Osama Speaks

Here is the surprise I told you about. In a final push for votes, the words of Osama are being used.

Click here to hear the audio.

Just Kidding

Reader Marcin sent me this Heritage Foundation article in which they quote from my Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton (fourth paragraph):

At least one commentator speculates, “Halliburton saves money on labor by using slave labor. They save money on slave drivers by just giving whips to angry gorillas.” This is in jest, we think, but given the general tenor of discourse when it comes to Halliburton, it is hard to be sure.

Really! You think that might be in jest?
Also, this isn’t the big surprise I alluded to before (that’s still to come), but I’m breaking up with SarahK after I found this completely non-photoshopped picture:

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A Soldier Needs Your Help

An even better way to spend your Sunday is to help someone, and one of our soldiers lost both legs and an arm to a landmine. His family doesn’t have enough money to stay with him for an extended period, and Blackfive has how you can help.

Frank Bible Quotes: Tobit 4:1-22

Here is my last Tobit excerpt for the time being. I hope this has been educational for all you non-Catholics who don’t have the book of Tobit.
(SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Some claim posts like this to be blasphemous, and IMAO takes no responsibility if you are turned into a pillar of salt for reading it. Oh, and I’m just kidding, God, but You knew that.)

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