it?

 Let’s push all the Palestinians into the sea. See how they like it. If we Americans get together with the Israelis, we’ll easily be able to push the Palestinians anywhere we want.

 Now some may say they have problems with this plan. They may not want to get sand into their shoes. This can be solved by having a nice pier to push the Palestinians off of so you don’t have to walk on the beach. Also, there can be plenty of signs saying “Push Palestinians this Way” that point to the pier.

 Others may wonder how in the world could we be sure we pushed all Palestinians into the sea. Easy. After we push each Palestinian into the sea, we give him a “I was pushed into the sea” card. Then, he can show that card to keep from being pushed into the sea again. No claiming you lost the card, though; into the sea you go!

 It will be hard work pushing Palestinians into the sea, but they should learn some important lessons from it. One, they will find that being pushed into the sea is not a nice thing. It is wet and salty. Second, they’ll know for sure that we’re bigger than them and we can push them around. So that’s why this must be completed. Yes, it will be tempting to say, “I think we’ve pushed enough Palestinians into the sea,” but we must not rest until all Palestinians have been pushed into the sea.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is the author of such books as “Tricking Girls into Cuddling for Warmth” and “Look at Me! I’m an Author!”