Just Beat It

I mentioned this story about an Iranian woman who was trying to have a court keep her husband to only beating her once a week. The husband protested since he wouldn’t be able to keep his wife obeying him if he couldn’t beat her at will.
I have a better solution:

Yes, space lasers can even settle domestic disputes. So why isn’t funding pouring in?
Pour in the funding! ::shakes fist::

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    Sorry again. I really need to get those psychic powers checked. This time I was chanelling a small penised Iranian. Or is that redundant?
    Finally, someone blowing the lid off the terrorist genital inferiority issue. I’ve never understood why guys like Rather are willing to make up any crap they want about Bush, but never sneak in something like, “Hamas terrorists blew up a bus full of preschoolers today, possibly in a political gesture but more likely just because they’re jealous that even israelli toddlers have more in their pants.”

  2. You should draw the laser beam narrower next time.
    A coherent high-energy light source, coming from even as far away as a really cool satellite in space, will have only diverged a centimeter or two over that distance.
    Plus, you could do better on the smoke rising from the ashes. Due to the high liquid content of people, there should be a huge steam cloud over the pile of ashes.
    But, hey, don’t let ME tell you how to draw cartoons! 😉

  3. Frank,
    You keep mentioning all of these violent things that we can do with space lasers, but you are getting no traction. It’s a PC world now. You need to come up with some, er, non-destructive uses if you’re going to sell your laser idea. Say, like making popcorn like Val Kilmer did in “Real Genius”. Also, you can play some cheesy 80’s music. Yah, that will sell it.

  4. peni? So then what is a group of peni called? A herd of peni? As in Jennifer screamed, “Ahh help! I am about to be trampled by a stampeding herd of peni!”? A gaggle of peni? As in Lance noticed that a gaggle of peni had just landed in the field. A swarm of peni? The swarm of angry africanized killer peni attacked Mongo ferociously. A school? The school of peni fought against the current so that they could find the exact stream they were born in to spawn and the die. Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. I agree space lasers can settle domestic disputes, and this is all the more reason to close the domestic space laser gap. Don’t let those err.. commies? get ahead. I think research should concentrate on a North-American wide Domestic Space Laser Defense System. Or N.A.D.S.L.D.S if you will.

  6. okay, Waffle King, it’s Italian diction to the rescue! double consonants make a difference. hence penne would be prounounced something like pehn neh. the n is sounded longer than normal. whereas pene would sound like pay nay. okay, not quite “ay” but there isn’t really an english equivolent start saying “ay” which is a diphthong, but leave the “i” sound off the end. Woo, I knew that music degree would pay off some day.

  7. So…
    We’re all in agreement then. The correct space laser emitter thing should be phallic in shape (like the one that the martian had on mars in that Bugs Bunny episode when the martian was going to blow up the earth).
    Oh. Y’all think I’m kidding. Go back and watch that episode. The earth-destroying laser was truly phallic – even had the ring of circumsided foreskin near the “head”.
    “Where is the KABOOM? There was SUPPOSED to be an earth-shattering KABOOM!”

  8. David G,

    …the plural for penis is penes.
    It’s a third declension noun.
    Hey, if Dan Rather doesn’t have to follow the “rules” then neither do I! It is my right as an American to make up new words (see: Dissin’ and “Hate Crime”). What are you? A fascist? A racist? Against free speach?!?! Shame on you for dissin’ me with your hate crime!!!
    Connecticut Yankee,
    a group of peni is called a “grope” as in “Paris Hilton has seen a grope of peni in her lifetime.”

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