Pajama Malfunction

K-Lo makes a great point about the blogosphere: while we were patting ourselves on the back for exposing a huge news scandal with forged documents in the MSM, we were all complete fooled by the fake Britney Spears wedding. Where was Charles Johnson using his typeface expertise on the marriage license? Where was Power Line tracking all the consitencies between the supposed wedding and a real wedding? Where was INDC Journal calling an expert on weddings to expose the fraud?
When it all really came down to the line, the pajamahadeen was MIA. In the end, the blogosphere still remains less than useless… like the U.N.

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  1. Now now, Frank… surely we’re more competent than the UN, simply because the UN is the definition of ultimate incompetence. I’d say we’re about as competent as the US Senate (aka, about 0.001 microns more competent than the UN)

  2. Careful Frank… Pajama Malfunction sounds suspiciously like some kind of “Wardrobe malfunction”. You don’t want to end up being fined into oblivion by the FCC, especially not with Jeanne making a U-Turn and heading back at you.

  3. “I’m thinking that Spears had an “oops” moment, and this is all an elaborate coverup/shotgun wedding.”
    I don’t think Ms Spears needs to worry if her virginal image is still intact. It isn’t.
    Mainly, she’s just insignificant.

  4. I might possibly care about Britney Spears’s marriage of the week in two, and only two, circumstances: 1) I become a stand-up comedian, or 2) we get videos like it was a Pamela Anderson marriage. Other than that, why the hell would anyone care? (Except about the “not wanting a prenup” part, that’s funny shit)

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