My Civic Duty

“Vote early and avoid the wait!”
Bull something-or-other!
I was in line for more than two hours because they have one tiny room in a mini-mall for the entire city for early voting.
Freak’n civic duty.
At least now I can come straight home Tuesday and liveblog the election results. Yes, that’s right, I’m going to do my first ever liveblogging. I’m going to be glued to the T.V., and I can’t prepare a post for the next day, so I might as well. Also, this election will have important effects on America, the world, and, most importantly, this blog (what will a Kerry administration mean for In My World™?). Also, as I said before, if Bush is reelected and Mel Martinez is elected to the Senate, I will film and air me doing the happy dance.
Anyway, I may be the last person to link to this, but here’s a hilarious video displaying your choice on Tuesday (unless you early voted).
Later, ronin.
BTW, aren’t the people taking over Instapundit – especially Ann Althouse – the nicest people? I bet none of them has ever drank a puppy.

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  1. That is the best movie clip EVAR. In other news, I heard on the radio yesterday that people in Pittsburgh were handing out fliers saying they changed the rules for voting. They said Republicans should vote on Nov. 2nd and Democrats should vote on Nov. 3rd. It’s a good idea, and I wish I had thought of it.

  2. Thanks for sharing that link, Frank. I had to wipe the tears from my face from laughing so hard. Of course, I’ll never be able to think of the theme to “Rawhide” the same way again.
    In the “Questions to Frank” column, what will be the result if all the LLL that vote for FP/BG implode at the same time from their candidates receiving the President’s Victory Salute? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. Darn, I shouldn’t have read the comments before I saw the clip. Now I’ve got the Ronin,Ronin, Ronin, thing going through my head. I love the blogosphere. The MSM thought they had something with the Bush bird flip and it’s been used as a turnaround. Also, the happy dance involves military face paint in addition to firearms and nudity. Thank you FrankJ this helps me get out of my shitty mood.

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