Note to Blogosphere

CBS and Dan Rather are really really sorry for putting forth forged documents and doing shoddy journalism, so everyone in the blogosphere be nice to them now. Let’s also not speculate exactly who the documents originated from, because that’s just petty.
In other news, it is true the DNC is now giving me money, but that will not affect my blogging.


  1. Frank,
    Do a waiting for Godot post! Possibly IMW! Oh, and a sequel to When God Attacks! That one is my favourite!(I know, wrong thread, but the other one is “old”[John Kerry had a different war stance then], and Frank will not look at it).

  2. The problem is not Dan or C-BS. It’s the sheeple that believe every word they hear on TV or the radio. MSM all have been duping the stupid for a very long time. It’s only now that the intelligent and critical thinkers have an excellent avenue of debunking the lies and half truths; the internet.

  3. Come on folks, let’s get serious, c-BS has been a leftist spewing agent for the Democrats for years. All you have to do is listen to the news broadcasts on radio, for instance.
    Not to mention Rather was raising funds for that Travis County Democrat Party too, and his offspring is a player as well in the same organization. They knew it was faulty, but they ran it anyway, anything to destroy Dubya.
    Balanced, fair, independent, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
    What, 90-95% of the Press Corps votes Democratic, that’s balanced. Right? Right?
    C-BS, a-BS, n-BS, Communist News Network, MS-nBS, etc.
    Give me a break.

  4. Crazy MSM. As prophesied in the Simpsons, all these “news” networks will merge into one giant one, CNNBCBS, a division of ABC, and they will rule all with their mighty biased news reports! Muh ha ha ha! (Okay, so that last part wasn’t in the Simpsons.)

  5. Speakin of shoddy journalism and leftist spewing agent for the Democrats…I was watching Madeline Albright on Hannity and Combes, and it made me wonder….Has anyone ever seen Madeline Albright and Helen Thomas in the same room at the same time?
    -uhh also…new reader…great blog, I shall tell my friends.

  6. Do they even make platinum plated cigar bands?
    Where is the evil Willow when you need her to get a sincere apology outa Gunga Dan. You don’t have to skin the whole body right away dear, just the scrotum to start with.

  7. It was a Triple-Play of Mammoth proportions, Frank.
    From Burkett to Cleland to Lockhart. With Assists from Mary Mapes, Dan Rather and his daughter.
    Get your Rain Gear, guys and gals. It it going to get Messsssy! Starting tomorrow!!!!

  8. Ahh Danny Boy…..
    I’ve watched with absolute glee as you have set up your own demise.
    I just completed fifty-five years on this earth, and I have had a lot of time to reflect upon the trash you and the other “major news networks” have fed me over the years.
    I was lucky to live in St. Louis all these years where the hypocritical “major” newspaper is the St. Louis Post-Disgrace, (or the Beijing Dispatch, you choose the name you prefer). The Pulitzer Publishing Company owns the Post-Dispatch, purveyors of the famed “Pulitzer Prize”–. You know, the one you lefties give each other.
    I’ve been through the Vietnam era, the Watergate era, the Reagan Revolution, and the rest. I’ve watched you and your fellow purveyors of spun lies prosper and become more arrogant and self-important.
    As time passed, I began to dismiss news media like the P-D, Newsweek, U.S Snooze, The NY Times, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and other purveyors of spin. When did the time come when you decided not to report the news, but to create it to suit your own view of the world? When did your arrogance and political leanings outweigh any professional standards of journalism?
    I guess the bottom line is this. I was taught that journalism was a profession. It was an honorable pursuit, and necessary to bring the TRUTH to the public. It was not a journalist’s job to bring his or her personal feelings or beliefs to the table, nor ALLOW them to color the truth. NaÔve, wasn’t I.
    Journalists were the part of society which kept us honest. I have for thirty years watched
    “mainstream” journalism become nothing more than a propaganda mill. It is a shame, it is a disgrace, and until it is exposed to the light of day it is a threat to the democracy that our people have bled all over the world to protect.
    Have a good retirement Dan. Try France–.Maybe Russia would suit you–

  9. Congrats, bloggers. You did bring about the downfall of See-BS and that idiot Rather. Enjoy. Celebrate. You deserve it.
    But . . .
    The most horrible thing about the MSM is their self-worship since Watergate. They never shut up about it. In fact, now those idiots name every single scandal something-gate.
    Don’t go down that road bloggers. In spite of how sweet this victory is – you need to let it pass and move on.
    You are better than the MSM. Sure, it will be appropriate to keep an eye on the See-BS link to the Kerry campaign. But more importantly, keep your eye on the ball or this story will be your Watergate.
    To paraphrase Jim Carrey – you can tell how big a loser someone is by how far back in time they have to go to be a hero – “You remember when I was a sperm? I outswam all those other sperm!! ”
    Please bloggers, John Kerry is such an asshole that it is truly important not to get bogged down with the fall of Dickless Dan.

  10. Amen, Brother Mongo (although I’m 51). After listening to people like kindly Uncle Walter and GungaDan, I’ve given up on MSM and stopped reading newspapers.
    And SarahK, I have but one word for you. Diamonds.
    Imperial Keeper

  11. Actually, the Democratic Underground, the folks who can’t move on, and yes, even the mainstream media are all part of a giant conspiracy to keep Republicans in power forever. Let’s see how this works:
    [Potential Democratic Nominee]: I offer up a sane and rational criticism of the Republican Agenda!
    [MSM, DUmb, Moore, etc]: And Bush is Hitler and is stealing oil and helping the Zionist Cabal turn us all into intergalatic love slaves to our asdfhsadewian overlords! Say it or we won’t vote for you.
    [Potential Democratic Nominee]: Yes, I truely shall waffle over there and bask in their insanity for they are my base and I must be sure they do not stay home.
    That’s why Michael Moore is so fat — it’s to hide the fact that he’s nothing more than a strawman, used to taint the less insane critiques of Republican policy with the foul stench of lunacy.
    Rove must be smarter than we all thought.
    BTW, I love the Republicans but I love them more when they have serious opposition. They can waste our hard earned tax dollars with the best of them too when the competition is crazy.

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