Congratulations Charles Johnson

Little Green Footballs just got a huge plug from Norman Podhoretz on the O’Reilly Factor (i.e., try clicking on that link now and see if you can actually get through).
Man, I wished he linked to me recently…

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  1. Congratulations to LGF and, in effect, all bloggers! Y’all make my crazy days easier to take.
    Anyway, we’re bugging out now. I know when to stand my ground, and I know when to run. Ivan is just too big of a blow for us to stay around. (Kind of if Michael Moore was coming around…I’d gather the kids and flee then, also.) Thank you for all the prayers–hopefully we’ll be back soon.

  2. Still not gone yet, dammit. Rubber(Red)Neck is so slow. All his guns are taking space precedence in the SUV. (No, honey, we can’t leave the kids in the garage with three days worth of food and water in order to have space for your guns.) Grin We’re getting there. Bye again folks!! Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.

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