Hiding Out

If you’re wondering why I’m keeping my location undisclosed, it’s because with all these hurricanes I’m thinking God is out to get me. Thus, I’m trying to stay under his radar. Why, last night I hid where I don’t think God would ever find me – singing karaoke at a biker bar (I’ll put up pictures later).
I know what you’re saying, “We don’t care about your impending doom and how you’re going to lose all your worldly possession. We want our funny.”
Fine, I’ll try to think of something funny or two to post (I’m catching up on the news as I type). Also, I will be posting the final Chomps design and letting you preorder the t-shirt (you better all preorder it ::shakes fist::).

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  1. Karaoke hmmm. Who do we know what likes Karaoke. Likes it enough to try out for American Idol even.
    And in a biker bar. Hmmm. Got me stumped on that one.
    P.S. Say hi to Sarahk and bikermommy for me.

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