I’m Sweepy

I have the day off, so I slept in big. I’ll get to writing now, but, while you wait, you can check out the Carnival of the Recipes if you like cooking. If you don’t like cooking – like me – then you can twidle your thumbs until I post.

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  1. “Sweepy”???
    Get off your lazy bum, call your local GOP HQ, and volunteer for a precint walk! In addition to work, and trying to have something that resembles a social life, I’m out there ALONE, in wind, and rain, facing vicious border collies from hell… and I almost stepped on a friggin’ copper head, sitting in the middle of the side walk… and I think I’m developing a blister on my big toe! ARGH!
    Seriously. Precint walks. Help deliver candidate info, including the conservative judicial candidates! Come on, people, November 2nd is only days a way! If Kerry is elected, I’m gonna need some serious anti depressents, or booze. You wouldn’t like me when I’m drunk.

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