Links of the Day

A great cartoon on how the “forgery” is all a Bu$hitler plot!
And now conservatives have a slogan to mindlessly chant.
Finally, have you been listening to CBS news? The reports are more interesting than I thought.

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  1. I knew Rather was a freak! And that little pink tutu he was wearing last night proves it.
    I’m going to write to my Senator and complain, then I’m going to make love to my dog!
    Just kidding! I can’t make love to my dog, I ate him last night!

  2. Reminds me of the Tom Tomorrow cartoons, on which I was housebroken by my previous owner. (Till I shot him. I only winged him. But now he lets me do my business wherever I want.) Yep, I can just see that little penguin with the strange glasses.

  3. One thing hasn’t been mentioned in the debate on the forgeries: Terry Macauliffe believes they are forgeries too. The first day the shiznit hit the fan, he told people they were planted by Karl Rove. Rush reported that Friday and today (Monday). Now what does Macauliffe know that Dan doesn’t? Macauliffe knows they are forgeries because his hand is in the cookie jar somewhere, and that was why he was so quick to admit it. Dan got them either from the DNC or the Kerry campaign, or some Demo operative, and if he admits his source is a “partisan political hack”, to quote an insult slung at bloggers in jammies, he is toast, so he is stonewalling. Did Sir Terry pull the wool over Emperor Dan’s eyes? Or is the Emperor’s hand in the cookie jar too?

  4. So now that the sharks are circling… WaPo and NYT both have articles coming out that I think qualify as the final straw…
    There’s this one quote that comes to mind from good old WKRP in Cincinatti that I can just picture Dan Rather saying:
    (Mr Carlson:) “as god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”

  5. LMAO krakatoa! I hadn’t thought of that episode in years, but it must have been used by the Democraps for their business model for this entire campain! “What can we do to make people like us?” “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!”

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