I Know What I’m Seeing Next Weekend

The nuts at Democratic Underground have their panties in a bunch over the move Team America: World Police, so it’s looking like it might be quite enjoyable. Any reviews out for it yet (there was a sneak preview I think this last weekend)?
UPDATE: Ask, and ye shall receive.


  1. Its funny how mad they get basically because they’re being made fun of and not bush.
    they were talking about “bias” in this movie, yet they take Farenheit 9/11 as a rational and fair movie.
    liberals never fail to amaze me

  2. Maybe the movie takes away their right to dissent….after all, that’s all they live for is to dissent. Funny, I grew up in my career knowing an absolute truth was “A happy Sailor (Soldier/Airman/Marine) was a bitching Sailor (Soldier/Airman/Marine). Giving that, with all their whining, how come they just don’t join up to make the extra 40,000 troops Kerry would need to fight the rest of the wrong war in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

  3. Frank,
    I saw the sneak preview Saturday night. It is by far the funniest movie that I have seen in many years. I was laughing almost the whole time. I know that you’ll love how Matt and Trey portray all our favorite Hollywood leftists, as well as Michael Moore.

  4. I’m with Loki. Best. Movie. Ever. Even a Democratic co-worker that tagged along enjoyed it. Moonbats definitely will hate it though – it tears apart the EU, the UN, “all-talk” foreign policy, Michael Moore, Hollywood activists, and pretty much every other liberal sacred cow you can imagine. The only way to make it better would be a puppet of a very angry rottweiler.

  5. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait.
    Did I mention I can’t wait?
    Try to find the 2 minute clip of Kim Jong Il’s meeting with Hans Blix (Or should I say Hans Brix), I think it’s on Netflix.
    Oh yeah, I can’t wait.

  6. I have seen trailers and excerpts which made me laugh almost as Frank does, and then I discovered the release date for France: March 16th, 2005. IF it is not canceled, and IF it is on more than 2 or 3 cinemas for 1 week before disappearing.
    And let’s hope they don’t translate it and ruin it.
    France sucks.

  7. Man, and I thought this movie was gonna suck. I did get a bit peeved at the way they portrayed Americans as being dumb, but the way they made the Hollyweird chronic rehab cases look…. that was the best! I’m planning on going back and seeing it again when it comes out and not just a sneak preview.

  8. I want to see Hans Blix being eaten by a shark in the tank under Kim Jung Il’s palace.
    Also want to see how the Gerry Anderson-ish puppets and strings get tangled up performing ‘Puppet Sex’.

  9. There actually seems to be some – and I mean SOME – coherent thought from some some people on that thread, for a change. I think it is bloody hillarious that they get their pantys in a bunch over a spoof of the Thunderbirds (which I also highly recommend to all the “Freepers”). Almost wants me to register with DU just to see more of that kind of crap-for-brains “thought.” Almost. Almost doesn’t cut it, though.

  10. As one of the “token libruls” here, I have this to say: this movie sounds kickin’!
    Now, I can’t stand movie theaters, but I’d put up with it to see Susan Sarandon and Janeane Garaffaffallffgghhjjkklloo get blown away!

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