Are These “Experts” Hobos Off the Street?

Look at the CBS News’s defense of their forged documents with special note to the last three paragraphs in this linked story. They focus on how supposedly hard it is not to do a superscript in MS Word.
You just hit CTRL-Z (Undo) after it automatically superscripts it, jackass! Can I be an expert now? Or maybe CBS should bring in that little paperclip guy as an expert since he was the one who told me I could undo autoformatting.
You know they’re in trouble when people like me who aren’t even typists know more than their supposed “experts.”
This is like watching a trainwreck times ten.


  1. YES, that comment at CBS also struck me! Three days ago I was 95% sure of the fake. After reading the Newcomer analysis I was up to 99% sure. Now where do I go? I guess I’m into that 110% range now. The only thing left is to believe that Bush/Clinton, Cheney/Edwards, Rove/Rather are all in an Orwellian love for Big Brother conspiracy?

  2. Of course, applying the logic of Occam’s razor, it is far more likely a Texas ANG Lt Col would have access to a typewriter with a special, seldom used highly expensive proportional spaced typewriter ball, type until you get to 111, change the ball to another type to get the “th” then change back to the original ball than it is to hit CTRL-Z on a modern word processor…
    At least in the CBS arm of the DNC with the “elect anybody but Bush” agenda. All we need now is the link to the Kerry campaign…after all, they did such a good job forging a heroic military career out of Kerry’s 4 months in Vietnam why would we be surprised they would try to forge Bush’s career?
    Latest thing was claiming Bush lied about being in the Air Force on some campaign pamphlet…only he was in the Air Force for 120 days….I do believe that was longer than Kerry was in ‘Nam…

  3. I don’t think I was being straight forward enough…. Frank, you misspelled “Forged” and made a new word…. froged… have no idea how to follow that up, I’m tired and I have a lab to write up in 5 hours.

  4. “Froged” is a perfectly cromulent word.
    Nothing causes one to lose faith in the media like seeing a journalist comment on a subject about which you have some actual knowledge. It’s why I no longer read the newspaper and almost never watch network news.
    Monkeys banging on a typewriter could have produced a better forgery, and monkey analysts could have done a better job reporting on it.

  5. maybe CBS should bring in that little paperclip guy as an expert since he was the one who told me I could undo autoformatting

    Holy flaming monkeys, Frank J. ! That was so funny I just laughed out loud. It’s 3:48 AM in Hawaii and my door is open and my roommate, who has to work at 7:00 AM, is asleep across the hall!

  6. Or, you could go into tools, autoformat, and under auto correct turn it off..
    I keep wondering why the idoits who made the forgeries didn’t change the font to courier and get rid of the auto-formatting.
    Seriously, did they just assume (correctly) that Rather and co. would run with those things? But then again, without blogs, the MSM would have trumpeted these memos until election day.

  7. If the forger first typed “111th” with a space and then decided it looked better without the space, it amkes sense that they wouldn’t put the space in the 2nd time around.
    A little more, scratch that, ANY proofreading and prep work on the forger’s part and no one would be having this discussion.
    This is more fun than seeing the Yankees giving up 10 runs in an inning.

  8. You are all missing the real scam!
    I have it on background that Frank had been digitally altering NOAA’s incoming images of Ivan’s path in order to allow him to run to Sarah’s for cover. Only in the past 24 hours has the path been corrected, showing it no where near Frank. Details at 6…

  9. As a world famous repairman, I am appalled that nobody solicited my expertise in this ridiculous memo nonsense. It is obvious that all of the supposebly expert commentations are wrong when these “professionals” can’t even pick out the most glaring error of all. All this talk of Kernaling, when in fact it was a Lieutenant Kernal that wrote the damn thing.

  10. Are these guys on crack? This actually hurts their case, because what do you notice about the non-superscripted “th” that appears throughput the forged documents? THEY ARE SEPARATED FROM THE # BY A SPACE, meaning MS Word would NOT superscript them by default.
    Talk about stabbing yourself in the back while grasping for straws (try to visualize THAT!).

  11. “Froged” is a perfectly cromulent word.
    This brings to mind an old old ancient Jeff McNelly cartoon (without a doubt one of the greatest cartoonist ever to live) in his comic strip “Shoe.” Cosmo is writing the sports pages with all the NFL scores… “Team A whomped Team B”; “Team C slaughtered Team D”; “Team E buried Team F” and he’s running out of descriptive verbs… so he types out the line “The Bears dekrelnificated the Vikings 38-7”
    So keep on dekrelnificating SeeBS and Dan Rather in particular bloggers!!
    Chicago Joe

  12. I’m just constantly astonished by this. They SAID they already knew this could be done. So you would expect that they must have found a typewriter from the era with the correct typeballs and done the test. Obviously, if the mythical hardware is so rare that it no longer exists, they have no argument.
    Instead we get dribs and drabs of plainly-lacking “experts.” There are detailed online reports of WHAT IS WRONG with CBS’s theory. If CBS had anything, I would expect a long, detailed online report with a demonstration using a typewriter from the era, and answering all the other questions that have been raised, point by point.

  13. Microsoft is eeevil, and therefore their programs do NOTHING but crash constantly and are so full of bugs, the memos MUST be true because there is NO way anybody can create ANY document with Word – all it does is crash, crash, crash, crash!
    Oh, and reading the manual is for sissies.

  14. Maytag Repairman–
    “As a world famous repairman, I am appalled that nobody solicited my expertise in this ridiculous memo nonsense. It is obvious that all of the supposebly expert commentations are wrong when these “professionals” can’t even pick out the most glaring error of all.”
    -‘Supposebly’ is not a word! No wonder they didn’t consult you for your expertise. I believe you meant to say supposedly. (speaking of picking out glaring errors)
    much love, blondie

  15. Microsoft is eeevil, and therefore their programs do NOTHING but crash constantly and are so full of bugs, the memos MUST be true because there is NO way anybody can create ANY document with Word – all it does is crash, crash, crash, crash!

    Except that I’ve created four new documents in the last week with said software. 🙂

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