Links of the Day

With ninja stars, dual .45s, and… well, I don’t want to spoil it all, but this flash animation has everything! (including profanity, so be warned)
Thanks to reader R. Czigan for pointing me to it.
UPDATE: Maybe you’re supposed to go here, go to browse (under “stuff”), swf, and then bob_the_ball.swf
Also, RightWingDuck has a tribute to Rodney Dangerfield that couldn’t be more fitting. Make sure to check it out.

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  1. Danger FrankJ!
    That site doesnt want direct linking. I am sure more people will get the message posted below.
    You’re at this page because someone sent you a direct link to something on my site. I’m not a big fan of this because it uses up MY bandwidth that I pay for. Please let me know if you were linked here directly.
    Unless of course, I direct linked you, in which case, whoops. If that’s the case then let me know. Just include the url I linked you from (trust me I’ll know…don’t try to pull one over on me) so I can add it to the accepted list.
    In 30 seconds you will be redirected to the main site, or you can click here to just go.
    In order to find the file you were linked to (you’re still more than welcome to see it – I just don’t want my site used as downloading only) enter the site and click the “browse” section under stuff. The sections are as follows:

  2. It’s really kind of silly… if you make something available to the internet, people are going to link to it, if it’s any good. The fact that it’s sort of a pain to get to doesn’t change the fact that I still used the same bandwidth he was whining about, I just had to scroll through a stupid file list first.
    Funny cartoon though.

  3. You kids crack me up! Waaahhh, sniff, sniff. I had to click thru some files! When I was a young-un, we had to type at the DOS prompt! On teletype machines with 300 baud modems, no less. Video hadn’t even been invented yet. The internet was only a gleam in Algore’s warped mind. etc., etc….

  4. thanks for visiting my website folks, I don’t care if someone links to my site, but i don’t want to be someoen else’s free file host, that’s why there is no direct linking. the other reason it’s there is because this used to be a big problem, i would run out of bandwidth every single month because of linking to stuff on my site and it erked me that the people didnt even see my site. by the way part two is on my site too.
    ps- i dont go around calling you guys whiners and whatnot for complaining about no direct linking…so whoever posted that is being pretty rediculous

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