I’m Invincible!

I now have the armor plating up on my house, so do your worst, God! I defy Thee!
(I’m kidding, Lord; please move the hurricane back towards Cuba and kill Fidel)
Anyway, don’t worry about me – our troops need beer (especially after my brother joins them)!

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  1. Frank J, has it occured to you Floridians that these hurricanes may be God’s way of teaching y’all to count?
    (In my best Count voice) One! One Hurricane heh heh heh Two! Two hurricanes! heh heh heh Three! Three hurricanes! heh heh heh.
    Stay safe!

  2. Yes! We must get our soldiers beer! In order to spread the American culture into Iraq more effectivly…Wait…Those soldiers are drinking Corona…Didn’t Mexico try to steal land from us that we rightfully annexed?! These guys need to be drinking MGD or else they could be drinking some Bass to show our thanks for the UK. But celebrate country that KILLED DANIEL BOONE?!?!?!
    Nope, can’t donate beer…Guess I’ll just have to get my cousin 30 or 40 kegs of fine, flavorless American beer to take with him to Iraq in March…Hope the guys have enough to stay buzzed until then…

  3. I believe Katie’s was also from Homer Simpson.
    And, ladies and gentlemen. If you’re going to send the troops beer, send them the best, send the Shiner Bock. Mmmm. Of course here in Florida it’s a g’d’mn’d import. The Republic of Texas lives, apparently. F’n bastards. I mean honestly, who sells Turbo Dog and not Shiner…sorry, way OT beer rant.
    Back on topic, I nearly wept for joy at the American entrepreurial spirit that went into designing the Beer for the troops website. God Bless America!

  4. Oh, well. Reason has gone to your head. As former Governer, I was hoping you would advance the cause of science & reason by doing the proper thing and experiencing 100+mph winds bare.assed.naked lashed to the Inlet bridge. But it seems not to be.
    Important Safety Tip: To prevent that annoying THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP that your front door will do so well…take a 2X4, cut it just shy, & wedge it in from your foyer. I was asleep when charley came thru & I thought my new wife (a smoker) got locked outside & was banging on the door to get back in.
    Boy did I look silly drenched in rain. Good thing I had my shower cap on.

  5. I just doscovered your site. I have to say, you are genius. Your cartoons are great, and your comments are wonderful. None of which makes you as cool as me, but still, you are pretty cool.
    Your newest pal,
    PS: Good luck with this weeks hurricane.

  6. I didn’t know where to put this so I will put it here.
    This is a testimonial to my Nuke the Moon T-shirt.
    I recently purchased a Ruger .357 magnum revolver. I then discovered that there was such a thing as a .357 lever-action carbine. I wanted one but couldn’t find it anywhere but online and I wanted to check it out.
    Yesterday I went with my roommate to buy a .357 revolver for him, wearing my NtM T-shirt of course.
    Not only did he get his .357 revolver, he also found a very nice Russian-made SKS and I found, oh joy, a Winchester 94AE .357 carbine. It’s beautiful with raised scope mounts so you can use the iron sights, a fairly nice sling and a saddle loop.
    Ever since I read about a cowboy in a Zane Grey novel having both his pistol and rifle in the same caliber I’ve wanted to own a pair. Now, thanks to my Nuke the Moon T-shirt I have accomplished that feat.
    Thank you FrankJ. America just became better armed thanks to you.

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