Blogging Cancled Due to Rain

Because Frances is headed right for me and getting bigger, I think I’ll be spending the night putting up my storm windows and then getting the hell out of Dodge the next day. Hopefully, I’ll have internet access where I end up and will report back. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

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  1. God Speed, son…
    Frances looks like a nasty one. Hate to say it, and it’s certainly nothing personal, but I’m hoping it continues in your direction – we don’t need any Category 4 or better storm here (in Alabama) either. I hate to think what a 4 would turn into once it passed into the even warmer Gulf waters… 8-[
    Come to think of it, my father-in-law (Dixie Darlin’s Pappy) would happily strangle me for wishing it on Florida too – he lives over yonder near Tallahassee. A regular mean old fellow – he keeps gators in his yard (to hear D’darlin’ tell it!).
    Get out, stay safe, and keep us posted if you can…

  2. We’re still waiting for our first hurricane (or even a himmicane) here in New Mexico. Current visibility – unlimited. No clouds for at least 90 miles – looking from ABQ to Mount Taylor – or ABQ to the Jemez….(heavy sigh).

  3. Um, yeah..
    Frank, it looks like that nice lady SarahK just gave you an invite to Texas…. You know, ’cause she’s all concerned about your safety and stuff. And you just don’t refuse Lady’s invitation.. It’s bad manners to do so!
    Come on People, am I right or what?

  4. Oh come on, isn’t anybody going to mock his headline spelling? Once again posting without proofreading? “Yeah, yeah, FrankJ, you’re in danger and we all love you and don’t want you to die, but you can’t spell! HAHAHAHAHA!”

  5. Sarahk has a guest house AND WiFi?!?! And yet she has to make obtuse references to such?
    Come on y’all, lets end the cutesy stuff and just admit what’s REALLY going on here..Frank is making up the Hurricane Frances story as cover for hooking up with SarahK again, and she just sent the equivalent of Morse code for “Baby, everything is set for the rendezvous!”
    ok, I really got to get a job so I stop vicariously vacationing to the Grand Canyon with hotties…or writing love notes via blogging

  6. I didn’t mean run “here”, I just meant “RUN”!
    Well, here is relative. I think Florida is closer to me than Amarillo.
    If you come to Texas, I want to see some evidence that you have had all your shots.

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