Question of the Day

Is it okay to regime change as many countries as we want out of the principle that it’s just wrong to share the planet with a culture like this that gives a bad name to humanity – and thus us all?
Actually, I think the man makes a good point in the last sentence of the article. If we don’t beat other countries enough, they won’t be scared enough to obey us.
What do you think?


  1. What I can’t quite begin to fathom is that all the advocacy groups and screaming feminists aren’t standing against this sort of rot and demanding our government invade every one of these countries to liberate the potential feminists among their populace. It’s as if Muslims get a free pass because they’re Muslims. I can’t help but come to the conclusion that the screaming feminists and advocacy groups really ARE just America-haters and not actually supportive of their particular “cause”. I wish these people would leave and go LIVE in one of these other countries forever and be forced to submit to their standards and expectations.

  2. remember, the Iranian youth are also being oppressed by the mullahs. many expect a popular uprising. The mullahs will ruthlessly crush their people, again, thru paramilitary violence.
    on a brighter note, we recently sold the Israelis 500 bunker busters.
    the Israeli UN ambassador, referring to the Iranian nuclear program, said the time for talk is almost over.
    Frank maybe could start a contest for the best slogans which the Israeli bomb techs could paint on the side of the busters before they send the Iranian nuke techs to meet w Allah.
    here’s one to get the bomb…er, ball rolling:
    “I got your 77 virgins right here pal.”
    and the ever popular:
    “payback’s a bitch…ass-a-hola.”

  3. This is the kind of one sided journalism that’s got Dan Rather’s ass in a crack. Absolutely no mention is made as to whether the wife was deserving of a beating or not. We’re left to assume that she is totally innocent. She may damn well be oversalting the goat or not beating out the rugs properly. Where can I go to get a fair and balanced account of this incident?? {end sarcasm}
    To the genius who cracked on public schools regarding sarahk’s post:
    I went to public schools from 1st through BS, so how’d I do? Grammer? Spelling? Sentence structure?

  4. Well – before September 11th happened, I was not much of a take over the world person, but after that horrid day (I still listen to the Angry American a least once a week – and I still don’t feel any different) I cannot see letting countries continue to foster, support, or harbor the kind of people that did that.
    I am all up for taking out Iran, Syria, Palistine, and Egypt for starters, and maybe even half of Africa. They have proved that they need colonization, again. : /

  5. “If we don’t beat other countries enough, they won’t be scared enough to obey us. What do you think?”
    I say we nuke the moon!
    Oh. Wait…FrankJ already said that.
    (I wore the t-shirt yesterday. I love the looks on people’s faces. Most of them don’t ask what it means–maybe afraid to ask what it means. 😀 )

  6. Feminists aren’t jumping on this one because they see the strategy. The woman, by asking for just weekly beatings, has found enlightenment, but expected her hubby’s reaction and didn’t want to send up too many red flags to him. Give her a few years, she’ll ask for bi-monthly, then monthly, etc, until she’s finally crossed over to be beating him daily.
    But what better way to get a point across than to flip-flop your opponents and kick merry arse?

  7. Don’t forget people that this woman does not want liberation, enlightenment or rescue. She is quick to admit she needs beaten…just not every day.
    If these women are true to their religion, then they accept that the Quran states that husbands MUST beat their women. Nobody ever said God was into equal rights. Any woman who truly believes in her muslim faith wants a good beating now and then. The only thing the Quran states is that you don’t hit her in the face.
    Which is odd, I thought that was what the vail was for.
    I have read multiple cases like this one, and in every single one the woman fully recognized her husband’s right to beat her and that God says she needs beaten.
    as for the libs and feminists, they are opposed to anything that resembles actual effective action. They demand that all “activities” for the good of the world start and end with lame protests that accomplish nothing.
    If they were truly interested in protecting people, they would be demanding we go into the Sudan and stop the genocide immediately. But they won’t do that because they have to prepare themselves to protest when we DO go into Iran, Sudan etc…and actually help these people (though in Iran’s case most don’t believe they need help because they need regular beatings because God says so.)

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