Lighten the Mood with a Cartoon

I’m waiting for my workplace’s verdict on the Hurricane Framces which will be at 1pm. Whatever it is, I booked a room at the Orlando Airport so I can drive up there tonight after I secure my house (who knows when an evacuation order will come out, and then the roads will be packed).
A lot on my mind, so, to lighten the mood, here is a drawing I did of SarahK and I at the canyon.


  1. OH, “BOW means girl.”
    Makes more sense, and yes, thank you for not drawing anatomically correct representations of yourself and SarahK. Although you should have drawn her with more stuff on her back, since she carried everything and you just ambled along.

  2. Frank,
    There was a time, in the history of our education system, when universities taught engineers to draw with a little skill, and, dare I say it, write legibly.
    Has that time passed, or is it just you?

  3. Frank, be careful! You’re heading straight to a DEATH PLANT!!!! If you just knew you are in such danger you wouldn’t have that smile on your face! Will Frank survive the imminent encounter? Will the space lasers save him at the last second? Will he ever find the Excedrin? Uh, who cares. Look! a penguin on TV!

  4. It kinda depends on the kind of engineer Frank is. Also the ability to use a manual drafting board or do a quick sketch goes in and out of fashion. When CAD first came along esp. AUTOCAD, a lot of schools dropped their engineering and design graphics courses. Then in the real world employers complained they didn’t know drafting and design standards so the schools started the basic drafting courses again before turning them loose on CAD courses. It goes back and forth. Then when you consider that chimpanzees eat monkeys and Frank hates monkeys Frank might be a chimp engineer. Which may explain why SARAHK thinks he’s cute and cuddly.

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