Did You Know…

…pound for pound, feathers weigh more than gold.
…squirrels are the only other mammal than humans that have mastered the garrote.
…John Kerry has a plan.


  1. How it it possible that feathers “way” more than gold, pound for pound. If one pound of feathers weighs one pound, and one pound of gold weighs one pound, then they weigh the same: one pound. I think what you meant to say was that feathers are denser than gold; that the between equal volumes of gold and feathers, the feathers would weigh more. In science they call that denisty. D= m/v

  2. I know Kerrys plan!
    After he puts the foil hats on his entire cabinet, he will hire ninja squirrles to squirt Heintz ketchup all over the public libraries and gay bath houses. He will then set fire to the constitution and proceed to make love to some kind of farm animal, possibly a goat…

  3. A guinea pig is not from Guinea but a rodent from South America.
    A firefly is not a fly, but a beetle.
    A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
    A black panther is really a leopard that has a solid black coat rather then a spotted one.
    Peanuts are not really nuts. The majority of nuts grow on trees while peauts grow underground. They are classified as a legume — part of the pea family.
    A cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit.

  4. It’s true, a pound of feathers weighs more than a pound of gold. Gold is measured 12 troy ounces to the troy pound, 373.24 grams mass. Whereas feathers are measured in good old Anglo-Saxon, native subjugating pounds, one pound being 453.59 grams mass. So feathers do weigh more than gold, pound for pound. (reference http://lynncoins.com/troy_ounce.htm)
    This only confirms Frank J.’s evil cleverness and his conspiracy with the garotte wielding squirrels. And I know only because of my evil cleverness, my conspiracy with the garotte wielding squirrels, and my superior Kung Fu! Frank J. was not counting on my superior Kung Fu!

  5. Mr Fu –
    The term you are looking for is “Avoirdupois pounds.” And of course, you are correct, one Avoirdupois pound of feathers is 1.2152 times as heavy as one Troy pound of gold.
    Could hire the squirrels to kill the monkeys?

  6. I dunno nuttin’ about the weight of a pound of gold vs. the weight of a pound of feathers, but I do know how to calculate the weight of a bullet.
    There are 252.7 grains in one cubic inch of water. To calculate the total bullet weight in grains, the bullet volume, in cubic inches, is multiplied by the specific gravity value, and then by 252.7. The product is bullet weight in grains.
    Fun facts to know and tell!!

  7. Maybe Kerry’s plan is to say that he has a plan. If Kerry is asked what the plan is he says, “If you have to ask you are too dumb to understand the explanation. I have a plan and I am the plan. In fact I am the planet, not to be confused with a small piano or miniture harpsichord.” Chirac will be bent to Kerry’s will because he is afraid that Kerry will either tell him “the plan” or ask Chiract to explain his “plan.” Everything is all planned out. Meanwhile Kerry plays his plannete.

  8. Thank you, Drew. I try to use French as little as possible. And if it were necessary I would also be careful to distinguish pounds force from pounds mass. I also avoid using slugs whenever possible.
    Hmmm, wouldn’t a mass unit called a “squirrel” be interesting? Or even a “monkey.” But perhaps “monkey” is best left as a unit to measure evil. “So this Democrat, we was about nine monkeys or so evil, and…..”

  9. Mike_rdr, arrr! I prefer feet / seconds / grains / and wound channel volume measured in “fists.” But I also grok pi = c = h-bar = nu = 1, but that often puts one in the company of cgs fans. Though I do hold a certain fond regard for a “newton” of force. Sir Isaac had it all goin’ on! Even that cookie thing. And don’t get me started on J.C. Maxwell!

  10. Or confirmed, really. Doesn’t matter anyhow; Kerry’s just a puppet for the dems so they can push Hillary and try and look all progressive.
    I say we run Condi if they pull that crap. We’ll look even more progressive!

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