Rather’s Last Stand Political Comic: Special Edition

I know many of you liked the comic I did Sunday. It’s become precious to you and part of popular culture. Still, it wasn’t what I had envisioned.
Thanks to technology that simply wasn’t available two days ago, reader R Strong has digitally enhanced the comic so it’s now more like what I originally envisioned.
New Digitally Enhanced Comic
Having loved the previous one so, I know many of you are not going to like this change, but art is a living thing that should evolve with the times.
Now if only I could make it so Greedo fires first…


  1. ooooohh!!! I’m always THIS CLOSE to first! aaaargghh
    excellent comic, poor little left handed guy – all alone in an army of right handers – too bad I have no idea how he feels. I wish you hadn’t put the image of a naked dan rather in my head…ew.

  2. Bravo! It’s almost Rembrandt-esk in it’s masterful use of stick figures and heart covered pajamas… I wan’t to be and artist just like Frank J. when I grow up…. Darn, I’m already growed up, and I still can’t draw…. must move on to killin’ things then.

  3. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but on Michelle Malkin’s (*** sigh ***) site she’s put up an actuall email address at CBS: SCAMS@CBSNEWS.COM
    Its purpose is to report scams that “viewers” think CBS should investigate. Hmmmmm…do you think that this stonewall qualifies?

  4. Maybe we could just round up all of the “Kerry Democrats” and put them on the panhandle? The increase vacuum created by their collective heads being in one place at one time should be more than a match for Ivan; it’s only a category 5, after all. And if this doesn’t work the hurricane smacks them. It’s a win, win situation.

  5. [rant]Frank, you don’t want to make it so Greedo fires first…he’s not supposed to fire at all, remember? Not first, not even at the same time, not ever. He just gets fried by Han. Period.[/endrant]
    LOL. Okay, I’m off the soapbox now.
    -The Real Conservative Carl
    aka The Half-Elven Commie Slayer

  6. I want to see Bloggers’ PJ’s made available on Cafe Press!! They need to be in digital brown and they need to be in a variety of sizes.
    Surely the Emperor can make it so!!
    I’d also like to see Dan Blather’s head on the sharp end of a pike and Billiary in jail!!
    Please, O’ Emperor!! Make it so!!

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