Osama Speaks

Here is the surprise I told you about. In a final push for votes, the words of Osama are being used.

Click here to hear the audio.

Just Kidding

Reader Marcin sent me this Heritage Foundation article in which they quote from my Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton (fourth paragraph):

At least one commentator speculates, “Halliburton saves money on labor by using slave labor. They save money on slave drivers by just giving whips to angry gorillas.” This is in jest, we think, but given the general tenor of discourse when it comes to Halliburton, it is hard to be sure.

Really! You think that might be in jest?
Also, this isn’t the big surprise I alluded to before (that’s still to come), but I’m breaking up with SarahK after I found this completely non-photoshopped picture:

Continue reading ‘Just Kidding’ »

A Soldier Needs Your Help

An even better way to spend your Sunday is to help someone, and one of our soldiers lost both legs and an arm to a landmine. His family doesn’t have enough money to stay with him for an extended period, and Blackfive has how you can help.

Frank Bible Quotes: Tobit 4:1-22

Here is my last Tobit excerpt for the time being. I hope this has been educational for all you non-Catholics who don’t have the book of Tobit.
(SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Some claim posts like this to be blasphemous, and IMAO takes no responsibility if you are turned into a pillar of salt for reading it. Oh, and I’m just kidding, God, but You knew that.)

Continue reading ‘Frank Bible Quotes: Tobit 4:1-22’ »

November Surprise

I’m sitting on something big here… maybe enough to turn the election.
Expect it late Sunday.

My Civic Duty

“Vote early and avoid the wait!”
Bull something-or-other!
I was in line for more than two hours because they have one tiny room in a mini-mall for the entire city for early voting.
Freak’n civic duty.
At least now I can come straight home Tuesday and liveblog the election results. Yes, that’s right, I’m going to do my first ever liveblogging. I’m going to be glued to the T.V., and I can’t prepare a post for the next day, so I might as well. Also, this election will have important effects on America, the world, and, most importantly, this blog (what will a Kerry administration mean for In My World™?). Also, as I said before, if Bush is reelected and Mel Martinez is elected to the Senate, I will film and air me doing the happy dance.
Anyway, I may be the last person to link to this, but here’s a hilarious video displaying your choice on Tuesday (unless you early voted).
Later, ronin.
BTW, aren’t the people taking over Instapundit – especially Ann Althouse – the nicest people? I bet none of them has ever drank a puppy.

Radio Ad: The Worst Thing About Bush

For balance – and you know my site is all about balance (it’s in my tagline somewhere) – here’s a brand new anti-Bush radio ad produced by Scott McCollum.
As always, feed back is appreciated.
If the sound clip cuts off early, follow instructions I posted with the previous sound clip.

The IMAO Presidential Endorsement

In the course of this long campaign, you’ve been asking yourself one question, “Who will IMAO tell me to vote for?” Well, that time has come, and the person you should vote for is President George W. Bush.

Domestically, he has given me tax cuts.

He may have done lots of spending, but I don’t know how that affects me so I don’t care.

Most importantly, though, he’s killed terrorists.

Even stopping the evil Saddam.

The war on terrorism is very important, so he even teamed up with great allies like Tony Blair.

Together they fought terrorists and ninjas.

Bush’s opponent, Senator John Kerry, is scared of terrorists and ninjas.

That’s why I enthusiastically endorse Bush and say that Kerry is a goober. We need four more years of tax cuts and dead terrorists.

I’m Sweepy

I have the day off, so I slept in big. I’ll get to writing now, but, while you wait, you can check out the Carnival of the Recipes if you like cooking. If you don’t like cooking – like me – then you can twidle your thumbs until I post.

Tomorrow on IMAO!

More of my beloved art!
A new radio ad… possibly the funniest yet!
And, what you’ve all been waiting for, my presidential endorsement!

The Left Are Tolerant Unless You’re Different

Here’s a neat article on wearing pro-Kerry atire in Bush-county versus wearing pro-Bush attire in Kerry owned areas.

Bush Talks to the Kids

Bush has stopped by the same elementary school that Kerry did to talk about being President for career day, and I think he schooled those kids good.
The audio is here.
(As always, lots of feedback is appreciated.)
A: If you are using WinAMP, Quicktime, or Windows Media Player and the IMAO audio ends abruptly, the fix is to get the FREE upgrade for the MP3 player you use:
Apple Quicktime:
Microsoft Windows Media Player:
If you have trouble hearing any of the dialogue (such as the “fast announcer” at the end of some ads) you can follow along with the closed captioning using the latest version of Microsoft Windows Media Player.
When playing the IMAO radio ads in Windows Media Player, follow these steps to turn on captions:
1. Click on the Play option on the menu at the top of the screen.
2. Click Captions and Subtitles
3. Choose the On if Available option to read the script of the IMAO radio ads.
(See? We are deaf-friendly.)

Draft Ad

I know many of you don’t like the ad about the draft on my page, but they paid for their space, and, as IMAO readers, it’s your duty to support my sponsors and thus be irrationally scared about a draft.

If Bush is Reelected, Do You Think the Radical Left’s Heads Will Explode Like in Scanners?

As the election draws nearer, expect even crazier tactics from the Democrats to try and tip the election in their favor. Here are some things they may try:
* Make Michael Moore even fatter, hairier, and nosier to increase his sphere of influence.
* Attack D.C. via the most dangerous weapon known to man – the zeppelin!
* Try to get angry, biting monkeys the vote due to their high Democrat leanings.
* All major media gives full editing control to Terry McAuliffe and James Carville… the ones that haven’t already, that is.
* They offer proof that Bush is Saddam Hussein.
* Have a Halloween contest for scariest costume and everyone shows up as Bush because, ya know, no one is scarier than Bush.
* They trot out an endless parade of floozies who say Bush groped them.
* Get even dumber, shriller celebrities to make hysterical statements about voting (e.g. “If you don’t vote, we could lose gravity as we know it!”)
* Since the 527s haven’t worked… unleash the 528s!
* Every tree in Redwood National Park is cut down and converted into forged documents about Bush’s National Guard service.
* Hide in the closets of nursing homes to scare old folks about Social Security.
* In protest of imagined voter intimidation, sit in front of polling places and set themselves on fire hoping the smell keeps away Republicans.
* Try and prove Bush’s incompetence by stealing explosives in Iraq themselves.
* Claim brutality when they are shot by Marines.
* Go out into the streets and have a screech-a-thon from now until the election.
* Make use of their least tapped special interest group: gay, Latino, handicapped ninjas.

Links of the Day

I’m a dangerous psycho hiding under a pseudonym and you’re all none the wiser.
New homos have been discovered… and they’re hobbits!
You won’t believe the war crimes John Kerry is involved with this time.
Here’s a local news station reporting on how my brother’s Marine unit has been called out (link for video in lower left corner). Yeah, you have to register (it only takes a second) and my brother isn’t in it, but you get to see some real Marine’s reacting to being called out to combat for the first time (if I never told anyone, I’m real proud of my brother, Joe foo’ the Marine).
I have the audio of President Bush doing a Career Day appearance at the same elementary school Kerry was at, and he schooled those kids good. I’ll post the mp3 tomorrow.