My Last Post on Hurricanes (Hopefully)

Unless Ivan comes my way, I want this to be my last post on hurricanes. Through all the wind, rain, threat of lost property, panic, fear, undrinkable water, gas shortages, destroyed street lights, power loss, and heat, I’ve learned one thing: the word “potable.”


  1. Are you referring to the term for drinkable water, or the ebonics term for a device which can be carried from one location to another, often by an individual commonly known as a “looter” to another individual commonly referred to by law-enforcement agents as a “fence”?
    I didn’t know we would be having a vocabulary test! -8-I

  2. May I make some very serious suggestions?
    Buy yourself some of those one gallon plastic jugs that are used to protect things from light. Since it’s just you for now, 20 gal. of water saved in a spot in your house that you can use for a shelter would be a good storage space.
    That won’t keep you going for long, but it’ll make it a lot easier to ride things out until you can get a way to make more water potable. Warning: while water can’t go “bad”, you want to change your water at least once a year to keep it “fresh”.
    Also: if you have to ride out something, remember, clean bathtubs are our friend. That’s one heckuva lot of water you can save in what should be an easy to reach spot.
    If you can find a crank/solar radio, that’s a good thing to have as well. That way, the power goes, you can still hear any warnings, etc. as long as the radio stations are up and running.
    Here’s hoping this might help you and others ride out difficult situations.

  3. you should have learned something else…
    when you find a good woman, never leave her…
    you shouldn’t even be in FL at this point.
    Texas is the place to be, not to mention the presence of the beautiful SarahK
    Just my 2 cents…

  4. Frank:
    Ivan has once again turned directly for Orlando. Will you please help me in calling on the Southern Baptists to Cease and Desist praying for the demise of Disney. It appears that despite my scepticism God is answering that prayer. Could you SBs be more specific and pray for mechanical failures of the directors’ corporate jets. The Hurricane nee Sunshine State thanks you.

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