From Pen to Rottweiler: The Design of Chomps – The Final Design

Since Doug already has it posted, I might as well go ahead and announce it. Once again, a million thanks to Brain Tiemann.
So here is the brand new Chomps t-shirt:

Go and order now, as there is a good chance I will be needing the money.
Also, if you don’t buy one, you’ll make Chomps angry.
Very angry.

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  1. Yes! That is definately Chomps!
    Btw, here is an idea for a ‘very special’ IMW –
    Something has changed with Rumsfeld. He no longer has the urge to strangle hippies. Maybe the liberals are getting to him?
    A disillusioned Chomps heads out on the road and teams up with Zell Miller. The two of them go on a destruction spree.
    Rumsfeld catches wind of the ‘Miller Strangler’ and his dog. He confronts them. After a long and brutal kung-fu fight they decide that they all belong together and walk of into the sunset (the sunset looks more like a mushroom cloud, though)

  2. Frank … great shirt! I am ordering my own NTM and Terrorists shirt this weekend. Should the folks at have a link to an In My World or something so people can find out what the deal is with the Very Angry Dog and hippies? I found IMAO by starting at NRO and clicking on the ad, and by browsing around there, clicking on the link to IMAO to find the answer the question, “NUKE THE MOON? What the h— does that have to do with anything?” Just thinking others might find IMAO the same way. Let’s vote! Best IMW with Chomps for the link!!

  3. Francesco, I bet someone here would be willing to ship the shirt to you from their home, provided that you purchase said shirt online, put his/her address as the ship-to address on your order, and provide a money order that covers the cost of overseas shipping.
    Hmm, IIRC, Those Shirts’ return address on my terrorists T-shirt is on my way home from work. Perhaps I could pick up your shirt and pop it in the mail for you.
    Frank? Doug? Can you foresee any problems with this? We should get these shirts to folks outside American borders — the first step in global domination.

  4. Parents need more kid safe web sites! We cant let our kids surf the web without
    being directed to some inappropriate site. Dont believe me? Do a search on
    Pocahontas and watch how many inappropriate sites come up. Even major kids
    search engines only block certain words, there are ways around that. The only one I
    have found so far was at , I dont know about most parents
    but we dont have time to monitor our kids every second when they want to go on
    the computer. Anyway rant off.

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