Nuke the Hurricane!

This is crazy. I’m starting to feel like I’m in London in the forties under constant threat of being bombed by the Nazis.
Only a little over two more months of this left…


  1. Frank:
    Watch out dude, I heard that the Islamofacists were going to seed hurricanes with monkeys from now on…evil islamofacists, evil flying hurrican monkeys. My advice, stand up like a man and empty as many magazines into the hurricane as you can while screamming at the top of your lungs, “damn you evil islamofacists flying mokey hurricane!”; that might convice it not to smite you and you’ll most likely hit and kill some of the monkeys too. Think of all the people who would come out of their shelters singing praise on the mighty Frank! The mulititudes would sing, “All hail FrankJ! Fighter and smiter of evil islamofacist flying monkey hurricanes! Let us bow do to his power and bring him much gold and cheese burgers and let us feast on sloths, orangatangs, ardvarks, and the shot up corpses of dead monkeys!” Then women and certain t-shirt babes would throw themselves at you saying, “O’ great and powerful Frank, we have seen your power and it is much bigger than the Bill Clinton and straighter too! Just command us lord and we shall do thy bidding!” Everyone will name their babies after you, even the girl babies. And their will be peace and happiness for all.

  2. Hurricane season? Yesterday I was up to my neck in a smelly, muddy, Ivan fouled bayou trying to find the missing parts of a pier. This the price we pay for the good times here in paradise. Now if I could just get something for this rash…

  3. sarahk, that was funny!
    And lest I laugh too much, that piker Ivan is actually moving to the Texas coast! Someone put a stake through that vampire’s heart already!
    (I know, it’s just a rain storm. But geez..he’s hanging on)

  4. You can do what Fidel Castro did when the last hurricane was headed for a part of Cuba-Stand resolutely, somewhere in the path of the oncoming storm (he stood in a tobacco field), shake your finger very stearnly into the air and say “Away with you! You will not harm this place!”

  5. “Hurricane Season?” Historically there is isn’t a month Guam hasn’t been hit by a major typhoon. We’ve had three near misses and one smacking since I got here 5 months ago. But we’re just a little 35-mile long island. Traffic doesn’t get backed up because there’s no where to go.
    Everything that isn’t strapped, bolted, or rusted solid has already been blown off the island.
    Oh, and yay values, Sarahk!

  6. Probably strengthen it by a couple categories!
    A hurricane survives on warm moist air that rises and condenses, releasing heat energy that further fuels convection and the storm’s vortex. If you detonate a nuclear bomb in the middle of the hurricane, you vaporize one humongous amount of seawater, add one humongous amount of heat energy, vastly adding to the energy available to the storm. I don’t think it would do much to dissipate the rotational energy–perhaps temporarily disrupting the winds in the very center of the storm. But all that new convection energy (think mushroom cloud) would turn it into a monster!
    Not to mention you’d now have a HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE hurricane heading for land somewhere…
    I’d love to see someone who is more of a physics/weather geek than I, do the calculation and see just how much it could potentially strengthen a storm.
    Heck! I bet you could START a hurricane by detonating a nuke somewhere out in the middle of the tropical Atlantic.

  7. sarahk,
    yes, I know you are in Amarillo in the panhandle, which is at least within 50 miles of Canada,
    but that darn Ivan almost rained out our charity golf tournament!
    shakes fist darn you Ivan!

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