All Bad/Good Things Come to an End

The Orlando Airport is opening today, so it looks like I’ll have to leave the sweet SarahK and head back to Florida tomorrow to check on the damage. It’ll be fun trying to see if I have power or water at home and what to my landscaping, my roof, and my newly screened porch.
Hopefully I’ll be back to regular blogging soon. There have been a lot of great fodder lately, and I want to write an extra-special Chomps centered post. Maybe I’ll be up and ready for that later this week.
Later, ronin.

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  1. “so it looks like I’ll have to leave the sweet SarahK…”
    Is that code for she’s put on some jackboots and you got the hint before you got a bruising?
    You had better hand over a lot of flowers for her putting up with a vagabond from the Hurricane Zone® on such short notice, not to mention picking up the wet towels you left all over the floor…..

  2. Frank, Forget about Florida. All they have there is morons who can’t read a ballot and old people. So, unless you like driving 20 miles below the speed limit with your blinker on, take old Exile’s advice. Stay in Texas. Look at SarahK! Why are you leaving that? Are you on the drugs?
    Just askin.

  3. Frank, get back to Florida so you can defend the neighborhood against looters.
    I was on the subway (Washington, DC area) yesterday, and there was this wasted (as in drunk), smelly, dirty, crass and vagrant-looking guy. He asked me if he was on the train that was heading south. He then drunkily went on to say that he was hitch-hiking down to Florida. “Why the hell is he hitch-hiking to Florida now? He doesn’t look like the type that’s interested in providing disaster relief services,” I think to myself.
    Then I get home and see on the news that Floridians are having trouble with looters…
    Florida needs your anti-looter services, Frank!

  4. So Jacksonnville got some crazy winds and downed trees from Frances, and it didn’t even hit us! I’m praying for your home and everybody down there, I’m just glad you preserved IMAO by getting out of town.

  5. Park benches are usually warmer down in Florida than around DC, Megan.
    As for Frank heading home… I hope the Bunker is in good shape. Even though he might have to hightail it back to Texas when Ivan hits town!

  6. I read the article in that link, Dave. I have two comments: That was a picture of the president in his underwear? Why is this the first I have ever heard of it? I know he works out, but golly … another good reason to vote Bush! And … he called Frank an angry teenager! He obviously did not do any substantive research to support his rant, the same type of rant he seems to be lamenting in his article. If he had spent one hour reading IMAO, he would know that Frank is writing humor, is not angry, and is not a teenager! I have disproved his evil theory!

  7. I live in the same area as Frank J. and just returned home yesterday. I had lots of plans when I got home, then scrapped them all when I saw how much debris there was to pick up. My family was very lucky with no damage to our house or pets and our electricity came back on Monday at 7 p.m.
    I would say that 95% of houses here had little damage other than some shingles torn off although a small number had major damage. Frank J. is probably toughing it out with no electricity and undrinkable tap water (boil water alert). Florida tap water generally sucks anyway so this isn’t a big change.
    It is quite an eye-opener to live with no electricity. You have to crank up the charcoal grill at 6:00 sharp or you won’t have daylight to do the dinner dishes with. Sleeping in Florida heat with no A/C is pretty sucko although plenty folks live that way all year. Yesterday for lunch everyone in my family got 1/2 glass of cold soda (We stuck 2 cans next to ice that we had frozen before the hurricane). You cannot imagine the luxury.
    I would expect Frank will be busy for a day or 2 cleaning up. If his power isn’t on he could could use your prayers that it comes on soon.

  8. mike_rdr, glad to hear you are safe. It sounds like a big inconvenience (compared to the disaster it could have been!). Thanks for the update! (Just pretend you’re on a camp-out and be sure to make some s’mores!)

  9. Whoohoo!
    The Husband Mr. Mark just made some “Mango Habanero Hurt Me Salsa!”
    Oh it’s good! The Recipe is at, it calls for about 10+ Habanero’s but he just added 3 of the red ones and it is zingy!
    Any of you that love the hot stuff… This is a Glorious recipe! Yum & Yowza!

  10. What’s up with all this running away every time a little hurricane comes around? What kind of example are you setting.
    You have a gun don’t ya? You even have a sword or two.
    You can take a hurricane. They are just like liberals, always screaming and yelling until the shooting starts.

  11. jonag,
    Thanks for the well wishes. I almost feel guilty since my house is one of the few in the county with electricity. I think people on the beach may have to wait as much as a week.
    We also lucked out since we waited until the last minute to evacuate, waiting to see where Frances was headed. We drove up I-95 Saturday morning and saw 10 cars in 50 miles. We ran into one rain squall that was so dense I couldn’t even see the solid or dashed lines on the road. I just kept pointing straight until it thinned out a few seconds later. We came back on Monday morning and had almost no traffic either.
    I chickened out since there was a big oak 10′ from our house. We only went 50 miles to the north end of the county. It was the land of luxury: electricity and running water! The power went out up there a day later. It was kind of eerie with all gas stations, restaurants and grocery stores closed. If you didn’t have enough food/water stored up you were screwed, plus no place to get gas to drive to an open store. Luckily, Mrs. mike_rdr had us well stocked up. Having had them in the last 7 meals, I pity the next person that tries to sell Mrs. or I a hotdog.

  12. Frank:
    Have you seen the track for Ivan? It’s heading for Texas right now. Please do not come home yet. Mexico is a nice place to visit.
    Apparently God is looking for you. I really like your blog, but with me in Tallahassee and my brother in Winter Park, no hard feelings if we ask you to stay out of the state formerly known as the Sunshine state, now known as the Hurricane state, right?

  13. God is not looking for you, God is trying to tell you something! “Why are you still in Florida when SarahK is in Texas? How many hurricanes will it take? You know girls like SarahK don’t grow on trees!!!”

  14. in case you didn’t catch the post at my place, Frank’s house is in really good shape. he has water but no power. the magnolia tree stands unharmed. he has a couple bent trees and a couple tears in his porch screen. other than that, it’s all good.

  15. “Frank J is mentioned here
    How exciting for him!”
    Pointless waste of time, indeed. I got to the IMAO mention, but not much farther. The gist of the piece is a lot of moaning about how people are no longer forced into a single worldview by monolithic Big Media, but now bloggers can say what they want and people believe them, and the country will go to hell-in-a-handbasket as a result of all this free speech and diversity of opinion. Oh waah!
    The joke is really on the author though, for failing to “get” IMAO.

  16. Slart,
    I like the new FL voting device. As an elec. engr. dude I am wary of new computer voting devices. This mechanical device looks much more reliable. Plus those thingies always made me feel smart when I got the right shape in the hole.

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