
Stay away from Daily Pundit; it’s a hate site!
Bill Quick is one of those bloggers I’ll always owe, as his site helped mine get exposure when I had few readers.
Then again, PayPal says he’s a hater…

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  1. I doubt it was caused by his talking about taking a hard line against terrorists.
    Quick provided a direct link to the video of Armstrong’s beheading. Quick accepts PayPal donations. I imagine PayPal didn’t need to know anymore than that before deciding not to risk the chance that Daily Pundit is an underground jihadist website using PayPal to collect funds to support terrorism — which could get PayPal charged with violating federal law by facilitating illegal funds transfers.
    It’s not something they would waste a lot of time investigating before suspending a PayPal account. From their point of view, better safe and one pissed-off blogger, than sorry when facing another federal indictment.

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