I’m Not a Highly Paid Political Consultant But…

As long as the Kerry campaign is scrambling to find a way to gain on Bush, how about dyeing his hair red? Red evokes energy.

“My opponent says I should take a position on Iraq and stick with it. To him I say, ‘Maybe …but maybe not!'”
Such a simple idea, yet so effective.


    • The eternal “possibities junky” monsters that roam freely within King Swiftboats Kerry’s skull continue to manifest…
    • Day 268 of the Kerry Iraq positions log , Position #42:
    • “Knowing that there were no WMD’s in Iraq, there is no way I would have gone to war”…
    • Erm…Isn’t there a word for that…Hmmm….lets see Maybe “Hindsight”….yeh thats the ticket….
    • And just to make sure we’er as totally confused as ever by the Olive Oil candidate in the primary’s debating Screaming Dean the feckless Senator said:
    • …”[Anyone] who thinks that we are not safer with the removal of Saddam is not fit to be Commander in chief…”
    • But hey….that was then….this is now….no doubt tomorrow we’ll be somewhere else….
  1. Well, anything would be an improvement and at least it would give people something to look at during his amazingly dull and boring speeches.
    Maybe he could change the color as often as he changes his positions so it would be a big surprise each day what color his hair/position might be. Not sure how to work it when he changes positions in the same day but am sure details like that could all be worked out.

  2. Maybe he dyed his hair red to try to win one more vote? Either that, or he’s going for the clown votes. That’s prolly the only sector of the American public he truly fits in.
    /my bad (but honest)

  3. Excellent idea! When he’s done with that, he should dye his hair blue. Blue is most people’s favorite color. Then he should go to purple… and his slogan should be, “See my hair? It’s most people’s favorite energy. Kerry-Edwards not only has the best styled hair, but the most competitive hue of hair!”
    Then he’d win for sure.

  4. On my blog I recently posted “Top Ten Ways For Kerry To Get On Television”.
    It is a sad fact for Kerry that Democrats have short attention spans and will forget that there is an election or who their candidate is without constant reminders from the MSM.

  5. Frank
    You have offended me, a natural redhead, and redheads everywhere. Kerry in no way, shape or form, shall dare use my hair color as a means to get votes. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  6. Ach, he does look like a certain fast food franchaise mascot / spokesperson.
    But, he looks more like a zombie, maybe Ronald got infected by something, and turned him into a zombie.
    The other thing is that red is a perfect color for him, communist!
    Blue would be better, I think. Or purple, he could look like Grimace then. Now there’s a joke waiting to happen!

  7. I strongly suggest you photoshop in a red nose on that clown, the picture just looks incomplete with out a big red nose.
    Oh, and maybe a wave file with the little “Honka!Honka!” noise that will run when you click on the picture…

  8. The man is HIDEOUS. Not just because of his physical appearance; because of the evil that he is on the inside. Also, he looks like a ventriloquist dummy. Did anyone else see him on David Letterman tonight? He was wearing a LIVESTRONG band! A yellow, livestrong band on his wrist. How dorky can you get? Also I think he has dentures. And at the beginning, Dave was talking about the debates, and how their first debate was about standing versus sitting, and Dave was like “President Bush wanted to sit, and you wanted to stand?” And Kerry said “Well, standing, sitting, I don’t really care…” and went on to talk about the VPs….but he might as well have said “I don’t have an official position on that” or something equally flip floppy. He can’t even decide whether he wants to sit or stand! I don’t want him running my country. Anyway, that hair is an improvement.

  9. Nice – going for the kiddy vote, are we?
    He needs the big, floppy shoes, the round, red nose and the gloves to really make the ensemble sing, though.
    And the light-up, glow-in-the-dark tie…mustn’t forget the tie, that’s essential.
    He’s gonna need a job, come November 3rd – who knows, maybe ol’ Ray Kroc will be hiring then.

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