Hooray! Ads!

While you’re waiting for me to write some funny (including a special Chomps post where you’ll get to learn his history), check out my advertisers. There is the Free Will Blog which has commentary and scantily clad women (not that I’d need to look at them since I have SarahK to look at). Also, I have vendor selling ‘W’ jerseys. Finally, Sex in the City is now on TBS and Carrie is running for president. Click on the link to see her blog and political positions. Also, check out all the other advertisers and buy a Chomps t-shirt before Chomps gets angry.
Very angry.

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  1. But I like Chomps angry since I am no longer among the hippy-skankwad-unwashed!
    Hmm okay, will check out the advertisements! Need to buy the Chomps shirts anyway for self, husband & stepsons.
    Seen the weather channel, looks like you’ll be missing Ivan’s unwelcome visit. (Thank goodness for small favors!) Hope it stays that way for you & everyone else in the area.

  2. Hey Frank – glad you made it back OK and your house is still standing. Here in Indiana, we have something similar, except they are called tornadoes, and in October of 2001 we had 7 or 8 of them touch down at the same time. Talk about twisters! I was at work, standing in the safety hallway. (Like if a tornado hit this place and it would send our multi-ton machinery through the wall we would not be safe!)
    As for the Carrie’s run for president, I still got her, even after their dopey poll, and with me trying to answer to get W. W, unlike what the other Kerry says, is for Wham! That stands for what GWB does to terrorists and liberals.
    Gun Control. Blech….
    If you want to terminate the terrorists, then you are a Republican!
    Don’t be economic Girlie-Men !!! (If Edwards and Kerry together don’t look like a pair of everything girlie-men, I don’t know what does)
    Hubba hubba dubba dubba – where is my minidisc of Arnold? I need to listen to it again – and get the carrie / Kerry stains off me.
    Go Arnold! : )

  3. Frank, you sly boots you. The line about the scantily clad babes will certainly earn you some cuddling time. All women reading this immediately go to one of Frank’s sponsors. Ok, now that it’s just us guys, we all know that we must look at scantily clad babes. It is hard wired into us as a way of ensuring the species doesn’t die out.

  4. Okay, ignoring the scantily clad thingy & what that could imply for SarahK’s dress mode while Frank Critter visited.. (well I would…(if I was all single & stuff, Hey! It’s Frank & he’s all sexy with his nuzzleable geekself & stuff!)
    I have ordered Chomps t-shirts for self, husband & Son-critters! So if that durn commie hurricane heads for Texas you can give SarahK safe-harbour (Clean your house first, Hmmm?)
    Okay, shutting up now…
    BTW, SarahK Likes Platnum… Or so I’ve heard…

  5. Okay,
    So look, I just have to ref the fact that the scantily clad girly in the “Life is better with Free Will” looks like one of the Bushie girls… Being a Dumb valley girl I have to ask…. Is that one of the Bush girlies?
    ‘Cause if so… Uh, Does Daddy know? And Yay her, ’cause I wish I looked that good… Will send peace gallery photo one day, but need to lose some more poundage before then…. etc… Still won’t look as.. Well, won’t look that good….(rolls eyes in disgust at tubby old self)

  6. Whoo Hoo! I just ordered my Nuke the Moon and Terrorists t-shirt!!! Terrorists is almost gone people! Now I am one of the lucky few to have one of the kind collectible IMAO t-shirts!! Yes, I am going to get Chomps and the French one too, but I wanted to get NTM and Terrorists before they sold out. Don’t be angry, Chomps, your turn is coming …

  7. We knew that SK.
    Anon knew it too that’s why they posted Anon.
    The poor pitiful muckadoo.
    The terrorist shirt is selling out?
    As in “no mas”?
    Dang, I need one but I can’t afford it.
    I sacrificed to buy the Chomps T.
    I already have the NTM shirt.
    2 more to go then.
    Don’t sell them all save me one of each KTE shirts.

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