Batten Down the Hatches

Don’t care if I spelled it right. Just need to tell you how fun it is to bolt large metal sheets to windows in hot humid weather. Half the fun will be taking it down. Many people in my neighborhood didn’t get storm protection free with their houses, though, so I should feel lucky. Many prayers needed.
Original plan of standing in field and shouting at storm have been scratched for fleeing to Orlando tonight and getting flight from the land of wind and rain tomorrow afternoon. Will post again soon when I reach stability.

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  1. Lord, I pray for the safety of Mr. Frank J., and the protection of his home and neighbors.
    Remember, Lord, he has a special gal in Texas, whom I’m sure loves him very much, and is worried sick. Give her peace.

    Thank you, Lord. I pray in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen

    Got ya covered, Frank.

  2. Hey Frank!
    You could’ve stopped by the Casa de Slabsides for pre hurricane beers. But I understand. One hurricane per season’s enough for me. I’m bugging out too. Hello, Clearwater!
    Slab out.

  3. Well if I’d know you’d be in town earlier, I might have changed plans slightly. For the record, it isn’t a good thing when the weather guys go all exuberent on ‘sidewalls’ and ‘eye reformation’… Getting the heck out is looking like a good idea when you know exactly how much debris is just waiting to be lauched at your house…

  4. I was just saw this at another blogsite
    It just made me grin! Thought I’d share.
    Feel Good Exercise of the Day
    1. Open a new file in your PC.
    2. Name it “John Kerry.”
    3. Send it to the trash.
    4. Empty the trash.
    5. Your PC will ask you, “do you really want to get rid of John Kerry?”
    6. Answer calmly, “yes,” and press the mouse button firmly.
    7. Feel better?

  5. I just saw an update on the weather (hurricane); Frances is now a category 4 hurricane, and 700,000 people have been told to evacuate. On the radar it looks like the storm is going to eat Florida. The weatherpeople said it could also gain strength.

  6. Frank J is in the path of Frances
    Chris Muir ( is in the path of Frances.
    Frank J is an engineer and draws comics.
    Chris Muir draws comics about engineerings.
    Frank J has already admitted he’s Atrios.
    Therefore, Frank J is Chris Muir.

  7. Frank. Get the Hell outta Dodge! All that exercise from your Nature Walk ain’t gonna help if you get impaled by a Stop Sign.
    Take the time to write President Bush about funding for the SMITE Space Laser. Which could easily blast Frances with a wide beam of blinding light and white hot Monkey Frying heat.
    Thus dispersing and nullifying the storm.

  8. I’m reminded of the Sam Kinnison line about location.
    See this? This is a HURRICANE. You get one of these every friggin WEEK! MOVE. We’ll get a bunch of U-hauls and make one trip. Let’s go.
    Seriously. Don’t stand outside and shake your fist at it. It’s okay to just cower in the corner and pray.
    We’ll pray for you and all of your little Florida friends.

  9. FLASH NEWS REPORT!!!!!!!!!!
    At the Repubican National Convention Democratic speaker Zell Miller accused George W. Bush of being the imfamous ‘Rumsfeld Strangler’.
    Roll the clip!
    (video starts showing Zell Miller speaking at the RNC )
    “George W. Bush wants to grab terrorists by the throat and not let them go to get a better grip. ”
    —– Senator Zell Miller Georgia-D
    There you have it clear as the sky in Florida (be careful :).

  10. No no no Deo! It’s all Dubya’s fault! If only he’d tried diplomacy with the huricane.
    Kerry would have gotten the International Community ™ to help us poor stupid ‘Muricans. Er, somehow…

  11. kkoch, Who’s telling stories here? My parents are in Boca and just sent email to everyone about how they’re all ready, got the hurricane shutters on the house, extra food and water… maybe they’re just going on some sooper sekrit trip. hmmmmmm.

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