Links of the Day

Greyhawk of the Mudville Gazette is going to be deployed overseas and needs money for equipment so he can keep his blogging going (money for a laptop, digital camera, etc.). If you have money to spare, give him a donation. If no money to spare, just check him out (more eyeballs means more money from blogads). He has been a great military blogger since his existence and even started the MilBlogs ring. Greyhawk joked that if he is KIA, there will be no refunds. That’s not funny; I want a refund!
John Hawkins, who like to make us other bloggers look like schmucks, has an interview with John O’Neill from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. I probably should do another real interview when I have some time…
Michelle Malkin’s book keeps causing more and more attacks. I really need to buy a copy and start reading it. Any of you guys have an opinion on it?
Finally, I made mention on an article (check the second page) from Pointless Waste of Time which is famous for such hilarious articles as 50 Reasons Why the Lord of the Rings Sucks and The Ultimate War Simulation. For the record, I am a 25 year old engineer who never professed to know anything.
–Well, I guess I pretend to know stuff all the time, but you guys are smart enough to know I’m lying.

My Last Post on Hurricanes (Hopefully)

Unless Ivan comes my way, I want this to be my last post on hurricanes. Through all the wind, rain, threat of lost property, panic, fear, undrinkable water, gas shortages, destroyed street lights, power loss, and heat, I’ve learned one thing: the word “potable.”

I’m Afraid He’s Suffering from a Severe Form of “Being a Democrat”

Democrats are going crazy from the latest poll numbers showing Bush got a huge bounce from the convention and want to slime the president in anyway possible and somehow prop up John F’n Kerry. How can you tell if they’ve completely lost it? I’ll tell you:
10. Strategy for debates: Answer every question with “I served in Vietnam!”
9. Instead of comparing Bush to Hitler, they try to prove he actually is him in disguise.
8. They give up on the Kerry campaign and start working fulltime on the “Bush Stole the Election!” campaign.
7. Elephants are found mysteriously murdered throughout the nation’s zoos (or, alternatively, Democrats are found mysteriously stomped to death in Elephant pens throughout the nation while others are mistakenly placed in cages in the monkey house).
6. Kerry’s campaign staff is replaced with the smartest animal of all – dolphins. Kerry’s campaign become much more focused on procuring fish than usual.
5. Find Bush’s permanent record for more dirt. “Do you want someone who was ‘sometimes disruptive’ to be your president?”
4. Since the $1000 haircut didn’t seem to help John Kerry, they try a $2000 haircut.
3. They try to use VP candidate John Edwards’s talking to the dead powers to get the support of John F. Kennedy.
2. Since Michael Moore hasn’t seemed to influence enough people, they keep feeding him whole pigs to make him larger and thus even more influential.
And the number one sign the Democrats have gone completely crazy in reaction to the polls–
To be honest, I think most went insane sometime during the primary when they thought Kerry was “electable.”

Power Back!

And now I need to rush home to shut off my alarm…
UPDATE: Homebase is now fully operational. I have power and cable (i.e., internet access). Expect IMAO to resume regular operation by the end of the week.

Hooray! Ads!

While you’re waiting for me to write some funny (including a special Chomps post where you’ll get to learn his history), check out my advertisers. There is the Free Will Blog which has commentary and scantily clad women (not that I’d need to look at them since I have SarahK to look at). Also, I have vendor selling ‘W’ jerseys. Finally, Sex in the City is now on TBS and Carrie is running for president. Click on the link to see her blog and political positions. Also, check out all the other advertisers and buy a Chomps t-shirt before Chomps gets angry.
Very angry.

I Survived Hurricane Frances and All I Got Was this Lousy T-Shirt Babe

Just kidding; she’s not lousy.
Yay work! There’s power, potable water for making coffee (all water from the tap needs to be boiled now), and internet. I’m probably going to stay here until curfew.
I have no power at home, but pretty much no damage either. Luckily there is trash pick up today to take the contents of my refrigerator (bye bye, Chunky Monkey). Yesterday, after I got back to my house, all I had to do was sit on my porch and read and say, “Damn! I’m hot!” Also, it’s pretty dark in my house since I’m not taking down the storm windows until I hear more about Ivan. For dinner, I cooked some Campbell’s soup on my gas grill and drank a warm Dos Equis (and smoked a cigarillo to help digestion).
Got a wake up call for work from my Dad (though two time zones away, he gets up at about the time I need to just take a shower and shave and get to work at 7:45am). You’d think a cold shower would be welcome after a hot night, but no. Me no like cold shower.
Anyway, I have over half a tank of gas which is good since gas is scarce. Also, most traffic lights are broken… and most people don’t know what to do at a four-way stop sign.
But you don’t care about that. I’ll probably stay late tonight and try to write up some regular humor posts. I mean, the Democrats have gone frick’n insane after that latest poll numbers, and I need to comment on that. Plus, I want to do a very special In My World™ on Chomps. BTW, you need to buy more Chomps t-shirts. Do so now.
Anyway, thanks again to Juggy for giving me a warm and dry place to stay during the hurricane. She’s the sweetest, bestest t-shirt babe ever (and she never got too mad at me for putting her cat in the lamp). When I get power and internet at home, I’ll have some pictures, including me singing karaoke at a biker bar.
Be honorable, ronin.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the magnolia tree looks like nothing even touched it.