Question for Readers

This is a question for IMAO readers. If you’re not an IMAO reader, ignore this question.
Are there any particular type posts you want to see more of? Are there types of posts you want to see less of?
Okay, that was two questions. Put your answers in the comments section, and no wiseassery!

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  1. “In My World” and “Yvonne’s Ashes”…still trying to figure out how you wound up in Florida from Alaska.
    And, oh yeah, WE HAVE POWER AGAIN!!! God Bless the Power Company and all their workers. And there is a God, and he is Repulican. I have my power back, but the Democratic Kerry supporter across the street DOESN’T. BWAH-HA-HA-HA!!!!. (We have to be careful around him, though. Since he is a Democrat AND a Postal employee…he can be very dangerous!!

  2. Am I the only one that thinks that Top Ten Ways/Know Thy Enemy and Frank Answers are substantially better than In My World? Plus Links of the Day are the lifeblood of the blog, the Editorial’s are the brain of the blog and Our Military is the heart of the blog.

  3. spacemonkey, you stole my answer! i was gonna say, i heart it when you link to SarahK’s blog. she sure is quirky and funny and klutzy.
    anyway, i heart KTE, IMW, Editorials, Frank Answers, Frank Adventures w/ his T-Shirt Babe, and pretty much anything else.

  4. More Know Thy Enemy posts. Also, I really enjoyed first reading your version of events during the team building experience, and then going to read SaraK’s. I had to stop reading them at work because I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud!
    Oh, and if you really want my opinion, marry that girl!

  5. More “dirt” about Kerry and the campaign.
    More “postive” info about why we should vote for Bush regardless of who his opponent is.
    More space lasers.
    More photos of hot chicks with firearms.
    Movie reviews. Book reviews. Reviews of good conservative things and exposes of bad liberal things.
    Did I mention the hot chicks?

  6. Oh, yeah. I forgot the Limey too! My Bad – Made me proud to be English, NOT! And I must’ve forgotten to get my prescription filled the amount of stuff I am forgetting today.
    /Did I remember to add this to the comments?

  7. Where’s Buck!?!? He’s got work to do!! IMW posts are my favorites!!
    Hey! If you guys want pictures of hot chicks, go somewhere else! The internet is full of those things. We come here for the articles!!

  8. How about some more rambling hate mail like that sent to Michael Moore? I think its high time the likes of Dan Rather, John Kerry and his Sugar Mama, etc. felt the icy sting of Frank J.’s pen…err keyboard.

  9. Love the “Know thy enemy” and the parodies where the MSM forges documents to push their left wing agenda. What? That wasn’t parody? They really did forge those documents? Oh. Sarahk updates are good too and links of the day.

  10. You should post more about what would’ve happened if we hadn’t acted to stop global terrorism by toppling totalitarian regimes and genocidal dictators. Or maybe a post about the irony that some Iraqi soccer players speak out against America now that they won’t be tortured for losing or saying what’s on their mind.

  11. More IMW, know thy enemy, top 10. A request on the IMW if I may… I started reading roughly 2 years ago, I’d have to say the style of the IMW was better back then… it was closer to reality, something you could imagine happening… Ari throwing things at reporters, playing gameboy etc heh. Would be cool if we could move that direction, you know Scott finally snaps from the press conferences and starts drinking etc. Either way the IMWs are the best part.

  12. More cartoons. maybe even a few flash animations.
    More Sarahk
    More IMW
    …and more Sarahk
    More Know Thy Enemy
    ..and maybe even a little more Sarahk
    and finally, more Sarahk!
    You might also want to think about a buffet style snack table with those little ham sandwiches and pitchers of lemonade.

  13. I love your Frank Answers, KTE, and cartoons best of all. The most recent KTE:MSM was absolutely the pinnacle of political humor.
    Of course, I love it when you post pix of yourself & that adorable lil’ mountaineer, too. When’s the next Team Building excursion?

  14. When I first stumbled onto this site you were heavy into the Ari Fleisher press conferences with Helen Thomas, and guest appearances by Rumsfeld, Condi, and occasionally Bush. Those were freakin’ hilarious, and in my oppinion your best stuff. Maybe it’s cause it was all new to me back then, but even now when I go back and read that stuff it’s great comedy. The day Laura took Rumsfeld, Bush, Daschle, and Buck to the first grade class is your all time champeen. With the war winding down, Rums and Condi don’t get as much press time as they used to so it might be difficult to work them back in as much.
    The Jeeves/Kerry stuff is great also. I just know that every day when I log on, I’m hoping that there will be an in my world, with some type of behind the sceneds shennanigans with either the Bush camp or the Kerry camp. Behind the scenes at CBS might be good stuff now, particularly if Chomps makes an appearance.

  15. Though I may injure your fragile self-esteem, I must state that IMW is actually my least favorite feature. Love all the rest.
    IMW has grown into an entity all its own, and for my taste the running gags have grown tiresome. (“Angry. Very angry” and all that rot.) Obviously plenty of people love them still, but that fails to negate the fact that I am always right and all who oppose me are consequently wrong. IMW is very well done and funny in its own right, but it just doesn’t fit in with the rest. I come here to laugh and find witty insights (or just plain caustic sarcasm – that’s funny, too); not for a soap opera serialization of characters who have taken on a life of their own in such ludicrosity that they no longer truly represent those whom they parody.
    My favorites:

    • Hate mail
    • Limey wars (heh-heh)
    • Frank Answers
    • Know Thy Enemy
    • Umm… well, just everything but IMW
  16. 1) IMW
    2) The conclusion to Yvonne’s ashes.
    3) Complete details on the “getting show by a monkey incident”.
    4) Frank Answers to:
    a) What is your area of Engineering Speciality?
    b) What does your job actually entail?

  17. More “In My World”
    More “Know Thy Enemy”
    In other words….MORE FUNNY FRANK. I’m not paying you to inform, I’m paying you to be funny.
    Well, what I mean is that if I WERE paying you, it would be to be funny.
    And I STILL think you should think about making In My World a Cartoon (think South Park).

  18. I’d like to see more “In My World”, and it’s always good to see more “Know Thy Enemy”.
    And, uh… the Ronin Thought of the Day would be better if it was done every day. Well, every weekday, anyhow. Just saying. :o)

  19. MORE EDITORIALS! I print them out and put them back in the production area where I work for those people who are not “internet friendly”.
    More “Limey and Friends”, it’s good to know how the other half thinks… when they think…

  20. MORE EDITORIALS! I print them out and put them back in the production area where I work for those people who are not “internet friendly”.
    More “Limey and Friends”, it’s good to know how the other half thinks… when they think…

  21. I want the conclusion of the Grand Canyon adventure!!! Please?
    Oh, and In My World on the news of the week. What would happen to CBS in Frank’s world? Teraaaayza in Frank’s world? And does Terry Macuallife ever get caught red-handed typing forged documents on his computer, then gets to meet Chomps? Inquiring minds want to know!!

  22. More “In my world”
    More “Know thy enemy”
    More making fun of anyone you don’t agree with.
    More Filthy lies with Photochop evidence.
    How about Frank’s “Know you firearms”? Where you give us the lowdown on your winners and losers in the field firearms.
    I especially like the Rummy portrayals from IMW, but Chomps has been done to death.

  23. iraqwarwrong,
    where have you been? you did realize the iraq war is no longer a war but a rebuilding stage. our troops have had a minimal amount of casualties compared to any other presidencies..and a friend of mine is over there he’s being paid well, he said things are better since this presidency (armor, pay, treatment, etc)…and he’s glad he’s doing the right thing for the country. I think it’s funny how the people that are sitting in their beds sleeping comfy at night call the war wrong but the people who are serving for our country come back and say great things about what they are doing…my cousin jeremy who is also serving talked about the children (he couldn’t talk about missions)..but he said he is proud of what he did. there were no war crimes etc…
    OHHH SOORRRRYYYY i want to see more IMW almost forgot this is a humor site

  24. IMW rocks. I print it out if I’ve gotta rush out the door. 🙂 It’s all good. Just keep it up. (oh, I like the kitty in the lamp bit, perhaps you could stage up more o’those sortsa things with Photoshop and run more caption contests. Maybe I won’t be late for them…)

  25. FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! Just to catch your ATTENTION!
    1) I honestly miss the old IMWs, cuz they had unique flavor. More PRESS CONFERENCES! PLEASE improve on them. PLEASE! Especially when someone uses a JETPACK! You need the JETPACK!
    2) FRANK ANSWERS as well

  26. Dear FrankJ,
    You awake, fella?
    Only I am signing in this way because your delusion has become so self- reinforcing that posting a message to your fake comment section is the only way I can remind you to take your meds. The nurse has placed them in a small paper cup next to your URINAL, so be careful which thingie you DRINK from…
    Okay. Now let’s get started on the therapy session, shall we?
    I think it would be very helpful for you today to continue talking about just exactly what it is about writing all these comments with the different names is so… mmm… SATISFYING to you. I mean, you’ve been watching the TV a little this week, and I overheard you mumbling something about nice Mister RATHER and all the difficulties HE’s gotten himself into with his little excursions into “Let’s Pretend” land…
    Or if you’re not comfortable with that, what would YOU like to talk about?

  27. I can’t speak for other Scotts’ posting here, but this Scott (Not the wife killer in CA – You give Scotts’ a bad name!) I think I have had enough of the Limey and iamwrong for an eternity, thanks. I hear enough leftist bilge in a day that I don’t need to see it here. I was yelling, yet again, at the c-BS morning news on WSBT 960 AM, while they try to continue to try to get the Frenchurian Candidate elected. Seeing all the evidence that France played a hand in the corrupt Oil for Palaces program, from that Satan-spawned Useless Novelties in NY, I am not surprised that France and the UN continue to screw up, in both Iran and the Sudan.
    I love all the IMW, especially with Chomps, Rummy, and GWB going on raids, and the Know Thy Enemy, Ronin Thoughts, and commentaries.
    Keep up the great work, Frank!

  28. If you don’t have any advice, please have more “In My World”.
    Just keep Chomps away from me in them … his teeth are seared … seared in my brain.
    I feel like you are my only friend. Did you know I served … sorry. Habit.

  29. How about a monthly meeting with other bloggers with a theme showing that whatever they can do, you can do better?
    Such as:
    1. Piston/revolver contest at the range in Dallas with Kim Du Toit
    2. Kung Fu competition in Chicago with Blackfive
    3. Canine Mixology with Glenn Reynolds
    4. Insulting Deadbeat Neighbors in Colorado with Jeff Goldstein
    5. Making a delicious 5 course meal with lard being the main ingredient with Steve in Coral Gables

  30. More (much, MUCH more) of anything involving:
    Donald Rumsfeld (Rrarrr!)
    Buck the Marine
    Samurai thought(s) (and/or swords – same thing, really)
    Sarah K
    Any truly fiendish and ingenious methods of torturing and/or maiming Mickey Moore-On (aka, Michael Moore); don’t wanna kill him, just ways of causing him infinite levels of pain and humiliation.

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