Draft Ad

I know many of you don’t like the ad about the draft on my page, but they paid for their space, and, as IMAO readers, it’s your duty to support my sponsors and thus be irrationally scared about a draft.

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  1. Are moonbat bites fatal? Or are they like werewolf bites – he’s going to turn into a moonbat at every full moon? Is there a special medicine FrankJ needs to take to ward off the terrible effects of a moonbat bite?
    Help FrankJ!

  2. I can’t believe all the commies and hippies on this site who don’t want Frank to rightfully earn a buck.
    And sarah, this site should be equal opportunity, so if we’re stuck seeing Frank shirtless, we should be able to see you shirtless as well. It’s the only fair course of action.

  3. Yeah, every time I go there, my stress level skyrockets. How can anyone be so willfully stupid? Then I made the tactical error of trying to reason with them. Turns out they are impervious to reason and logic.
    Also, I would like to concur wholeheartedly with the gentleman above me in regards to Sarahk and the shirt issue.

  4. Frank Didn’t make the Ad,
    He just takes the money for them to rant and rave about useless crap that is just meaningless rhetoric anyway.
    Hell if they want to they can pay me and I’ll let them do it.
    Donks Cash spends just like Repub Cash.

  5. I went to that site, and it’s hard to tell whether or not it’s a double reverse sideways self parody.
    I was in favor of the ads when it was a hot chick, but those four guys make me suspicious of myslef, which bothers me and makes me think about hate crimes. So it should go. What’s wrong with waxing you chest? John Wayne did it. Mmmmm – John Wayne. I mean, uh. bad, bad shirtless men. Time to spit and watch nascar.

  6. Take their money Frank. They’re useless idiots who think they care more about everything than everyone else. There’s not as many comments as here, and most of them are by the way-beyond draft age hosts. It shows the blind desperation of the Lurch campaign.
    Gotta pay for your Guinness somehow.

  7. Well, I can’t imagine anyone is more annoyed with that ad – and the nonsense it advertises – than I am. But Frank is right, of course: You pays your money, you gets your ad. Capitalism cuts both ways.
    I’m refuting their ridiculous asertions as best I can on my own blog; I’ve already gotten a couple e-mails and comments from folks who are reading that site. As the saying goes, the cure for too much free speech is more free speech.

  8. We’re going to have a draft. Also, we’re going backing to bows and halberds.
    In other words, conscripts are useless for the sort of fighting we do now. Modern combat requires motivated, highly trained pros.
    Thank God, we no longer give the military unlimited quantities of human fodder, so therefore they can’t use people like toilet paper; they’re compelled to take care of what they have. I think this is the first time in history that we’re effectively teaching our foot soldiers how to survive in combat.
    As another point, if we “need” a draft because we’re short of manpower, then I suggest we start paying infantrymen $100k/year. Think that would take care of the “shortage”?
    What a draft really says is that we want to fight a war, but we don’t want to pay market prices for the guys needed to fight it. So like good socialists, we just steal them.

  9. Woah, my poor American fellows! Bushtiler’s eeevil, fascist Italian business partner Berlusconi abolished the decades-long draft at the beginning of this October… since Berlusconi bases much of his platform on the GOP’s, it’s doubtless that Bushitler will reinstate the draft the minute the elections are stolen!!!1
    HEY! WTF is up with Google’s left-of-communist ads?
    “Kerry’s Foreign Policy
    Read John Kerry’s outline of his planned changes to foreign policy.
    “I have a plan, and it’s on the interneeeet!”

  10. The “shortage” of troops is not that there aren’t enough volunteers…there are (at least for the Marines). The problem is the service budgets.
    Only a certain amount of personnel can be trained…from boot camp to MOS training at any given time due to the number of facilities and associated support costs.
    Remember the “peace dividend” at the end of the cold war? Liberals were wetting themselves because they figured the overbearing EEEEEEvil military budget could now be used for more…progressive…programs. I will be the first to agree that a lot of fat was trimmed. But they went too far, past fat and muscle and started hacking into the bones.
    After every major conflic there is a call to cut back the military and the Cold War was no different. It wasn’t a Peace “Dividend” it was a Peace “Loan” and we in the military knew that one day the loan would come due and the interest would be paid with the lives of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.
    Raising the pay isn’t really the answer for a very good reason….you can’t pay anyone enough to put up with the hardship, danger, and bllsht that you have to put up with when you join. Nobody…NOBODY…joins the military to become rich, ESPECIALLY since 9/11. They join for the training, the experience, or a sense of duty. They re-enlist because they realize the importance of what they’re doing.

  11. Actually, FormerHostage, the “problem” is that each branch of the military is limited to a set number of personnel by federal law. We have the ability to quickly ramp up the capacity of our training facilities if needed. There are entire Army Reserve divisions whose primary mission is to provide the needed drill sergeants and MOS instructors.

  12. ChrTh, SLAP That’s for the shirtless comment. Do you honestly mean to tell us that you searched the whole internet and couldn’t find a picture of a topless gal so you came to IMAO hoping to see one? Really! Try harder!
    Frank, What if Mattel approaches you to do an ad for their “Barrel of Monkeys” toy? Then what?

  13. lobo,
    I agree that the number is limited by law, however even if the congress raised the numbers tomorrow and approved an appropriate budget, it would take months (years in some special cases) to get the facilities opened and running at a reasonable pace.
    Some of those reserve units have already been activated and are on the ground.
    I guess my point is that alot of people don’t understand the military and therefore don’t understand why someone would join. So their solution is to “raise the pay” to pull them in.
    They also underestimate the amount of time it takes to train to the point where they could survive.
    On a lighter note…I vote for SarahK sans t-shirt. Either that of a pic of her slooooowly pulling it over her head….uh….’scuse me…I have to go take a cold shower.

  14. i guess i have some fault of my own. My problem is i clicked on it…then i read some of it. I tried to figure out twice what the heck was going on there (2 clicks for you Frank) and it just got me ticked off. Certain things about war just aren’t funny to me. Cheney harkened back to when he was sucurity advisor and said there were over 2 million actives nearly double than there are now and they never had a need for a draft. He suspects that he will manage the need for more troops in the same way that we have in the past and further said the idea of a draft seemed absurd at this time. The “backdoor” draft thing is sad as it is for guys and girls who want to come home…they KNEW that there was a possiblility of such things when they signed up for duty in the MILITARY. It ain’t the red cross. That website is pure hype and it makes me want to unload a 10 punch slap combination on the idiots writing that stuff…now on with the FUNNY

  15. Yes I am a Capitalist Pig (note the capital “P”!) but really, do you need these a-holes’ money SO badly that now we all have to try to rationalize — “those idiots! They don’t realize this is a site mostly frequented by conservatives!”
    These people are lying sleazeballs–I’ll repeat–LYING SLEAZEBALLS wo are trying to affect the outcome of the election of the country I LIVE IN!
    Would you take money from a kiddie porn site? Wouldn’t you feel better telling them to F@#* off? Be honest now.

  16. I don’t think I am banned, I just gave up on the moonbats when they didn’t explain why they thought the draft was even plausible, much less likely. No congressman in his right mind would vote for a draft (Charles Rangel is not in his right mind.)

  17. wow–gone for a few hours and I miss someone getting nasty and deleted. that’s it, now I am staying logged on 24/7.
    SarahK–you don’t need to take your shirt off to melt the hearts of mortal men.
    I need to get a t-shirt babe for my own blog… any volunteers?

  18. Puhlease,just say you want the money.
    Really,theres no reason to be ashamed of it unless you think Stoller,Shank and whathisface are scum.
    And everyone else,just come out and say “I want to be Frank’s favorite poster”,it will save a lot of time and you won’t have to strain to come up with all these witty comments.

  19. Frank, we know where you stand, and we’re all for you. Take the money and run. For that matter, if the Moslems and the Nazis (but I repeat myself) ever decide to take out ads here, more power to you.
    FormerHostage, I wasn’t arguing that our military are motivated by those enormous, enormous salaries we pay them. Except for the troll scum, we’re all pro military here. But I still think my “shortage” point was valid. I hate conscription; people are not government property.

  20. Some things are more sexy when left to the imagination.
    Keep the shirt on, just get a more form complimenting shirt.
    Kevin what a bass turd you are.
    It must have been pretty F’d up to get Miss K. to say ass, instead of pinky toe.

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (runs in circles)
    Oh, wait, I’m already in the military(and to old)…
    Waahhh, I can’t win…
    (That sufficient, oh great one?)

  22. There comes a time in a man’s life when he needs to be shot in the ass cheek to remind him what reality is all about, and why dignity is less important than money. By allowing that fagtastic advertisement on this site, Frank has been officially shot in the ass – shot in the ass by the magnum of tomorrow’s babies. This is what our country was founded on – bullets, ass wounds and greed, damnit.
    So let that eagle soar, Frank J, let it fly into the mountains and over the deserts. Let it fly over those in bondage as well as us normal heteros, and let it fly over my house. Fear not that I have a highly sensitive anti-aircraft automated system set up, for my disease is hungry, and the only cure is an exploded eagle. The exploded eagle of tomorrow’s babies.

  23. An idea for those who don’t like the idiotic “Raaarrhh-the draft- booga booga” ad: spend your money and put your own ad in that space. After all, one of the tenats of conservative thought is “if you think there is a problem, then you fix it.” Whining is the Leftist technique. So, let’s see a bidding war for that ad space!

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